/* * Amazon FreeRTOS * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file aws_mqtt_agent.h * @brief MQTT Agent Interface. */ #ifndef _AWS_MQTT_AGENT_H_ #define _AWS_MQTT_AGENT_H_ /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" /* MQTT lib includes. */ #include "aws_mqtt_lib.h" /* Library initialization definition include */ #include "aws_lib_init.h" /** * @brief Opaque handle to represent an MQTT client. * * The MQTT library is capable of creating multiple MQTT clients, maximum number of which * is controlled by mqttconfigMAX_BROKERS macro. Each client is identified by an opaque * handle which is returned by the MQTT_AGENT_Create API call and later used in all * the subsequent API calls. */ typedef void * MQTTAgentHandle_t; /** * @brief Return codes. * * Each API returns a value of this type. */ typedef enum { eMQTTAgentSuccess, /**< The operation was successful. */ eMQTTAgentFailure, /**< The operation failed. */ eMQTTAgentTimeout, /**< The operation timed out. */ eMQTTAgentAPICalledFromCallback /**< The MQTT agent APIs must not be called from MQTT callbacks as callbacks run * in the context of MQTT agent task and therefore can result in deadlock. This * error code is returned if any MQTT agent API is invoked from any callback. */ } MQTTAgentReturnCode_t; /** * @brief Various events reported by the library in the callback. * * The user can register an optional callback with the MQTT library to * get notified of various events including Publish messages received * from the broker. This enum identifies the event received in the * callback. */ typedef enum { eMQTTAgentPublish, /**< A Publish message was received from the broker. */ eMQTTAgentDisconnect /**< The connection to the broker got disconnected. */ } MQTTAgentEvent_t; /** * @brief Passed by the library in the callback to inform the user of various events. * * If the user has registered a callback to get notified of various events, a pointer * to this structure is passed in the callback function. * @see MQTTAgentEvent_t. */ typedef struct MQTTAgentCallbackParams { MQTTAgentEvent_t xMQTTEvent; /**< Type of the event received. */ /* This union is here for future support. */ union { MQTTPublishData_t xPublishData; /**< Publish data. Meaningful only in case of eMQTTAgentPublish event. */ } u; } MQTTAgentCallbackParams_t; /** * @brief Signature of the callback registered by the user to get notified of various events. * * The user can register an optional callback to get notified of various events. * * @param[in] pvUserData The user data as provided in the connect parameters while connecting. * @param[in] pxCallbackParams The event and related data. * * @return The return value is ignored in all other cases except publish (i.e. eMQTTAgentPublish * event): * 1. If pdTRUE is returned - The ownership of the buffer passed in the callback (xBuffer * in MQTTPublishData_t) lies with the user. * 2. If pdFALSE is returned - The ownership of the buffer passed in the callback (xBuffer * in MQTTPublishData_t) remains with the library and it is recycled as soon as * the callback returns.
* The user should take the ownership of the buffer containing the received message from the * broker by returning pdTRUE from the callback if the user wants to use the buffer after * the callback is over. The user should return the buffer whenever done by calling the * MQTT_AGENT_ReturnBuffer API. * * @see MQTTAgentCallbackParams_t. */ typedef BaseType_t ( * MQTTAgentCallback_t )( void * pvUserData, const MQTTAgentCallbackParams_t * const pxCallbackParams ); /** * @brief Flags for the MQTT agent connect params. */ #define mqttagentURL_IS_IP_ADDRESS 0x00000001 /**< Set this bit in xFlags if the provided URL is an IP address. */ #define mqttagentREQUIRE_TLS 0x00000002 /**< Set this bit in xFlags to use TLS. */ #define mqttagentUSE_AWS_IOT_ALPN_443 0x00000004 /**< Set this bit in xFlags to use AWS IoT support for MQTT over TLS port 443. */ /** * @brief Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Connect API. */ typedef struct MQTTAgentConnectParams { const char * pcURL; /**< The URL of the MQTT broker to connect to. */ BaseType_t xFlags; /**< Flags to control the behavior of MQTT connect. */ BaseType_t xURLIsIPAddress; /**< Deprecated. Set the mqttagentURL_IS_IP_ADDRESS bit in xFlags instead. */ uint16_t usPort; /**< Port number at which MQTT broker is listening. This field is ignored if the mqttagentUSE_AWS_IOT_ALPN_443 flag is set. */ const uint8_t * pucClientId; /**< Client Identifier of the MQTT client. It should be unique per broker. */ uint16_t usClientIdLength; /**< The length of the client Id. */ BaseType_t xSecuredConnection; /**< Deprecated. Set the mqttagentREQUIRE_TLS bit in xFlags instead. */ void * pvUserData; /**< User data supplied back as it is in the callback. Can be NULL. */ MQTTAgentCallback_t pxCallback; /**< Callback used to report various events. In addition to other events, this callback is invoked for the publish * messages received on the topics for which the user has not registered any subscription callback. Can be NULL. */ char * pcCertificate; /**< Certificate used for secure connection. Can be NULL. If it is NULL, the one specified in the aws_credential_keys.h is used. */ uint32_t ulCertificateSize; /**< Size of certificate used for secure connection. */ } MQTTAgentConnectParams_t; /** * @brief Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Subscribe API. */ typedef struct MQTTAgentSubscribeParams { const uint8_t * pucTopic; /**< The topic to subscribe to. This can be a topic filter containing wild cards as permitted by the MQTT protocol. */ uint16_t usTopicLength; /**< The length of the topic. */ MQTTQoS_t xQoS; /**< Requested Quality of Service. */ #if ( mqttconfigENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT == 1 ) void * pvPublishCallbackContext; /**< Passed as it is in the publish callback. Can be NULL. */ MQTTPublishCallback_t pxPublishCallback; /**< Callback function to be called whenever a publish message is received on this topic or on a topic which matches this * topic filter. If a publish message is received on a topic which matches more than one topic filters, the order in which * the callbacks are invoked is undefined. This can be NULL if the user does not want to register a topic specific callback, * in which case the generic callback ( if registered during connect ) is invoked. */ #endif /* mqttconfigENABLE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT */ } MQTTAgentSubscribeParams_t; /** * @brief Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Unsubscribe API. */ typedef struct MQTTAgentUnsubscribeParams { const uint8_t * pucTopic; /**< The topic to unsubscribe from. */ uint16_t usTopicLength; /**< The length of the topic. */ } MQTTAgentUnsubscribeParams_t; /** * @brief Parameters passed to the MQTT_AGENT_Publish API. */ typedef struct MQTTAgentPublishParams { const uint8_t * pucTopic; /**< The topic string on which the message should be published. */ uint16_t usTopicLength; /**< The length of the topic. */ MQTTQoS_t xQoS; /**< Quality of Service (QoS). */ const void * pvData; /**< The data to publish. This data is copied into the MQTT buffers and therefore the user can free the buffer after the MQTT_AGENT_Publish call returns. */ uint32_t ulDataLength; /**< Length of the data. */ } MQTTAgentPublishParams_t; /** * @brief MQTT library Init function. * * This function does general initialization and setup. It must be called once * and only once before calling any other function. * * @return pdPASS if everything succeeds, pdFAIL otherwise. */ lib_initDECLARE_LIB_INIT( MQTT_AGENT_Init ); /** * @brief Creates a new MQTT client. * * The MQTT library is capable of creating multiple MQTT clients, maximum number of which * is controlled by mqttconfigMAX_BROKERS macro. If mqttconfigMAX_BROKERS clients are already * in use, this function will fail immediately. Otherwise a new client is setup and the handle * to the created client is returned in the pxMQTTHandle parameter which should be used in all * the subsequent API calls. Note that the returned handled is only valid if the return value * of the API is eMQTTAgentSuccess. * * @param[out] pxMQTTHandle Output parameter to return the opaque client handle. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if a new client is successfully created, otherwise an error code * explaining the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Create( MQTTAgentHandle_t * const pxMQTTHandle ); /** * @brief Deletes the already created MQTT client. * * This function just frees up the internal resources and does not disconnect. The user must * call MQTT_AGENT_Disconnect API to make sure that the client is disconnected before * deleting it. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the client is successfully deleted, otherwise an * error code explaining the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Delete( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle ); /** * @brief Establishes a connection with the MQTT broker. * * @note This function alters the calling task's notification state and value. If xTimeoutTicks * is short the calling task's notification state and value may be updated after MQTT_AGENT_Connect() * has returned. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] pxConnectParams Connect parameters. * @param[in] xTimeoutTicks Maximum time in ticks after which the operation should fail. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS * macro to convert milliseconds to ticks. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the connect operation succeeds, otherwise an error code explaining the * reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Connect( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, const MQTTAgentConnectParams_t * const pxConnectParams, TickType_t xTimeoutTicks ); /** * @brief Disconnects the connection with the MQTT broker. * * @note This function alters the calling task's notification state and value. If xTimeoutTicks * is short the calling task's notification state and value may be updated after MQTT_AGENT_Disconnect() * has returned. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] xTimeoutTicks Maximum time in ticks after which the operation should fail. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS * macro to convert milliseconds to ticks. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the disconnect operation succeeds, otherwise an error code explaining * the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Disconnect( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, TickType_t xTimeoutTicks ); /** * @brief Subscribes to a given topic. * * @note This function alters the calling task's notification state and value. If xTimeoutTicks * is short the calling task's notification state and value may be updated after MQTT_AGENT_Subscribe() * has returned. * * Whenever a publish message is received on a topic, the registered callbacks are invoked * in the following order: * * If we have an exact matching entry in the subscription manager, the corresponding * callback is invoked. * * Then the wild card topic filters are checked for match and the corresponding callbacks * are invoked for the ones which match the topic. * * @note If a publish message is received on a topic which matches more than one topic * filters, the order in which the registered callbacks are invoked is undefined. * * @warning If the user takes the ownership of the MQTT buffer by returning eMQTTTrue from the * callback, no further callbacks are invoked. The user should make sure not to take the ownership * of the MQTT buffer if they want all the callbacks to get invoked. For example: * * Subscriptions: a/b/c, a/b/#, a/b/+ * * Publish message received on topic: a/b/c --> First the callback corresponding to a/b/c * subscription is invoked. Then the callbacks for topic filters a/b/# and a/b/+ are invoked * in no particular order. If the user decides to take the ownership of the MQTT buffer in * any of the callback by returning eMQTTTrue, no further callbacks are invoked. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] pxSubscribeParams Subscribe parameters. * @param[in] xTimeoutTicks Maximum time in ticks after which the operation should fail. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS * macro to convert milliseconds to ticks. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the subscribe operation succeeds, otherwise an error code explaining * the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Subscribe( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, const MQTTAgentSubscribeParams_t * const pxSubscribeParams, TickType_t xTimeoutTicks ); /** * @brief Unsubscribes from a given topic. * * @note This function alters the calling task's notification state and value. If xTimeoutTicks * is short the calling task's notification state and value may be updated after MQTT_AGENT_Unsubscribe() * has returned. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] pxUnsubscribeParams Unsubscribe parameters. * @param[in] xTimeoutTicks Maximum time in ticks after which the operation should fail. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS * macro to convert milliseconds to ticks. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the unsubscribe operation succeeds, otherwise an error code explaining * the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Unsubscribe( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, const MQTTAgentUnsubscribeParams_t * const pxUnsubscribeParams, TickType_t xTimeoutTicks ); /** * @brief Publishes a message to a given topic. * * @note This function alters the calling task's notification state and value. If xTimeoutTicks * is short the calling task's notification state and value may be updated after MQTT_AGENT_Publish() * has returned. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] pxPublishParams Publish parameters. * @param[in] xTimeoutTicks Maximum time in ticks after which the operation should fail. Use pdMS_TO_TICKS * macro to convert milliseconds to ticks. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the publish operation succeeds, otherwise an error code explaining * the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_Publish( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, const MQTTAgentPublishParams_t * const pxPublishParams, TickType_t xTimeoutTicks ); /** * @brief Returns the buffer provided in the publish callback. * * When a publish message is received from the broker, the buffer containing the message * is returned in the user supplied callback (xBuffer in MQTTPublishData_t) and the user * can take the ownership by returning pdTRUE from the callback. The user should later * return the buffer whenever done by calling the MQTT_AGENT_ReturnBuffer API. * * @param[in] xMQTTHandle The opaque handle as returned from MQTT_AGENT_Create. * @param[in] xBufferHandle The buffer to return. * * @return eMQTTAgentSuccess if the return buffer operation succeeds, otherwise an error * code explaining the reason of the failure is returned. */ MQTTAgentReturnCode_t MQTT_AGENT_ReturnBuffer( MQTTAgentHandle_t xMQTTHandle, MQTTBufferHandle_t xBufferHandle ); #endif /* _AWS_MQTT_AGENT_H_ */