# ========================================== # CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C # Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams # [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] # ========================================== $ThisIsOnlyATest = true require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../test_helper" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../lib/cmock_header_parser' describe CMockHeaderParser, "Verify CMockHeaderParser Module" do before do create_mocks :config @test_name = 'test_file.h' @config.expect :strippables, ["STRIPPABLE"] @config.expect :attributes, ['__ramfunc', 'funky_attrib', 'SQLITE_API'] @config.expect :c_calling_conventions, ['__stdcall'] @config.expect :treat_as_void, ['MY_FUNKY_VOID'] @config.expect :treat_as, { "BANJOS" => "INT", "TUBAS" => "HEX16"} @config.expect :when_no_prototypes, :error @config.expect :verbosity, 1 @config.expect :treat_externs, :exclude @parser = CMockHeaderParser.new(@config) end after do end it "create and initialize variables to defaults appropriately" do assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) assert_equal(['const', '__ramfunc', 'funky_attrib', 'SQLITE_API'], @parser.c_attributes) assert_equal(['void','MY_FUNKY_VOID'], @parser.treat_as_void) end it "strip out line comments" do source = " abcd;\n" + "// hello;\n" + "who // is you\n" expected = [ "abcd", "who" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove block comments" do source = " no_comments;\n" + "// basic_line_comment;\n" + "/* basic_block_comment;*/\n" + "pre_block; /* start_of_block_comment;\n" + "// embedded_line_comment_in_block_comment; */\n" + "// /* commented_out_block_comment_line\n" + "shown_because_block_comment_invalid_from_line_comment;\n" + "// */\n" + "//* shorter_commented_out_block_comment_line; \n" + "shown_because_block_comment_invalid_from_shorter_line_comment;\n" + "/*/\n" + "not_shown_because_line_above_started_comment;\n" + "//*/\n" + "/* \n" + "not_shown_because_block_comment_started_this_time;\n" + "/*/\n" + "shown_because_line_above_ended_comment_this_time;\n" + "//*/\n" expected = [ "no_comments", "pre_block", "shown_because_block_comment_invalid_from_line_comment", "shown_because_block_comment_invalid_from_shorter_line_comment", "shown_because_line_above_ended_comment_this_time" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove strippables from the beginning or end of function declarations" do source = "void* my_calloc(size_t, size_t) STRIPPABLE;\n" + "void\n" + " my_realloc(void*, size_t) STRIPPABLE;\n" + "extern int\n" + " my_printf (void *my_object, const char *my_format, ...)\n" + " STRIPPABLE;\n" + " void STRIPPABLE universal_handler ();\n" expected = [ "void* my_calloc(size_t, size_t)", "void my_realloc(void*, size_t)", "void universal_handler()" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source)) end it "remove gcc's function __attribute__'s" do source = "void* my_calloc(size_t, size_t) __attribute__((alloc_size(1,2)));\n" + "void\n" + " my_realloc(void*, size_t) __attribute__((alloc_size(2)));\n" + "extern int\n" + " my_printf (void *my_object, const char *my_format, ...)\n" + " __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));\n" + " void __attribute__ ((interrupt)) universal_handler ();\n" expected = [ "void* my_calloc(size_t, size_t)", "void my_realloc(void*, size_t)", "void universal_handler()" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source)) end it "remove preprocessor directives" do source = "#when stuff_happens\n" + "#ifdef _TEST\n" + "#pragma stack_switch" expected = [] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source)) end it "remove assembler pragma sections" do source = " #pragma\tasm\n" + " .foo\n" + " lda %m\n" + " nop\n" + "# pragma endasm \n" + "foo" expected = ["foo"] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source)) end it "smush lines together that contain continuation characters" do source = "hoo hah \\\n" + "when \\ \n" expected = [ "hoo hah when" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove C macro definitions" do source = "#define this is the first line\\\n" + "and the second\\\n" + "and the third that should be removed\n" + "but I'm here\n" expected = ["but I'm here"] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source)) end it "remove typedef statements" do source = "typedef uint32 (unsigned int);\n" + "const typedef int INT;\n" + "int notatypedef;\n" + "int typedef_isnt_me;\n" + " typedef who cares what really comes here \n" + # exercise multiline typedef " continuation;\n" + "this should remain!;\n" + "typedef blah bleh;\n" + "typedef struct shell_command_struct {\n" + " char_ptr COMMAND;\n" + " int_32 (*SHELL_FUNC)(int_32 argc);\n" + "} SHELL_COMMAND_STRUCT, * SHELL_COMMAND_PTR;\n" + "typedef struct shell_command_struct {\n" + " char_ptr COMMAND;\n" + " int_32 (*SHELL_FUNC)(int_32 argc, char_ptr argv[]);\n" + "} SHELL_COMMAND_STRUCT, * SHELL_COMMAND_PTR;\n" + "typedef struct shell_command_struct {\n" + " char_ptr COMMAND;\n" + " int_32 (*SHELL_FUNC)(int_32 argc);\n" + "};\n" expected = [ "int notatypedef", "int typedef_isnt_me", "this should remain!" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove enum statements" do source = "enum _NamedEnum {\n" + " THING1 = (0x0001),\n" + " THING2 = (0x0001 << 5),\n" + "}ListOValues;\n\n" + "don't delete me!!\n" + " modifier_str enum _NamedEnum {THING1 = (0x0001), THING2 = (0x0001 << 5)} ListOValues;\n\n" + "typedef enum {\n" + " THING1,\n" + " THING2,\n" + "} Thinger;\n" + "or me!!\n" assert_equal(["don't delete me!! or me!!"], @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove union statements" do source = "union _NamedDoohicky {\n" + " unsigned int a;\n" + " char b;\n" + "} Doohicky;\n\n" + "I want to live!!\n" + "some_modifier union { unsigned int a; char b;} Whatever;\n" + "typedef union {\n" + " unsigned int a;\n" + " char b;\n" + "} Whatever;\n" + "me too!!\n" assert_equal(["I want to live!! me too!!"], @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove struct statements" do source = "struct _NamedStruct1 {\n" + " unsigned int a;\n" + " signed long int b;\n" + "} Thing ;\n\n" + "extern struct ForwardDeclared_t TestDataType1;\n" + "void foo(void);\n" + "struct\n"+ " MultilineForwardDeclared_t\n" + " TestDataType2;\n" + "struct THINGER foo(void);\n" + "typedef struct {\n" + " unsigned int a;\n" + " signed char b;\n" + "}Thinger;\n" + "I want to live!!\n" assert_equal(["void foo(void)", "struct THINGER foo(void)", "I want to live!!"], @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove externed and inline functions" do source = " extern uint32 foobar(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 extern_name_func(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 funcinline(unsigned int);\n" + "extern void bar(unsigned int);\n" + "inline void bar(unsigned int);\n" + "extern\n" + "void kinda_ugly_on_the_next_line(unsigned int);\n" expected = [ "uint32 extern_name_func(unsigned int)", "uint32 funcinline(unsigned int)" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove function definitions but keep function declarations" do source = "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int a) { return a; }\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int a)\n" + "{\n" + " bar((unsigned int) a);\n" + " stripme(a);\n" + "}\n" expected = [ "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int)", "uint32 func_with_decl_a", #okay. it's not going to be interpretted as another function "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int)", "uint32 func_with_decl_b", #okay. it's not going to be interpretted as another function ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove function definitions with nested braces but keep function declarations" do source = "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int a) {\n" + " while (stuff) {\n" + " not_a_definition1(void);\n" + " }\n" + " not_a_definition2(blah, bleh);\n" + " return a;\n" + "}\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int a)\n" + "{\n" + " bar((unsigned int) a);\n" + " stripme(a);\n" + "}\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_c(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 func_with_decl_c(unsigned int a)\n" + "{\n" + " if(a > 0)\n" + " {\n" + " return 1;\n" + " }\n" + " else\n"+ " {\n" + " return 2;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" expected = [ "uint32 func_with_decl_a(unsigned int)", "uint32 func_with_decl_a", #okay. it's not going to be interpretted as another function "uint32 func_with_decl_b(unsigned int)", "uint32 func_with_decl_b", #okay. it's not going to be interpretted as another function "uint32 func_with_decl_c(unsigned int)", "uint32 func_with_decl_c", #okay. it's not going to be interpretted as another function ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove a fully defined inline function" do source = "inline void foo(unsigned int a) { oranges = a; }\n" + "inline void bar(unsigned int a) { apples = a; };\n" + "inline void bar(unsigned int a)\n" + "{" + " bananas = a;\n" + "}" # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises RuntimeError do @parser.parse("module", source) end assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert_equal("ERROR: No function prototypes found!", e.message) end end it "remove a fully defined inline function that is multiple lines" do source = "inline void bar(unsigned int a)\n" + "{" + " bananas = a;\n" + " grapes = a;\n" + " apples(bananas, grapes);\n" + "}" # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises RuntimeError do @parser.parse("module", source) end assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert_equal("ERROR: No function prototypes found!", e.message) end end it "remove a fully defined inline function that contains nested braces" do source = "inline void bar(unsigned int a)\n" + "{" + " apples(bananas, grapes);\n" + " if (bananas == a)\n" + " {\n" + " oranges(a);\n" + " grapes = a;\n" + " }\n" + " grapefruit(bananas, grapes);\n" + "}" # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises RuntimeError do @parser.parse("module", source) end assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert_equal("ERROR: No function prototypes found!", e.message) end end it "remove just inline functions if externs to be included" do source = " extern uint32 foobar(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 extern_name_func(unsigned int);\n" + "uint32 funcinline(unsigned int);\n" + "extern void bar(unsigned int);\n" + "inline void bar(unsigned int);\n" + "extern\n" + "void kinda_ugly_on_the_next_line(unsigned int);\n" expected = [ "extern uint32 foobar(unsigned int)", "uint32 extern_name_func(unsigned int)", "uint32 funcinline(unsigned int)", "extern void bar(unsigned int)", "extern void kinda_ugly_on_the_next_line(unsigned int)" ] @parser.treat_externs = :include assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove defines" do source = "#define whatever you feel like defining\n" + "void hello(void);\n" + "#DEFINE I JUST DON'T CARE\n" + "#deFINE\n" + "#define get_foo() \\\n ((Thing)foo.bar)" # exercise multiline define expected = [ "void hello(void)", ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "remove keywords that would keep things from going smoothly in the future" do source = "const int TheMatrix(register int Trinity, unsigned int *restrict Neo)" expected = [ "const int TheMatrix(int Trinity, unsigned int * Neo)", ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end # some code actually typedef's void even though it's not ANSI C and is, frankly, weird # since cmock treats void specially, we can't let void be obfuscated it "handle odd case of typedef'd void returned" do source = "MY_FUNKY_VOID FunkyVoidReturned(int a)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"FunkyVoidReturned", :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[{:type=>"int", :name=>"a", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}], :args_string=>"int a", :args_call=>"a"} assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "handle odd case of typedef'd void as arg" do source = "int FunkyVoidAsArg(MY_FUNKY_VOID)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"FunkyVoidAsArg", :return=>{ :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "handle odd case of typedef'd void as arg pointer" do source = "char FunkyVoidPointer(MY_FUNKY_VOID* bluh)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"FunkyVoidPointer", :return=>{ :type => "char", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "char cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[{:type=>"MY_FUNKY_VOID*", :name=>"bluh", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}], :args_string=>"MY_FUNKY_VOID* bluh", :args_call=>"bluh" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "strip default values from function parameter lists" do source = "void Foo(int a = 57, float b=37.52, char c= 'd', char* e=\"junk\");\n" expected = [ "void Foo(int a, float b, char c, char* e)" ] assert_equal(expected, @parser.import_source(source).map!{|s|s.strip}) end it "raise upon empty file" do source = '' # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises RuntimeError do @parser.parse("module", source) end assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert_equal("ERROR: No function prototypes found!", e.message) end end it "clean up module names that contain spaces, dashes, and such" do source = 'void meh(int (*func)(int));' retval = @parser.parse("C:\Ugly Module-Name", source) assert (retval[:typedefs][0] =~ /CUglyModuleName/) end it "raise upon no function prototypes found in file" do source = "typedef void SILLY_VOID_TYPE1;\n" + "typedef (void) SILLY_VOID_TYPE2 ;\n" + "typedef ( void ) (*FUNCPTR)(void);\n\n" + "#define get_foo() \\\n ((Thing)foo.bar)" # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @parser.parse("module", source) end assert_equal([], @parser.funcs) # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert_equal("ERROR: No function prototypes found!", e.message) end end it "raise upon prototype parsing failure" do source = "void (int, )" # ensure it's expected type of exception assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @parser.parse("module", source) end # verify exception message begin @parser.parse("module", source) rescue RuntimeError => e assert(e.message.include?("Failed Parsing Declaration Prototype!")) end end it "extract and return function declarations with retval and args" do source = "int Foo(int a, unsigned int b)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"Foo", :return=>{ :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"a", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int", :name=>"b", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int a, unsigned int b", :args_call=>"a, b" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "extract and return function declarations with no retval" do source = "void FunkyChicken( uint la, int de, bool da)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyChicken", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"uint", :name=>"la", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"de", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"bool", :name=>"da", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"uint la, int de, bool da", :args_call=>"la, de, da" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "extract and return function declarations with implied voids" do source = "void tat()" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"tat", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ ], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "extract modifiers properly" do source = "const int TheMatrix(int Trinity, unsigned int * Neo)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"TheMatrix", :modifier=>"const", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Trinity", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int*", :name=>"Neo", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Trinity, unsigned int* Neo", :args_call=>"Trinity, Neo" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "extract c calling conventions properly" do source = "const int __stdcall TheMatrix(int Trinity, unsigned int * Neo)" expected = { :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"TheMatrix", :modifier=>"const", :c_calling_convention=>"__stdcall", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Trinity", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int*", :name=>"Neo", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Trinity, unsigned int* Neo", :args_call=>"Trinity, Neo" } assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse_declaration(source)) end it "fully parse multiple prototypes" do source = "const int TheMatrix(int Trinity, unsigned int * Neo);\n" + "int Morpheus(int, unsigned int*);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"TheMatrix", :modifier=>"const", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Trinity", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int*", :name=>"Neo", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Trinity, unsigned int* Neo", :args_call=>"Trinity, Neo" }, { :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"Morpheus", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"cmock_arg1", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int*", :name=>"cmock_arg2", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int cmock_arg1, unsigned int* cmock_arg2", :args_call=>"cmock_arg1, cmock_arg2" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "not extract for mocking multiply defined prototypes" do source = "const int TheMatrix(int Trinity, unsigned int * Neo);\n" + "const int TheMatrix(int, unsigned int*);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"TheMatrix", :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier=>"const", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Trinity", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int*", :name=>"Neo", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Trinity, unsigned int* Neo", :args_call=>"Trinity, Neo" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "should properly handle const before return type" do sources = [ "const int * PorkRoast(void);\n", "const int* PorkRoast(void);\n", "const int *PorkRoast(void);\n" ] expected = [{ :var_arg => nil, :name => "PorkRoast", :return => { :type => "const int*", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "const int* cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier => "", :contains_ptr? => false, :args => [], :args_string => "void", :args_call => "" }] sources.each do |source| assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end end it "should properly handle const before return type" do sources = [ "int const * PorkRoast(void);\n", "int const* PorkRoast(void);\n", "int const *PorkRoast(void);\n" ] expected = [{ :var_arg => nil, :name => "PorkRoast", :return => { :type => "int const*", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int const* cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier => "", :contains_ptr? => false, :args => [], :args_string => "void", :args_call => "" }] sources.each do |source| assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end end it "should properly handle const applied after asterisk in return type (not legal C, but sometimes used)" do source = "int * const PorkRoast(void);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"PorkRoast", :return=> { :type => "int*", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => true, :str => "int* cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :modifier=>"const", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "properly parse const and pointer argument types with no arg names" do source = "void foo(int const*, int*const, const int*, const int*const, int const*const, int*, int, const int);\n" expected = [{ :name => "foo", :modifier => "", :return => { :type => "void", :name => "cmock_to_return", :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true, :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, :var_arg => nil, :args_string => "int const* cmock_arg1, int* const cmock_arg2, const int* cmock_arg3, const int* const cmock_arg4, " + "int const* const cmock_arg5, int* cmock_arg6, int cmock_arg7, const int cmock_arg8", :args => [{ :type=>"int const*", :name => "cmock_arg1", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int*", :name => "cmock_arg2", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"const int*", :name => "cmock_arg3", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"const int*", :name => "cmock_arg4", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"int const*", :name => "cmock_arg5", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"int*", :name => "cmock_arg6", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int", :name => "cmock_arg7", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int", :name => "cmock_arg8", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }], :args_call => "cmock_arg1, cmock_arg2, cmock_arg3, cmock_arg4, cmock_arg5, cmock_arg6, cmock_arg7, cmock_arg8", :contains_ptr? => true }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "properly parse const and pointer argument types with arg names" do source = "void bar(int const* param1, int*const param2, const int* param3, const int*const param4,\n" + " int const*const param5, int*param6, int param7, const int param8);\n" expected = [{ :name => "bar", :modifier => "", :return => { :type => "void", :name => "cmock_to_return", :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true, :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, :var_arg => nil, :args_string => "int const* param1, int* const param2, const int* param3, const int* const param4, " + "int const* const param5, int* param6, int param7, const int param8", :args => [{ :type=>"int const*", :name => "param1", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int*", :name => "param2", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"const int*", :name => "param3", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"const int*", :name => "param4", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"int const*", :name => "param5", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true }, { :type=>"int*", :name => "param6", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int", :name => "param7", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false }, { :type=>"int", :name => "param8", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false }], :args_call => "param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8", :contains_ptr? => true }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "properly detect typedef'd variants of void and use those" do source = "typedef (void) FUNKY_VOID_T;\n" + "typedef void CHUNKY_VOID_T;\n" + "FUNKY_VOID_T DrHorrible(int SingAlong);\n" + "int CaptainHammer(CHUNKY_VOID_T);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :name=>"DrHorrible", :return => { :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"SingAlong", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int SingAlong", :args_call=>"SingAlong" }, { :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"CaptainHammer", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ ], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "be ok with structs inside of function declarations" do source = "int DrHorrible(struct SingAlong Blog);\n" + "void Penny(struct const _KeepYourHeadUp_ * const BillyBuddy);\n" + "struct TheseArentTheHammer CaptainHammer(void);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return =>{ :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"DrHorrible", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"struct SingAlong", :name=>"Blog", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"struct SingAlong Blog", :args_call=>"Blog" }, { :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"Penny", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"struct const _KeepYourHeadUp_*", :name=>"BillyBuddy", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true} ], :args_string=>"struct const _KeepYourHeadUp_* const BillyBuddy", :args_call=>"BillyBuddy" }, { :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "struct TheseArentTheHammer", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "struct TheseArentTheHammer cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"CaptainHammer", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ ], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "extract functions containing unions with union specifier" do source = "void OrangePeel(union STARS_AND_STRIPES * a, union AFL_CIO b)" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"OrangePeel", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"union STARS_AND_STRIPES*", :name=>"a", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"union AFL_CIO", :name=>"b", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"union STARS_AND_STRIPES* a, union AFL_CIO b", :args_call=>"a, b" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "not be thwarted by variables named with primitive types as part of the name" do source = "void ApplePeel(const unsigned int const_param, int int_param, int integer, char character, int* const constant)" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"ApplePeel", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=> "unsigned int", :name=>"const_param", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"int_param", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"integer", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"char", :name=>"character", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int*", :name=>"constant", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => true} ], :args_string=>"const unsigned int const_param, int int_param, int integer, char character, int* const constant", :args_call=>"const_param, int_param, integer, character, constant" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "not be thwarted by custom types named similarly to primitive types" do source = "void LemonPeel(integer param, character thing, longint * junk, constant value, int32_t const number)" expected = [{:var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"LemonPeel", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"integer", :name=>"param", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"character", :name=>"thing", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"longint*", :name=>"junk", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"constant", :name=>"value", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int32_t", :name=>"number", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"integer param, character thing, longint* junk, constant value, int32_t const number", :args_call=>"param, thing, junk, value, number" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "handle some of those chains of C name specifiers naturally" do source = "void CoinOperated(signed char abc, const unsigned long int xyz_123, unsigned int const abc_123, long long arm_of_the_law)" expected = [{:var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"CoinOperated", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"signed char", :name=>"abc", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned long int", :name=>"xyz_123", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned int", :name=>"abc_123", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"long long", :name=>"arm_of_the_law", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"signed char abc, const unsigned long int xyz_123, unsigned int const abc_123, long long arm_of_the_law", :args_call=>"abc, xyz_123, abc_123, arm_of_the_law" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "handle custom types of various formats" do source = "void CardOperated(CUSTOM_TYPE abc, CUSTOM_TYPE* xyz_123, CUSTOM_TYPE const abcxyz, struct CUSTOM_TYPE const * const abc123)" expected = [{:var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"CardOperated", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"CUSTOM_TYPE", :name=>"abc", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"CUSTOM_TYPE*", :name=>"xyz_123", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"CUSTOM_TYPE", :name=>"abcxyz", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"struct CUSTOM_TYPE const*", :name=>"abc123", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => true} ], :args_string=>"CUSTOM_TYPE abc, CUSTOM_TYPE* xyz_123, CUSTOM_TYPE const abcxyz, struct CUSTOM_TYPE const* const abc123", :args_call=>"abc, xyz_123, abcxyz, abc123" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "handle arrays and treat them as pointers or strings" do source = "void KeyOperated(CUSTOM_TYPE thing1[], int thing2 [ ], char thing3 [][2 ][ 3], int* thing4[4])" expected = [{:var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"KeyOperated", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"CUSTOM_TYPE*", :name=>"thing1", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int*", :name=>"thing2", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"char*", :name=>"thing3", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, #THIS one will likely change in the future when we improve multidimensional array support {:type=>"int**", :name=>"thing4", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} #THIS one will likely change in the future when we improve multidimensional array support ], :args_string=>"CUSTOM_TYPE* thing1, int* thing2, char* thing3, int** thing4", :args_call=>"thing1, thing2, thing3, thing4" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "give a reasonable guess when dealing with weird combinations of custom types and modifiers" do source = "void Cheese(unsigned CUSTOM_TYPE abc, unsigned xyz, CUSTOM_TYPE1 CUSTOM_TYPE2 pdq)" expected = [{:var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"Cheese", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"unsigned CUSTOM_TYPE", :name=>"abc", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"unsigned", :name=>"xyz", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"CUSTOM_TYPE1 CUSTOM_TYPE2", :name=>"pdq", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"unsigned CUSTOM_TYPE abc, unsigned xyz, CUSTOM_TYPE1 CUSTOM_TYPE2 pdq", :args_call=>"abc, xyz, pdq" }] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) end it "extract functions containing a function pointer" do source = "void FunkyTurkey(unsigned int (*func_ptr)(int, char))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyTurkey", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr", :args_call=>"func_ptr" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(int, char);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions containing a function pointer with a void" do source = "void FunkyTurkey(void (*func_ptr)(void))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyTurkey", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr", :args_call=>"func_ptr" }] typedefs = ["typedef void(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(void);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions containing a function pointer with an implied void" do source = "void FunkyTurkey(unsigned int (*func_ptr)())" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyTurkey", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr", :args_call=>"func_ptr" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)();"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions containing a constant function pointer and a pointer in the nested arg list" do source = "void FunkyChicken(unsigned int (* const func_ptr)(unsigned long int * , char))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyChicken", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 const func_ptr", :args_call=>"func_ptr" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(unsigned long int* , char);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end # it "extract functions containing a function pointer taking a vararg" do # source = "void FunkyParrot(unsigned int (*func_ptr)(int, char, ...))" # expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, # :return=>{ :type => "void", # :name => 'cmock_to_return', # :ptr? => false, # :const? => false, # :const_ptr? => false, # :str => "void cmock_to_return", # :void? => true # }, # :name=>"FunkyParrot", # :modifier=>"", # :contains_ptr? => false, # :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} # ], # :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr", # :args_call=>"func_ptr" }] # typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(int, char, ...);"] # result = @parser.parse("module", source) # assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) # assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) # end it "extract functions containing a function pointer with extra parenthesis and two sets" do source = "void FunkyBudgie(int (((* func_ptr1)(int, char))), void (*func_ptr2)(void))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyBudgie", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr1", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr2", :name=>"func_ptr2", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr1, cmock_module_func_ptr2 func_ptr2", :args_call=>"func_ptr1, func_ptr2" }] typedefs = ["typedef int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(int, char);", "typedef void(*cmock_module_func_ptr2)(void);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions containing a function pointers, structs and other things" do source = "struct mytype *FunkyRobin(uint16_t num1, uint16_t num2, void (*func_ptr1)(uint16_t num3, struct mytype2 *s));" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "struct mytype*", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "struct mytype* cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"FunkyRobin", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"uint16_t", :name=>"num1", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"uint16_t", :name=>"num2", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"func_ptr1", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"uint16_t num1, uint16_t num2, cmock_module_func_ptr1 func_ptr1", :args_call=>"num1, num2, func_ptr1" }] typedefs = ["typedef void(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(uint16_t num3, struct mytype2* s);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions containing an anonymous function pointer" do source = "void FunkyFowl(unsigned int (* const)(int, char))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "void", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void cmock_to_return", :void? => true }, :name=>"FunkyFowl", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"cmock_arg1", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1 const cmock_arg1", :args_call=>"cmock_arg1" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(int, char);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions returning a function pointer" do source = "unsigned short (*FunkyPidgeon( const char op_code ))( int, long int )" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "cmock_module_func_ptr1 cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"FunkyPidgeon", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"char", :name=>"op_code", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"const char op_code", :args_call=>"op_code" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned short(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)( int, long int );"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions returning a function pointer with implied void" do source = "unsigned short (*FunkyTweetie())()" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "cmock_module_func_ptr1 cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"FunkyTweetie", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned short(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)();"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions returning a function pointer where everything is a void" do source = "void (* FunkySeaGull(void))(void)" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "cmock_module_func_ptr1 cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"FunkySeaGull", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[], :args_string=>"void", :args_call=>"" }] typedefs = ["typedef void(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(void);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions returning a function pointer with some pointer nonsense" do source = "unsigned int * (* FunkyMacaw(double* foo, THING *bar))(unsigned int)" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "cmock_module_func_ptr1 cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"FunkyMacaw", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"double*", :name=>"foo", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"THING*", :name=>"bar", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"double* foo, THING* bar", :args_call=>"foo, bar" }] typedefs = ["typedef unsigned int *(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(unsigned int);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract this SQLite3 function with an anonymous function pointer arg (regression test)" do source = "SQLITE_API int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*))" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=>{ :type => "int", :name => "cmock_to_return", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"sqlite3_bind_text", :modifier=>"SQLITE_API", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"sqlite3_stmt*", :name=>"cmock_arg2", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"cmock_arg3", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"const char*", :name=>"cmock_arg4", :ptr? => false, :const? => true, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"n", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"cmock_module_func_ptr1", :name=>"cmock_arg1", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"sqlite3_stmt* cmock_arg2, int cmock_arg3, const char* cmock_arg4, int n, cmock_module_func_ptr1 cmock_arg1", :args_call=>"cmock_arg2, cmock_arg3, cmock_arg4, n, cmock_arg1" }] typedefs = ["typedef void(*cmock_module_func_ptr1)(void*);"] result = @parser.parse("module", source) assert_equal(expected, result[:functions]) assert_equal(typedefs, result[:typedefs]) end it "extract functions with varargs" do source = "int XFiles(int Scully, int Mulder, ...);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>"...", :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"XFiles", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Scully", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"Mulder", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Scully, int Mulder", :args_call=>"Scully, Mulder" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "extract functions with void pointers" do source = "void* MoreSillySongs(void* stuff);\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "void*", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "void* cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"MoreSillySongs", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => true, :args=>[ {:type=>"void*", :name=>"stuff", :ptr? => true, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"void* stuff", :args_call=>"stuff" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "extract functions with strippable confusing junk like gcc attributes" do source = "int LaverneAndShirley(int Lenny, int Squiggy) __attribute__((weak)) __attribute__ ((deprecated));\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"LaverneAndShirley", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Lenny", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"Squiggy", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Lenny, int Squiggy", :args_call=>"Lenny, Squiggy" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "extract functions with strippable confusing junk like gcc attributes with parenthesis" do source = "int TheCosbyShow(int Cliff, int Claire) __attribute__((weak, alias (\"__f\"));\n" expected = [{ :var_arg=>nil, :return=> { :type => "int", :name => 'cmock_to_return', :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false, :str => "int cmock_to_return", :void? => false }, :name=>"TheCosbyShow", :modifier=>"", :contains_ptr? => false, :args=>[ {:type=>"int", :name=>"Cliff", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false}, {:type=>"int", :name=>"Claire", :ptr? => false, :const? => false, :const_ptr? => false} ], :args_string=>"int Cliff, int Claire", :args_call=>"Cliff, Claire" }] assert_equal(expected, @parser.parse("module", source)[:functions]) end it "divines all permutations of ptr, const, and const_ptr correctly" do truth_table = [ # argument ptr const const_ptr [ "constNOTconst constNOTconst", false, false, false ], [ "const constNOTconst constNOTconst", false, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst const constNOTconst", false, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst *constNOTconst", true, false, false ], [ "const constNOTconst *constNOTconst", true, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst const *constNOTconst", true, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst *const constNOTconst", true, false, true ], [ "const constNOTconst *const constNOTconst", true, true, true ], [ "constNOTconst const *const constNOTconst", true, true, true ], [ "constNOTconst **constNOTconst", true, false, false ], [ "const constNOTconst **constNOTconst", true, false, false ], [ "constNOTconst const **constNOTconst", true, false, false ], [ "constNOTconst *const *constNOTconst", true, true, false ], [ "const constNOTconst *const *constNOTconst", true, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst const *const *constNOTconst", true, true, false ], [ "constNOTconst **const constNOTconst", true, false, true ], [ "const constNOTconst **const constNOTconst", true, false, true ], [ "constNOTconst const **const constNOTconst", true, false, true ], [ "constNOTconst *const *const constNOTconst", true, true, true ], [ "const constNOTconst *const *const constNOTconst", true, true, true ], [ "constNOTconst const *const *const constNOTconst", true, true, true ] ] truth_table.each do |entry| assert_equal(@parser.divine_ptr(entry[0]), entry[1]) assert_equal(@parser.divine_const(entry[0]), entry[2]) assert_equal(@parser.divine_ptr_and_const(entry[0]), { ptr?: entry[1], const?: entry[2], const_ptr?: entry[3] }) end end it "divines ptr correctly for string types" do truth_table = [ # argument ptr [ "char s", false ], [ "const char s", false ], [ "char const s", false ], [ "char *s", false ], [ "const char *s", false ], [ "char const *s", false ], [ "char *const s", false ], [ "const char *const s", false ], [ "char const *const s", false ], [ "char **s", true ], [ "const char **s", true ], [ "char const **s", true ], [ "char *const *s", true ], [ "const char *const *s", true ], [ "char const *const *s", true ], [ "char **const s", true ], [ "const char **const s", true ], [ "char const **const s", true ], [ "char *const *const s", true ], [ "const char *const *const s", true ], [ "char const *const *const s", true ] ] truth_table.each do |entry| assert_equal(@parser.divine_ptr(entry[0]), entry[1]) end end end