# # Copyright 2019, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation or a subsidiary of # Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # This software, associated documentation and materials ("Software") # is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, # or one of its subsidiaries ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to # worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), # United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. # Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license # agreement accompanying the software package from which you # obtained this Software ("EULA"). # If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive, # non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software # source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's # integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation, # compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified # above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. # # Disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS, WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NONINFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress # reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress # does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the # Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does # not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or # failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in # significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By # including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer # of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing # so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability. # NAME = WICED $(NAME)_SOURCES := internal/wiced_core.c ifndef USES_BOOTLOADER_OTA USES_BOOTLOADER_OTA :=1 endif ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE),debug) #Note: WICED_ENABLE_MALLOC_DEBUG must be enabled when including test/malloc_debug #GLOBAL_DEFINES += WICED_ENABLE_MALLOC_DEBUG #$(NAME)_COMPONENTS += test/malloc_debug endif # Check if WICED level API is required ifndef NO_WICED_API $(NAME)_SOURCES += internal/time.c \ internal/system_monitor.c \ internal/wiced_lib.c \ internal/wiced_crypto.c \ internal/waf.c # Check if Wi-Fi is not required ifndef NO_WIFI $(NAME)_SOURCES += internal/wifi.c \ internal/wiced_wifi_deep_sleep.c \ internal/wiced_easy_setup.c \ internal/wiced_filesystem.c ifndef WICED_AMAZON_FREERTOS_SDK $(NAME)_SOURCES += internal/wiced_cooee.c endif $(NAME)_INCLUDES += security/BESL/crypto_internal \ security/BESL/include \ security/BESL/host/WICED \ security/BESL/WPS \ security/PostgreSQL \ security/PostgreSQL/include \ security/BESL/mbedtls_open/include $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += WICED/WWD \ utilities/wifi ifndef WICED_AMAZON_FREERTOS_SDK $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += WICED/security/BESL \ WICED/security/PostgreSQL endif ifndef NETWORK NETWORK := NetX_Duo $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += NetX_Duo endif else #ifndef NO_WIFI GLOBAL_INCLUDES += WWD/include \ security/BESL/include \ security/BESL/host/WICED \ security/BESL/crypto_internal \ security/PostgreSQL \ security/PostgreSQL/include \ security/BESL/mbedtls_open/include endif #ifndef NO_WIFI else # ifndef NO_WICED_API ifneq ($(NETWORK),) $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += WICED/WWD else # NETWORK GLOBAL_INCLUDES += WWD/include endif # NETWORK GLOBAL_INCLUDES += security/BESL/include \ security/BESL/host/WICED \ security/BESL/crypto_internal \ security/PostgreSQL/include \ security/BESL/mbedtls_open/include GLOBAL_DEFINES += NO_WICED_API endif # ifndef NO_WICED_API ifdef WICED_POWER_LOGGER $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += WICED/WPL GLOBAL_INCLUDES += WICED/WPL/include GLOBAL_DEFINES += WICED_POWER_LOGGER_ENABLE $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += utilities/command_console/wpl endif $(NAME)_CHECK_HEADERS := internal/wiced_internal_api.h \ ../include/default_wifi_config_dct.h \ ../include/resource.h \ ../include/wiced.h \ ../include/wiced_defaults.h \ ../include/wiced_easy_setup.h \ ../include/wiced_framework.h \ ../include/wiced_management.h \ ../include/wiced_platform.h \ ../include/wiced_rtos.h \ ../include/wiced_tcpip.h \ ../include/wiced_time.h \ ../include/wiced_utilities.h \ ../include/wiced_crypto.h \ ../include/wiced_wifi.h \ ../include/wiced_wifi_deep_sleep.h # Add WICEDFS as default if filesystem is not specified ifdef PLATFORM_FILESYSTEM_FILEX GLOBAL_DEFINES += USING_FILEX $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += filesystems/FileX else GLOBAL_DEFINES += USING_WICEDFS $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += filesystems/wicedfs endif # Add MCU component $(NAME)_COMPONENTS += WICED/platform/MCU/$(HOST_MCU_FAMILY) # Define the default ThreadX and FreeRTOS starting stack sizes FreeRTOS_START_STACK := 800 ThreadX_START_STACK := 800 NuttX_START_STACK := 4000 GLOBAL_DEFINES += WWD_STARTUP_DELAY=10 \ BOOTLOADER_MAGIC_NUMBER=0x4d435242 GLOBAL_INCLUDES += . \ platform/include \ ../libraries/test/wl_tool/$(WLAN_CHIP)$(WLAN_CHIP_REVISION)/include \ ../libraries/utilities/wifi $(NAME)_CFLAGS = $(COMPILER_SPECIFIC_PEDANTIC_CFLAGS) $(NAME)_SOURCES += internal/wiced_low_power.c $(NAME)_UNIT_TEST_SOURCES := internal/unit/wiced_unit.cpp ifdef WICED_ENABLE_FUNCTION_MOCKING MOCKED_FUNCTIONS += malloc malloc_named endif