include(ExternalProject) macro(kconfig_set_variables) set_default(IDF_SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS "") set_default(CONFIG_DIR ${IDF_BUILD_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/config) set_default(SDKCONFIG ${IDF_PROJECT_PATH}/sdkconfig) set(SDKCONFIG_HEADER ${CONFIG_DIR}/sdkconfig.h) set(SDKCONFIG_CMAKE ${CONFIG_DIR}/sdkconfig.cmake) set(SDKCONFIG_JSON ${CONFIG_DIR}/sdkconfig.json) set(KCONFIG_JSON_MENUS ${CONFIG_DIR}/kconfig_menus.json) set(ROOT_KCONFIG ${IDF_PATH}/Kconfig) endmacro() if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) # Prefer a prebuilt mconf-idf on Windows if(DEFINED ENV{MSYSTEM}) find_program(WINPTY winpty) else() unset(WINPTY CACHE) # in case previous CMake run was in a tty and this one is not endif() find_program(MCONF mconf-idf) # Fall back to the old binary which was called 'mconf' not 'mconf-idf' if(NOT MCONF) find_program(MCONF mconf) if(MCONF) message(WARNING "Falling back to mconf binary '${MCONF}' not mconf-idf. " "This is probably because an old version of IDF mconf is installed and this is fine. " "However if there are config problems please check the Getting Started guide for your platform.") endif() endif() if(NOT MCONF) find_program(NATIVE_GCC gcc) if(NOT NATIVE_GCC) message(FATAL_ERROR "Windows requires a prebuilt mconf-idf for your platform " "on the PATH, or an MSYS2 version of gcc on the PATH to build mconf-idf. " "Consult the setup docs for ESP-IDF on Windows.") endif() elseif(WINPTY) set(MCONF "${WINPTY}" "${MCONF}") endif() endif() if(NOT MCONF) # Use the existing Makefile to build mconf (out of tree) when needed # set(MCONF ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kconfig_bin/mconf-idf) externalproject_add(mconf-idf SOURCE_DIR ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BINARY_DIR "kconfig_bin" BUILD_COMMAND make -f ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig/Makefile mconf-idf BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${MCONF} INSTALL_COMMAND "" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1 ) file(GLOB mconf_srcfiles ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig/*.c) externalproject_add_stepdependencies(mconf-idf build ${mconf_srcfiles} ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig/Makefile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}) unset(mconf_srcfiles) set(menuconfig_depends DEPENDS mconf-idf) endif() # Find all Kconfig files for all components function(kconfig_process_config) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CONFIG_DIR}") set(kconfigs) set(kconfigs_projbuild) # Find Kconfig and Kconfig.projbuild for each component as applicable # if any of these change, cmake should rerun foreach(dir ${BUILD_COMPONENT_PATHS}) file(GLOB kconfig "${dir}/Kconfig") if(kconfig) set(kconfigs "${kconfigs} ${kconfig}") set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${kconfig}) endif() file(GLOB kconfig ${dir}/Kconfig.projbuild) if(kconfig) set(kconfigs_projbuild "${kconfigs_projbuild} ${kconfig}") set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${kconfig}) endif() endforeach() if(IDF_SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS) set(defaults_arg --defaults "${IDF_SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS}") endif() if(EXISTS "${SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS}.${IDF_TARGET}") list(APPEND defaults_arg --defaults "${SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS}.${IDF_TARGET}") endif() # Set these in the parent scope, so that they can be written to project_description.json set(kconfigs "${kconfigs}") set(COMPONENT_KCONFIGS "${kconfigs}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(COMPONENT_KCONFIGS_PROJBUILD "${kconfigs_projbuild}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(confgen_basecommand ${PYTHON} ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig_new/ --kconfig ${ROOT_KCONFIG} --config ${SDKCONFIG} ${defaults_arg} --create-config-if-missing --env "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS=${kconfigs}" --env "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS_PROJBUILD=${kconfigs_projbuild}" --env "IDF_CMAKE=y") # Generate the menuconfig target (uses C-based mconf-idf tool, either prebuilt or via mconf-idf target above) add_custom_target(menuconfig ${menuconfig_depends} # create any missing config file, with defaults if necessary COMMAND ${confgen_basecommand} --env "IDF_TARGET=${IDF_TARGET}" --output config ${SDKCONFIG} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS=${kconfigs}" "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS_PROJBUILD=${kconfigs_projbuild}" "IDF_CMAKE=y" "KCONFIG_CONFIG=${SDKCONFIG}" "IDF_TARGET=${IDF_TARGET}" ${MCONF} ${ROOT_KCONFIG} VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL) # Custom target to run from the build tool add_custom_target(confserver COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS=${kconfigs}" "COMPONENT_KCONFIGS_PROJBUILD=${kconfigs_projbuild}" ${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig_new/ --kconfig ${IDF_PATH}/Kconfig --config ${SDKCONFIG} VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL) # Generate configuration output via # makes sdkconfig.h and skdconfig.cmake # # This happens during the cmake run not during the build execute_process(COMMAND ${confgen_basecommand} --output header ${SDKCONFIG_HEADER} --output cmake ${SDKCONFIG_CMAKE} --output json ${SDKCONFIG_JSON} --output json_menus ${KCONFIG_JSON_MENUS} RESULT_VARIABLE config_result) if(config_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to run (${confgen_basecommand}). Error ${config_result}") endif() # When sdkconfig file changes in the future, trigger a cmake run set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${SDKCONFIG}") # Ditto if either of the generated files are missing/modified (this is a bit irritating as it means # you can't edit these manually without them being regenerated, but I don't know of a better way...) set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${SDKCONFIG_HEADER}") set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${SDKCONFIG_CMAKE}") # Or if the config generation tool changes set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig_new/") set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "${IDF_PATH}/tools/kconfig_new/") set_property(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${SDKCONFIG_HEADER}" "${SDKCONFIG_CMAKE}") endfunction()