/* * The Clear BSD License * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided * that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _FSL_EMC_H_ #define _FSL_EMC_H_ #include "fsl_common.h" /*! * @addtogroup emc * @{ */ /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /*! @name Driver version */ /*@{*/ /*! @brief EMC driver version 2.0.0. */ #define FSL_EMC_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 0)) /*@}*/ /*! @brief Define the chip numbers for dynamic and static memory devices. */ #define EMC_STATIC_MEMDEV_NUM (4U) #define EMC_DYNAMIC_MEMDEV_NUM (4U) #define EMC_ADDRMAP_SHIFT EMC_DYNAMIC_DYNAMICCONFIG_AM0_SHIFT #define EMC_ADDRMAP_MASK (EMC_DYNAMIC_DYNAMICCONFIG_AM0_MASK |EMC_DYNAMIC_DYNAMICCONFIG_AM1_MASK) #define EMC_ADDRMAP(x) (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << EMC_ADDRMAP_SHIFT)) & EMC_ADDRMAP_MASK) #define EMC_HZ_ONEMHZ (1000000U) #define EMC_MILLISECS_ONESEC (1000U) #define EMC_SDRAM_MODE_CL_SHIFT (4U) #define EMC_SDRAM_MODE_CL_MASK (0x70U) /*! * @brief Define EMC memory width for static memory device. */ typedef enum _emc_static_memwidth { kEMC_8BitWidth = 0x0U, /*!< 8 bit memory width. */ kEMC_16BitWidth, /*!< 16 bit memory width. */ kEMC_32BitWidth /*!< 32 bit memory width. */ } emc_static_memwidth_t; /*! * @brief Define EMC static configuration. */ typedef enum _emc_static_special_config { kEMC_AsynchronosPageEnable = 0x0008U,/*!< Enable the asynchronous page mode. page length four. */ kEMC_ActiveHighChipSelect = 0x0040U, /*!< Chip select active high. */ kEMC_ByteLaneStateAllLow = 0x0080U, /*!< Reads/writes the respective valuie bits in BLS3:0 are low. */ kEMC_ExtWaitEnable = 0x0100U, /*!< Extended wait enable. */ kEMC_BufferEnable = 0x80000U /*!< Buffer enable. */ } emc_static_special_config_t; /*! @brief EMC dynamic memory device. */ typedef enum _emc_dynamic_device { kEMC_Sdram = 0x0U, /*!< Dynamic memory device: SDRAM. */ kEMC_Lpsdram, /*!< Dynamic memory device: Low-power SDRAM. */ } emc_dynamic_device_t; /*! @brief EMC dynamic read strategy. */ typedef enum _emc_dynamic_read { kEMC_NoDelay = 0x0U, /*!< No delay. */ kEMC_Cmddelay, /*!< Command delayed strategy, using EMCCLKDELAY. */ kEMC_CmdDelayPulseOneclk, /*!< Command delayed strategy pluse one clock cycle using EMCCLKDELAY. */ kEMC_CmddelayPulsetwoclk, /*!< Command delayed strategy pulse two clock cycle using EMCCLKDELAY. */ } emc_dynamic_read_t; /*! @brief EMC endian mode. */ typedef enum _emc_endian_mode { kEMC_LittleEndian = 0x0U, /*!< Little endian mode. */ kEMC_BigEndian, /*!< Big endian mode. */ } emc_endian_mode_t; /*! @brief EMC Feedback clock input source select. */ typedef enum _emc_fbclk_src { kEMC_IntloopbackEmcclk = 0U, /*!< Use the internal loop back from EMC_CLK output. */ kEMC_EMCFbclkInput /*!< Use the external EMC_FBCLK input. */ } emc_fbclk_src_t; /*! @brief EMC dynamic timing/delay configure structure. */ typedef struct _emc_dynamic_timing_config { emc_dynamic_read_t readConfig; /* Dynamic read strategy. */ uint32_t refreshPeriod_Nanosec; /*!< The refresh period in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tRp_Ns; /*!< Precharge command period in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tRas_Ns; /*!< Active to precharge command period in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tSrex_Ns; /*!< Self-refresh exit time in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tApr_Ns; /*!< Last data out to active command time in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tDal_Ns; /*!< Data-in to active command in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWr_Ns; /*!< Write recovery time in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tRc_Ns; /*!< Active to active command period in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tRfc_Ns; /*!< Auto-refresh period and auto-refresh to active command period in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tXsr_Ns; /*!< Exit self-refresh to active command time in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tRrd_Ns; /*!< Active bank A to active bank B latency in unit of nanosecond. */ uint8_t tMrd_Nclk; /*!< Load mode register to active command time in unit of EMCCLK cycles.*/ } emc_dynamic_timing_config_t; /*! * @brief EMC dynamic memory controller independent chip configuration structure. * Please take refer to the address mapping table in the RM in EMC chapter when you * set the "devAddrMap". Choose the right Bit 14 Bit12 ~ Bit 7 group in the table * according to the bus width/banks/row/colum length for you device. * Set devAddrMap with the value make up with the seven bits (bit14 bit12 ~ bit 7) * and inset the bit 13 with 0. * for example, if the bit 14 and bit12 ~ bit7 is 1000001 is choosen according to the * 32bit high-performance bus width with 2 banks, 11 row lwngth, 8 column length. * Set devAddrMap with 0x81. */ typedef struct _emc_dynamic_chip_config { uint8_t chipIndex; /*!< Chip Index, range from 0 ~ EMC_DYNAMIC_MEMDEV_NUM - 1. */ emc_dynamic_device_t dynamicDevice; /*!< All chips shall use the same device setting. mixed use are not supported. */ uint8_t rAS_Nclk; /*!< Active to read/write delay tRCD. */ uint16_t sdramModeReg; /*!< Sdram mode register setting. */ uint16_t sdramExtModeReg; /*!< Used for low-power sdram device. The extended mode register. */ uint8_t devAddrMap; /*!< dynamic device address mapping, choose the address mapping for your specific device. */ } emc_dynamic_chip_config_t; /*! * @brief EMC static memory controller independent chip configuration structure. */ typedef struct _emc_static_chip_config { uint8_t chipIndex; emc_static_memwidth_t memWidth; /*!< Memory width. */ uint32_t specailConfig; /*!< Static configuration,a logical OR of "emc_static_special_config_t". */ uint32_t tWaitWriteEn_Ns;/*!< The delay form chip select to write enable in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWaitOutEn_Ns; /*!< The delay from chip selcet to output enable in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWaitReadNoPage_Ns;/*!< In No-page mode, the delay from chip select to read access in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWaitReadPage_Ns; /*!< In page mode, the read after the first read wait states in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWaitWrite_Ns; /*!< The delay from chip select to write access in unit of nanosecond. */ uint32_t tWaitTurn_Ns; /*!< The Bus turn-around time in unit of nanosecond. */ } emc_static_chip_config_t; /*! * @brief EMC module basic configuration structure. * * Defines the static memory controller configure structure and * uses the EMC_Init() function to make necessary initializations. * */ typedef struct _emc_basic_config { emc_endian_mode_t endian; /*!< Endian mode . */ emc_fbclk_src_t fbClkSrc; /*!< The feedback clock source. */ uint8_t emcClkDiv; /*!< EMC_CLK = AHB_CLK / (emc_clkDiv + 1). */ } emc_basic_config_t; /******************************************************************************* * API ******************************************************************************/ #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /*! * @name EMC Initialize and de-initialize opeartion * @{ */ /*! * @brief Initializes the basic for EMC. * This function ungates the EMC clock, initializes the emc system configure * and enable the EMC module. This function must be called in the first step to initialize * the external memory. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param config The EMC basic configuration. */ void EMC_Init(EMC_Type *base, emc_basic_config_t *config); /*! * @brief Initializes the dynamic memory controller. * This function initializes the dynamic memory controller in external memory controller. * This function must be called after EMC_Init and before accessing the external dynamic memory. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param timing The timing and latency for dynamica memory controller setting. It shall * be used for all dynamica memory chips, threfore the worst timing value for all * used chips must be given. * @param configure The EMC dynamic memory controller chip independent configuration pointer. * This configuration pointer is actually pointer to a configration array. the array number * depends on the "totalChips". * @param totalChips The total dynamic memory chip numbers been used or the length of the * "emc_dynamic_chip_config_t" type memory. */ void EMC_DynamicMemInit(EMC_Type *base, emc_dynamic_timing_config_t *timing, emc_dynamic_chip_config_t *config, uint32_t totalChips); /*! * @brief Initializes the static memory controller. * This function initializes the static memory controller in external memory controller. * This function must be called after EMC_Init and before accessing the external static memory. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param extWait_Ns The extended wait timeout or the read/write transfer time. * This is common for all static memory chips and set with NULL if not required. * @param configure The EMC static memory controller chip independent configuration pointer. * This configuration pointer is actually pointer to a configration array. the array number * depends on the "totalChips". * @param totalChips The total static memory chip numbers been used or the length of the * "emc_static_chip_config_t" type memory. */ void EMC_StaticMemInit(EMC_Type *base, uint32_t *extWait_Ns, emc_static_chip_config_t *config, uint32_t totalChips); /*! * @brief Deinitializes the EMC module and gates the clock. * This function gates the EMC controller clock. As a result, the EMC * module doesn't work after calling this function. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. */ void EMC_Deinit(EMC_Type *base); /* @} */ /*! * @name EMC Basic Operation * @{ */ /*! * @brief Enables/disables the EMC module. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param enable True enable EMC module, false disable. */ static inline void EMC_Enable(EMC_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->CONTROL |= EMC_CONTROL_E_MASK; } else { base->CONTROL &= ~EMC_CONTROL_E_MASK; } } /*! * @brief Enables/disables the EMC Dynaimc memory controller. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param enable True enable EMC dynamic memory controller, false disable. */ static inline void EMC_EnableDynamicMemControl(EMC_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->DYNAMICCONTROL |= (EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_CE_MASK | EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_CS_MASK); } else { base->DYNAMICCONTROL &= ~(EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_CE_MASK | EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_CS_MASK); } } /*! * @brief Enables/disables the EMC address mirror. * Enable the address mirror the EMC_CS1is mirrored to both EMC_CS0 * and EMC_DYCS0 memory areas. Disable the address mirror enables * EMC_cS0 and EMC_DYCS0 memory to be accessed. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param enable True enable the address mirror, false disable the address mirror. */ static inline void EMC_MirrorChipAddr(EMC_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->CONTROL |= EMC_CONTROL_M_MASK; } else { base->CONTROL &= ~EMC_CONTROL_M_MASK; } } /*! * @brief Enter the self-refresh mode for dynamic memory controller. * This function provided self-refresh mode enter or exit for application. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param enable True enter the self-refresh mode, false to exit self-refresh * and enter the normal mode. */ static inline void EMC_EnterSelfRefreshCommand(EMC_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->DYNAMICCONTROL |= EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_SR_MASK; } else { base->DYNAMICCONTROL &= ~EMC_DYNAMICCONTROL_SR_MASK; } } /*! * @brief Get the operating mode of the EMC. * This function can be used to get the operating mode of the EMC. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @return The EMC in self-refresh mode if true, else in normal mode. */ static inline bool EMC_IsInSelfrefreshMode(EMC_Type *base) { return ((base->STATUS & EMC_STATUS_SA_MASK) ? true : false); } /*! * @brief Enter/exit the low-power mode. * * @param base EMC peripheral base address. * @param enable True Enter the low-power mode, false exit low-power mode * and return to normal mode. */ static inline void EMC_EnterLowPowerMode(EMC_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->CONTROL |= EMC_CONTROL_L_MASK; } else { base->CONTROL &= ~ EMC_CONTROL_L_MASK; } } /* @} */ #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif /*! @}*/ #endif /* _FSL_EMC_H_*/