/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fsl_dma.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /*! * @brief Get instance number for DMA. * * @param base DMA peripheral base address. */ static int32_t DMA_GetInstance(DMA_Type *base); /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Array to map DMA instance number to base pointer. */ static DMA_Type *const s_dmaBases[] = DMA_BASE_PTRS; /*! @brief Array to map DMA instance number to IRQ number. */ static const IRQn_Type s_dmaIRQNumber[] = DMA_IRQS; /*! @brief Pointers to transfer handle for each DMA channel. */ static dma_handle_t *s_DMAHandle[FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]; /*! @brief Static table of descriptors */ #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma data_alignment = 512 dma_descriptor_t s_dma_descriptor_table[FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] = {0}; #elif defined(__CC_ARM) __attribute__((aligned(512))) dma_descriptor_t s_dma_descriptor_table[FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] = {0}; #elif defined(__GNUC__) __attribute__((aligned(512))) dma_descriptor_t s_dma_descriptor_table[FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] = {0}; #endif /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ static int32_t DMA_GetInstance(DMA_Type *base) { int32_t instance; /* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */ for (instance = 0; instance < FSL_FEATURE_SOC_DMA_COUNT; instance++) { if (s_dmaBases[instance] == base) { break; } } assert(instance < FSL_FEATURE_SOC_DMA_COUNT); return instance < FSL_FEATURE_SOC_DMA_COUNT ? instance : -1; } void DMA_Init(DMA_Type *base) { #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* enable dma clock gate */ CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Dma); #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /* set descriptor table */ base->SRAMBASE = (uint32_t)s_dma_descriptor_table; /* enable dma peripheral */ base->CTRL |= DMA_CTRL_ENABLE_MASK; } void DMA_Deinit(DMA_Type *base) { #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* Disable DMA peripheral */ base->CTRL &= ~(DMA_CTRL_ENABLE_MASK); #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ } void DMA_ConfigureChannelTrigger(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_channel_trigger_t *trigger) { assert((channel < FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS) && (NULL != trigger)); uint32_t tmp = ( DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_HWTRIGEN_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_TRIGPOL_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_TRIGTYPE_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_TRIGBURST_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_BURSTPOWER_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_SRCBURSTWRAP_MASK | DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_DSTBURSTWRAP_MASK ); tmp = base->CHANNEL[channel].CFG & (~tmp); tmp |= (uint32_t)(trigger->type) | (uint32_t)(trigger->burst) | (uint32_t)(trigger->wrap); base->CHANNEL[channel].CFG = tmp; } /*! * @brief Gets the remaining bytes of the current DMA descriptor transfer. * * @param base DMA peripheral base address. * @param channel DMA channel number. * @return The number of bytes which have not been transferred yet. */ uint32_t DMA_GetRemainingBytes(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel) { assert(channel < FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS); /* NOTE: when descriptors are chained, ACTIVE bit is set for whole chain. It makes * impossible to distinguish between: * - transfer finishes (represented by value '0x3FF') * - and remaining 1024 bytes to transfer (value 0x3FF) * for all descriptor in chain, except the last one. * If you decide to use this function, please use 1023 transfers as maximal value */ /* Channel not active (transfer finished) and value is 0x3FF - nothing to transfer */ if ( (!(base->COMMON[DMA_CHANNEL_GROUP(channel)].ACTIVE & (1U << (DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(channel))))) && (0x3FF == ((base->CHANNEL[channel].XFERCFG & DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_XFERCOUNT_MASK) >> DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_XFERCOUNT_SHIFT)) ) { return 0; } return base->CHANNEL[channel].XFERCFG + 1; } static void DMA_SetupDescriptor( dma_descriptor_t *desc, uint32_t xfercfg, void *srcEndAddr, void *dstEndAddr, void *nextDesc ) { desc->xfercfg = xfercfg; desc->srcEndAddr = srcEndAddr; desc->dstEndAddr = dstEndAddr; desc->linkToNextDesc = nextDesc; } /* Verify and convert dma_xfercfg_t to XFERCFG register */ static void DMA_SetupXferCFG( dma_xfercfg_t *xfercfg, uint32_t *xfercfg_addr ) { assert(xfercfg != NULL); /* check source increment */ assert((xfercfg->srcInc == 0) || (xfercfg->srcInc == 1) || (xfercfg->srcInc == 2) || (xfercfg->srcInc == 4)); /* check destination increment */ assert((xfercfg->dstInc == 0) || (xfercfg->dstInc == 1) || (xfercfg->dstInc == 2) || (xfercfg->dstInc == 4)); /* check data width */ assert((xfercfg->byteWidth == 1) || (xfercfg->byteWidth == 2) || (xfercfg->byteWidth == 4)); /* check transfer count */ assert(xfercfg->transferCount <= DMA_MAX_TRANSFER_COUNT); uint32_t xfer = 0, tmp; /* set valid flag - descriptor is ready now */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_CFGVALID(xfercfg->valid ? 1 : 0); /* set reload - allow link to next descriptor */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_RELOAD(xfercfg->reload ? 1 : 0); /* set swtrig flag - start transfer */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SWTRIG(xfercfg->swtrig? 1 : 0); /* set transfer count */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_CLRTRIG(xfercfg->clrtrig? 1 : 0); /* set INTA */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SETINTA(xfercfg->intA ? 1 : 0); /* set INTB */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SETINTB(xfercfg->intB ? 1 : 0); /* set data width */ tmp = xfercfg->byteWidth == 4 ? 2 : xfercfg->byteWidth - 1; xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_WIDTH(tmp); /* set source increment value */ tmp = xfercfg->srcInc == 4 ? 3 : xfercfg->srcInc; xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SRCINC(tmp); /* set destination increment value */ tmp = xfercfg->dstInc == 4 ? 3 : xfercfg->dstInc; xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_DSTINC(tmp); /* set transfer count */ xfer |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_XFERCOUNT(xfercfg->transferCount - 1); /* store xferCFG */ *xfercfg_addr = xfer; } void DMA_CreateDescriptor( dma_descriptor_t *desc, dma_xfercfg_t *xfercfg, void *srcAddr, void *dstAddr, void *nextDesc ) { uint32_t xfercfg_reg = 0; assert((NULL != desc) && (0 == (uint32_t)desc % 16) && (NULL != xfercfg)); assert((NULL != srcAddr) && (0 == (uint32_t)srcAddr % xfercfg->byteWidth)); assert((NULL != dstAddr) && (0 == (uint32_t)dstAddr % xfercfg->byteWidth)); assert((NULL == nextDesc) || (0 == (uint32_t)nextDesc % 16)); /* Setup channel configuration */ DMA_SetupXferCFG(xfercfg, &xfercfg_reg); /* Set descriptor structure */ DMA_SetupDescriptor(desc, xfercfg_reg, (uint8_t*)srcAddr + (xfercfg->srcInc * xfercfg->byteWidth * (xfercfg->transferCount - 1)), (uint8_t*)dstAddr + (xfercfg->dstInc * xfercfg->byteWidth * (xfercfg->transferCount - 1)), nextDesc ); } void DMA_AbortTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle) { assert(NULL != handle); DMA_DisableChannel(handle->base, handle->channel); while (handle->base->COMMON[DMA_CHANNEL_GROUP(handle->channel)].BUSY & (1U << DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(handle->channel))) { } handle->base->COMMON[DMA_CHANNEL_GROUP(handle->channel)].ABORT |= 1U << DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(handle->channel); DMA_EnableChannel(handle->base, handle->channel); } void DMA_CreateHandle(dma_handle_t *handle, DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel) { int32_t dmaInstance; assert((NULL != handle) && (channel < FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS)); /* base address is invalid DMA instance */ dmaInstance = DMA_GetInstance(base); memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle)); handle->base = base; handle->channel = channel; s_DMAHandle[channel] = handle; /* Enable NVIC interrupt */ EnableIRQ(s_dmaIRQNumber[dmaInstance]); } void DMA_SetCallback(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_callback callback, void *userData) { assert(handle != NULL); handle->callback = callback; handle->userData = userData; } void DMA_PrepareTransfer(dma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, void *dstAddr, uint32_t byteWidth, uint32_t transferBytes, dma_transfer_type_t type, void *nextDesc) { uint32_t xfer_count; assert((NULL != config) && (NULL != srcAddr) && (NULL != dstAddr)); assert((byteWidth == 1) || (byteWidth == 2) || (byteWidth == 4)); /* check max */ xfer_count = transferBytes / byteWidth; assert((xfer_count <= DMA_MAX_TRANSFER_COUNT) && (0 == transferBytes % byteWidth)); memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); switch (type) { case kDMA_MemoryToMemory: config->xfercfg.srcInc = 1; config->xfercfg.dstInc = 1; config->isPeriph = false; break; case kDMA_PeripheralToMemory: /* Peripheral register - source doesn't increment */ config->xfercfg.srcInc = 0; config->xfercfg.dstInc = 1; config->isPeriph = true; break; case kDMA_MemoryToPeripheral: /* Peripheral register - destination doesn't increment */ config->xfercfg.srcInc = 1; config->xfercfg.dstInc = 0; config->isPeriph = true; break; case kDMA_StaticToStatic: config->xfercfg.srcInc = 0; config->xfercfg.dstInc = 0; config->isPeriph = true; break; default: return; } config->dstAddr = (uint8_t*)dstAddr; config->srcAddr = (uint8_t*)srcAddr; config->nextDesc = (uint8_t*)nextDesc; config->xfercfg.transferCount = xfer_count; config->xfercfg.byteWidth = byteWidth; config->xfercfg.intA = true; config->xfercfg.reload = nextDesc != NULL; config->xfercfg.valid = true; } status_t DMA_SubmitTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_transfer_config_t *config) { assert((NULL != handle) && (NULL != config)); /* Previous transfer has not finished */ if (DMA_ChannelIsActive(handle->base, handle->channel)) { return kStatus_DMA_Busy; } /* enable/disable peripheral request */ if (config->isPeriph) { DMA_EnableChannelPeriphRq(handle->base, handle->channel); } else { DMA_DisableChannelPeriphRq(handle->base, handle->channel); } DMA_CreateDescriptor( &s_dma_descriptor_table[ handle->channel ], &config->xfercfg, config->srcAddr, config->dstAddr, config->nextDesc ); return kStatus_Success; } void DMA_StartTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle) { assert(NULL != handle); /* Enable channel interrupt */ handle->base->COMMON[DMA_CHANNEL_GROUP(handle->channel)].INTENSET |= 1U << DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(handle->channel); /* If HW trigger is enabled - disable SW trigger */ if (handle->base->CHANNEL[handle->channel].CFG & DMA_CHANNEL_CFG_HWTRIGEN_MASK) { s_dma_descriptor_table[ handle->channel ].xfercfg &= ~(DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SWTRIG_MASK); } /* Otherwise enable SW trigger */ else { s_dma_descriptor_table[ handle->channel ].xfercfg |= DMA_CHANNEL_XFERCFG_SWTRIG_MASK; } /* Set channel XFERCFG register according first channel descriptor. */ handle->base->CHANNEL[handle->channel].XFERCFG = s_dma_descriptor_table[ handle->channel ].xfercfg; /* At this moment, the channel ACTIVE bit is set and application cannot modify * or start another transfer using this channel. Channel ACTIVE bit is cleared by * 'AbortTransfer' function or when the transfer finishes */ } void DMA0_DriverIRQHandler(void) { dma_handle_t *handle; int32_t channel_group; int32_t channel_index; /* Find channels that have completed transfer */ for (int i = 0; i < FSL_FEATURE_DMA_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; i++) { handle = s_DMAHandle[i]; /* Handle is not present */ if (NULL == handle) { continue; } channel_group = DMA_CHANNEL_GROUP(handle->channel); channel_index = DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(handle->channel); /* Channel uses INTA flag */ if (handle->base->COMMON[channel_group].INTA & (1U << channel_index)) { /* Clear INTA flag */ handle->base->COMMON[channel_group].INTA = 1U << channel_index; if (handle->callback) { (handle->callback)(handle, handle->userData, true, kDMA_IntA); } } /* Channel uses INTB flag */ if (handle->base->COMMON[channel_group].INTB & (1U << channel_index)) { /* Clear INTB flag */ handle->base->COMMON[channel_group].INTB = 1U << channel_index; if (handle->callback) { (handle->callback)(handle, handle->userData, true, kDMA_IntB); } } } }