/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fsl_i2s.h" #include "fsl_flexcomm.h" #include /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /* TODO - absent in device header files, should be there */ #define I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0_MASK (0x4U) #define I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0_SHIFT (2U) #define I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0(x) (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0_SHIFT)) & I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0_MASK) #define I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_MASK (0x8U) #define I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_SHIFT (3U) #define I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48(x) (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_SHIFT)) & I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_MASK) /*! @brief I2S states. */ enum _i2s_state { kI2S_StateIdle = 0x0, /*!< Not performing transfer */ kI2S_StateTx, /*!< Performing transmit */ kI2S_StateTxWaitToWriteDummyData, /*!< Wait on FIFO in order to write final dummy data there */ kI2S_StateTxWaitForEmptyFifo, /*!< Wait for FIFO to be flushed */ kI2S_StateRx, /*!< Performing receive */ }; /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ static void I2S_Config(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config); static status_t I2S_ValidateBuffer(i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t *transfer); /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ void I2S_TxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config) { uint32_t cfg = 0U; uint32_t trig = 0U; FLEXCOMM_Init(base, FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_I2S_TX); I2S_Config(base, config); /* Configure FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_ENABLETX(1U); /* enable TX FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX(1U); /* empty TX FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_TXI2SE0(config->txEmptyZero); /* transmit zero when buffer becomes empty or last item */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48(config->pack48); /* set pack 48-bit format or not */ trig |= I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVLENA(1U); /* enable TX FIFO trigger */ trig |= I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL(config->watermark); /* set TX FIFO trigger level */ base->FIFOCFG = cfg; base->FIFOTRIG = trig; } void I2S_RxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config) { uint32_t cfg = 0U; uint32_t trig = 0U; FLEXCOMM_Init(base, FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_I2S_RX); I2S_Config(base, config); /* Configure FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_ENABLERX(1U); /* enable RX FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX(1U); /* empty RX FIFO */ cfg |= I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48(config->pack48); /* set pack 48-bit format or not */ trig |= I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVLENA(1U); /* enable RX FIFO trigger */ trig |= I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(config->watermark); /* set RX FIFO trigger level */ base->FIFOCFG = cfg; base->FIFOTRIG = trig; } void I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config) { config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalMaster; config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic; config->rightLow = false; config->leftJust = false; config->pdmData = false; config->sckPol = false; config->wsPol = false; config->divider = 1U; config->oneChannel = false; config->dataLength = 16U; config->frameLength = 32U; config->position = 0U; config->watermark = 4U; config->txEmptyZero = true; config->pack48 = false; } void I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config) { config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave; config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic; config->rightLow = false; config->leftJust = false; config->pdmData = false; config->sckPol = false; config->wsPol = false; config->divider = 1U; config->oneChannel = false; config->dataLength = 16U; config->frameLength = 32U; config->position = 0U; config->watermark = 4U; config->txEmptyZero = false; config->pack48 = false; } static void I2S_Config(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config) { assert(config); uint32_t cfg1 = 0U; uint32_t cfg2 = 0U; /* set master/slave configuration */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_MSTSLVCFG(config->masterSlave); /* set I2S mode */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_MODE(config->mode); /* set right low (channel swap) */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_RIGHTLOW(config->rightLow); /* set data justification */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_LEFTJUST(config->leftJust); /* set source to PDM dmic */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_PDMDATA(config->pdmData); /* set SCLK polarity */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_SCK_POL(config->sckPol); /* set WS polarity */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_WS_POL(config->wsPol); /* set mono mode */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_ONECHANNEL(config->oneChannel); /* set data length */ cfg1 |= I2S_CFG1_DATALEN(config->dataLength - 1U); /* set frame length */ cfg2 |= I2S_CFG2_FRAMELEN(config->frameLength - 1U); /* set data position of this channel pair within the frame */ cfg2 |= I2S_CFG2_POSITION(config->position); /* write to registers */ base->CFG1 = cfg1; base->CFG2 = cfg2; /* set the clock divider */ base->DIV = I2S_DIV_DIV(config->divider - 1U); } void I2S_Deinit(I2S_Type *base) { /* TODO gate FLEXCOMM clock via FLEXCOMM driver */ } void I2S_TxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { I2S_EnableInterrupts(base, kI2S_TxErrorFlag | kI2S_TxLevelFlag); I2S_Enable(base); } else { I2S_DisableInterrupts(base, kI2S_TxErrorFlag | kI2S_TxLevelFlag); I2S_Disable(base); base->FIFOCFG |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK; } } void I2S_RxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { I2S_EnableInterrupts(base, kI2S_RxErrorFlag | kI2S_RxLevelFlag); I2S_Enable(base); } else { I2S_DisableInterrupts(base, kI2S_RxErrorFlag | kI2S_RxLevelFlag); I2S_Disable(base); base->FIFOCFG |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; } } static status_t I2S_ValidateBuffer(i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t *transfer) { assert(transfer->data); if (!transfer->data) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert(transfer->dataSize > 0U); if (transfer->dataSize <= 0U) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } if (handle->dataLength == 4U) { /* No alignment and data length requirements */ } else if ((handle->dataLength >= 5U) && (handle->dataLength <= 8U)) { assert((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 2U) == 0U); if ((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 2U) != 0U) { /* Data not 2-bytes aligned */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert((transfer->dataSize % 2U) == 0U); if ((transfer->dataSize % 2U) != 0U) { /* Data not in pairs of left/right channel bytes */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } } else if ((handle->dataLength >= 9U) && (handle->dataLength <= 16U)) { assert((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) == 0U); if ((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) != 0U) { /* Data not 4-bytes aligned */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert((transfer->dataSize % 4U) == 0U); if ((transfer->dataSize % 4U) != 0U) { /* Data lenght not multiply of 4 */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } } else if ((handle->dataLength >= 17U) && (handle->dataLength <= 24U)) { assert((transfer->dataSize % 6U) == 0U); if ((transfer->dataSize % 6U) != 0U) { /* Data lenght not multiply of 6 */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert(!((handle->pack48) && ((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) != 0U))); if ((handle->pack48) && ((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) != 0U)) { /* Data not 4-bytes aligned */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } } else /* if (handle->dataLength >= 25U) */ { assert((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) == 0U); if ((((uint32_t)transfer->data) % 4U) != 0U) { /* Data not 4-bytes aligned */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } if (handle->oneChannel) { assert((transfer->dataSize % 4U) == 0U); if ((transfer->dataSize % 4U) != 0U) { /* Data lenght not multiply of 4 */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } } else { assert((transfer->dataSize % 8U) == 0U); if ((transfer->dataSize % 8U) != 0U) { /* Data lenght not multiply of 8 */ return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } } } return kStatus_Success; } void I2S_TxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData) { assert(handle); /* Clear out the handle */ memset(handle, 0U, sizeof(*handle)); /* Save callback and user data */ handle->completionCallback = callback; handle->userData = userData; /* Remember some items set previously by configuration */ handle->watermark = ((base->FIFOTRIG & I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK) >> I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_SHIFT); handle->oneChannel = ((base->CFG1 & I2S_CFG1_ONECHANNEL_MASK) >> I2S_CFG1_ONECHANNEL_SHIFT); handle->dataLength = ((base->CFG1 & I2S_CFG1_DATALEN_MASK) >> I2S_CFG1_DATALEN_SHIFT) + 1U; handle->pack48 = ((base->FIFOCFG & I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_MASK) >> I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_SHIFT); handle->useFifo48H = false; /* Register IRQ handling */ FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(base, (flexcomm_irq_handler_t)(uintptr_t)I2S_TxHandleIRQ, handle); } status_t I2S_TxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer) { assert(handle); if (!handle) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } status_t result; result = I2S_ValidateBuffer(handle, &transfer); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize) { /* Previously prepared buffers not processed yet */ return kStatus_I2S_Busy; } handle->state = kI2S_StateTx; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].data = transfer.data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize = transfer.dataSize; handle->queueUser = (handle->queueUser + 1U) % I2S_NUM_BUFFERS; base->FIFOTRIG = (base->FIFOTRIG & (~I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK)) | I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL(handle->watermark); I2S_TxEnable(base, true); return kStatus_Success; } void I2S_TxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle) { assert(handle); /* Disable I2S operation and interrupts */ I2S_TxEnable(base, false); /* Reset state */ handle->state = kI2S_StateIdle; /* Clear transfer queue */ memset((void *)&handle->i2sQueue, 0U, sizeof(i2s_transfer_t) * I2S_NUM_BUFFERS); handle->queueDriver = 0U; handle->queueUser = 0U; } void I2S_RxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData) { assert(handle); /* Clear out the handle */ memset(handle, 0U, sizeof(*handle)); /* Save callback and user data */ handle->completionCallback = callback; handle->userData = userData; /* Remember some items set previously by configuration */ handle->watermark = ((base->FIFOTRIG & I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK) >> I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_SHIFT); handle->oneChannel = ((base->CFG1 & I2S_CFG1_ONECHANNEL_MASK) >> I2S_CFG1_ONECHANNEL_SHIFT); handle->dataLength = ((base->CFG1 & I2S_CFG1_DATALEN_MASK) >> I2S_CFG1_DATALEN_SHIFT) + 1U; handle->pack48 = ((base->FIFOCFG & I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_MASK) >> I2S_FIFOCFG_PACK48_SHIFT); handle->useFifo48H = false; /* Register IRQ handling */ FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(base, (flexcomm_irq_handler_t)(uintptr_t)I2S_RxHandleIRQ, handle); } status_t I2S_RxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer) { assert(handle); if (!handle) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } status_t result; result = I2S_ValidateBuffer(handle, &transfer); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize) { /* Previously prepared buffers not processed yet */ return kStatus_I2S_Busy; } handle->state = kI2S_StateRx; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].data = transfer.data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueUser].dataSize = transfer.dataSize; handle->queueUser = (handle->queueUser + 1U) % I2S_NUM_BUFFERS; base->FIFOTRIG = (base->FIFOTRIG & (~I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK)) | I2S_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(handle->watermark); I2S_RxEnable(base, true); return kStatus_Success; } void I2S_RxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle) { assert(handle); /* Disable I2S operation and interrupts */ I2S_RxEnable(base, false); /* Reset state */ handle->state = kI2S_StateIdle; /* Clear transfer queue */ memset((void *)&handle->i2sQueue, 0U, sizeof(i2s_transfer_t) * I2S_NUM_BUFFERS); handle->queueDriver = 0U; handle->queueUser = 0U; } status_t I2S_TransferGetCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count) { assert(handle); if (!handle) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert(count); if (!count) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } if (handle->state == kI2S_StateIdle) { return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress; } *count = handle->transferCount; return kStatus_Success; } status_t I2S_TransferGetErrorCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count) { assert(handle); if (!handle) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } assert(count); if (!count) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } if (handle->state == kI2S_StateIdle) { return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress; } *count = handle->errorCount; return kStatus_Success; } void I2S_TxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle) { uint32_t intstat = base->FIFOINTSTAT; uint32_t data; if (intstat & I2S_FIFOINTSTAT_TXERR_MASK) { handle->errorCount++; /* Clear TX error interrupt flag */ base->FIFOSTAT = I2S_FIFOSTAT_TXERR(1U); } if (intstat & I2S_FIFOINTSTAT_TXLVL_MASK) { if (handle->state == kI2S_StateTx) { /* Send data */ while ((base->FIFOSTAT & I2S_FIFOSTAT_TXNOTFULL_MASK) && (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize > 0U)) { /* Write output data */ if (handle->dataLength == 4U) { data = *(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data); base->FIFOWR = ((data & 0xF0U) << 12U) | (data & 0xFU); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++; handle->transferCount++; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize--; } else if (handle->dataLength <= 8U) { data = *((uint16_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data); base->FIFOWR = ((data & 0xFF00U) << 8U) | (data & 0xFFU); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint16_t); } else if (handle->dataLength <= 16U) { base->FIFOWR = *((uint32_t *)(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data)); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); } else if (handle->dataLength <= 24U) { if (handle->pack48) { if (handle->useFifo48H) { base->FIFOWR48H = *((uint16_t *)(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data)); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint16_t); handle->useFifo48H = false; } else { base->FIFOWR = *((uint32_t *)(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data)); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); handle->useFifo48H = true; } } else { data = (uint32_t)(*(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++)); data |= ((uint32_t)(*(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++))) << 8U; data |= ((uint32_t)(*(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++))) << 16U; if (handle->useFifo48H) { base->FIFOWR48H = data; handle->useFifo48H = false; } else { base->FIFOWR = data; handle->useFifo48H = true; } handle->transferCount += 3U; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= 3U; } } else /* if (handle->dataLength <= 32U) */ { base->FIFOWR = *((uint32_t *)(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data)); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); } if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0U) { /* Actual data buffer sent out, switch to a next one */ handle->queueDriver = (handle->queueDriver + 1U) % I2S_NUM_BUFFERS; /* Notify user */ if (handle->completionCallback) { handle->completionCallback(base, handle, kStatus_I2S_BufferComplete, handle->userData); } /* Check if the next buffer contains anything to send */ if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0U) { /* Everything has been written to FIFO */ handle->state = kI2S_StateTxWaitToWriteDummyData; break; } } } } else if (handle->state == kI2S_StateTxWaitToWriteDummyData) { /* Write dummy data */ if ((handle->dataLength > 16U) && (handle->dataLength < 25U)) { if (handle->useFifo48H) { base->FIFOWR48H = 0U; handle->useFifo48H = false; } else { base->FIFOWR = 0U; base->FIFOWR48H = 0U; } } else { base->FIFOWR = 0U; } /* Next time invoke this handler when FIFO becomes empty (TX level 0) */ base->FIFOTRIG &= ~I2S_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK; handle->state = kI2S_StateTxWaitForEmptyFifo; } else if (handle->state == kI2S_StateTxWaitForEmptyFifo) { /* FIFO, including additional dummy data, has been emptied now, * all relevant data should have been output from peripheral */ /* Stop transfer */ I2S_Disable(base); I2S_DisableInterrupts(base, kI2S_TxErrorFlag | kI2S_TxLevelFlag); base->FIFOCFG |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK; /* Reset state */ handle->state = kI2S_StateIdle; /* Notify user */ if (handle->completionCallback) { handle->completionCallback(base, handle, kStatus_I2S_Done, handle->userData); } } else { /* Do nothing */ } /* Clear TX level interrupt flag */ base->FIFOSTAT = I2S_FIFOSTAT_TXLVL(1U); } } void I2S_RxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle) { uint32_t intstat = base->FIFOINTSTAT; uint32_t data; if (intstat & I2S_FIFOINTSTAT_RXERR_MASK) { handle->errorCount++; /* Clear RX error interrupt flag */ base->FIFOSTAT = I2S_FIFOSTAT_RXERR(1U); } if (intstat & I2S_FIFOINTSTAT_RXLVL_MASK) { while ((base->FIFOSTAT & I2S_FIFOSTAT_RXNOTEMPTY_MASK) && (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize > 0U)) { /* Read input data */ if (handle->dataLength == 4U) { data = base->FIFORD; *(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = ((data & 0x000F0000U) >> 12U) | (data & 0x0000000FU); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++; handle->transferCount++; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize--; } else if (handle->dataLength <= 8U) { data = base->FIFORD; *((uint16_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = ((data >> 8U) & 0xFF00U) | (data & 0xFFU); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint16_t); } else if (handle->dataLength <= 16U) { data = base->FIFORD; *((uint32_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); } else if (handle->dataLength <= 24U) { if (handle->pack48) { if (handle->useFifo48H) { data = base->FIFORD48H; handle->useFifo48H = false; *((uint16_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint16_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint16_t); } else { data = base->FIFORD; handle->useFifo48H = true; *((uint32_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); } } else { if (handle->useFifo48H) { data = base->FIFORD48H; handle->useFifo48H = false; } else { data = base->FIFORD; handle->useFifo48H = true; } *(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++) = data & 0xFFU; *(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++) = (data >> 8U) & 0xFFU; *(handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data++) = (data >> 16U) & 0xFFU; handle->transferCount += 3U; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= 3U; } } else /* if (handle->dataLength <= 32U) */ { data = base->FIFORD; *((uint32_t *)handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data) = data; handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].data += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->transferCount += sizeof(uint32_t); handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize -= sizeof(uint32_t); } if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0U) { /* Actual data buffer filled with input data, switch to a next one */ handle->queueDriver = (handle->queueDriver + 1U) % I2S_NUM_BUFFERS; /* Notify user */ if (handle->completionCallback) { handle->completionCallback(base, handle, kStatus_I2S_BufferComplete, handle->userData); } if (handle->i2sQueue[handle->queueDriver].dataSize == 0U) { /* No other buffer prepared to receive data into */ /* Disable I2S operation and interrupts */ I2S_Disable(base); I2S_DisableInterrupts(base, kI2S_RxErrorFlag | kI2S_RxLevelFlag); base->FIFOCFG |= I2S_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; /* Reset state */ handle->state = kI2S_StateIdle; /* Notify user */ if (handle->completionCallback) { handle->completionCallback(base, handle, kStatus_I2S_Done, handle->userData); } /* Clear RX level interrupt flag */ base->FIFOSTAT = I2S_FIFOSTAT_RXLVL(1U); return; } } } /* Clear RX level interrupt flag */ base->FIFOSTAT = I2S_FIFOSTAT_RXLVL(1U); } }