/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fsl_spi.h" #include "fsl_flexcomm.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitons ******************************************************************************/ /* Note: FIFOCFG[SIZE] has always value 1 = 8 items depth */ #define SPI_FIFO_DEPTH(base) ((((base)->FIFOCFG & SPI_FIFOCFG_SIZE_MASK) >> SPI_FIFOCFG_SIZE_SHIFT) << 3) /* Convert transfer count to transfer bytes. dataWidth is a * range <0,15>. Range <8,15> represents 2B transfer */ #define SPI_COUNT_TO_BYTES(dataWidth, count) ((count) << ((dataWidth) >> 3U)) #define SPI_BYTES_TO_COUNT(dataWidth, bytes) ((bytes) >> ((dataWidth) >> 3U)) /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief internal SPI config array */ static spi_config_t g_configs[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT] = {(spi_data_width_t)0}; /*! @brief Array to map SPI instance number to base address. */ static const uint32_t s_spiBaseAddrs[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT] = SPI_BASE_ADDRS; /*! @brief IRQ name array */ static const IRQn_Type s_spiIRQ[] = SPI_IRQS; /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ /* Get the index corresponding to the FLEXCOMM */ uint32_t SPI_GetInstance(SPI_Type *base) { int i; for (i = 0; i < FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT; i++) { if ((uint32_t)base == s_spiBaseAddrs[i]) { return i; } } assert(false); return 0; } void *SPI_GetConfig(SPI_Type *base) { int32_t instance; instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); if (instance < 0) { return NULL; } return &g_configs[instance]; } void SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(spi_master_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); config->enableLoopback = false; config->enableMaster = true; config->polarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh; config->phase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge; config->direction = kSPI_MsbFirst; config->baudRate_Bps = 500000U; config->dataWidth = kSPI_Data8Bits; config->sselNum = kSPI_Ssel0; config->txWatermark = kSPI_TxFifo0; config->rxWatermark = kSPI_RxFifo1; } status_t SPI_MasterInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_master_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz) { int32_t result = 0, instance = 0; uint32_t tmp; /* assert params */ assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == config) || (0 == srcClock_Hz))); if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == config) || (0 == srcClock_Hz)) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* initialize flexcomm to SPI mode */ result = FLEXCOMM_Init(base, FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_SPI); assert(kStatus_Success == result); if (kStatus_Success != result) { return result; } /* set divider */ result = SPI_MasterSetBaud(base, config->baudRate_Bps, srcClock_Hz); if (kStatus_Success != result) { return result; } /* get instance number */ instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); assert(instance >= 0); /* configure SPI mode */ tmp = base->CFG; tmp &= ~(SPI_CFG_MASTER_MASK | SPI_CFG_LSBF_MASK | SPI_CFG_CPHA_MASK | SPI_CFG_CPOL_MASK | SPI_CFG_LOOP_MASK | SPI_CFG_ENABLE_MASK); /* phase */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_CPHA(config->phase); /* polarity */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_CPOL(config->polarity); /* direction */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_LSBF(config->direction); /* master mode */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_MASTER(1); /* loopback */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_LOOP(config->enableLoopback); base->CFG = tmp; /* store configuration */ g_configs[instance].dataWidth = config->dataWidth; g_configs[instance].sselNum = config->sselNum; /* enable FIFOs */ base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_ENABLETX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_ENABLERX_MASK; /* trigger level - empty txFIFO, one item in rxFIFO */ tmp = base->FIFOTRIG & (~(SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK)); tmp |= SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL(config->txWatermark) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(config->rxWatermark); /* enable generating interrupts for FIFOTRIG levels */ tmp |= SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVLENA_MASK | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVLENA_MASK; /* set FIFOTRIG */ base->FIFOTRIG = tmp; SPI_Enable(base, config->enableMaster); return kStatus_Success; } void SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(spi_slave_config_t *config) { assert(NULL != config); config->enableSlave = true; config->polarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh; config->phase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge; config->direction = kSPI_MsbFirst; config->dataWidth = kSPI_Data8Bits; config->txWatermark = kSPI_TxFifo0; config->rxWatermark = kSPI_RxFifo1; } status_t SPI_SlaveInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_slave_config_t *config) { int32_t result = 0, instance; uint32_t tmp; /* assert params */ assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == config))); if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == config)) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* configure flexcomm to SPI, enable clock gate */ result = FLEXCOMM_Init(base, FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_SPI); assert(kStatus_Success == result); if (kStatus_Success != result) { return result; } instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); /* configure SPI mode */ tmp = base->CFG; tmp &= ~(SPI_CFG_MASTER_MASK | SPI_CFG_LSBF_MASK | SPI_CFG_CPHA_MASK | SPI_CFG_CPOL_MASK | SPI_CFG_ENABLE_MASK); /* phase */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_CPHA(config->phase); /* polarity */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_CPOL(config->polarity); /* direction */ tmp |= SPI_CFG_LSBF(config->direction); base->CFG = tmp; /* store configuration */ g_configs[instance].dataWidth = config->dataWidth; /* empty and enable FIFOs */ base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_ENABLETX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_ENABLERX_MASK; /* trigger level - empty txFIFO, one item in rxFIFO */ tmp = base->FIFOTRIG & (~(SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK)); tmp |= SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL(config->txWatermark) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(config->rxWatermark); /* enable generating interrupts for FIFOTRIG levels */ tmp |= SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVLENA_MASK | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVLENA_MASK; /* set FIFOTRIG */ base->FIFOTRIG = tmp; SPI_Enable(base, config->enableSlave); return kStatus_Success; } void SPI_Deinit(SPI_Type *base) { /* Assert arguments */ assert(NULL != base); /* Disable interrupts, disable dma requests, disable peripheral */ base->FIFOINTENCLR = SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_TXERR_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_RXERR_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_TXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_RXLVL_MASK; base->FIFOCFG &= ~(SPI_FIFOCFG_DMATX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_DMARX_MASK); base->CFG &= ~(SPI_CFG_ENABLE_MASK); } void SPI_EnableTxDMA(SPI_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_DMATX_MASK; } else { base->FIFOCFG &= ~SPI_FIFOCFG_DMATX_MASK; } } void SPI_EnableRxDMA(SPI_Type *base, bool enable) { if (enable) { base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_DMARX_MASK; } else { base->FIFOCFG &= ~SPI_FIFOCFG_DMARX_MASK; } } status_t SPI_MasterSetBaud(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudrate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz) { uint32_t tmp; /* assert params */ assert(!((NULL == base) || (0 == baudrate_Bps) || (0 == srcClock_Hz))); if ((NULL == base) || (0 == baudrate_Bps) || (0 == srcClock_Hz)) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* calculate baudrate */ tmp = (srcClock_Hz / baudrate_Bps) - 1; if (tmp > 0xFFFF) { return kStatus_SPI_BaudrateNotSupport; } base->DIV &= ~SPI_DIV_DIVVAL_MASK; base->DIV |= SPI_DIV_DIVVAL(tmp); return kStatus_Success; } void SPI_WriteData(SPI_Type *base, uint16_t data, uint32_t configFlags) { uint32_t control = 0; int32_t instance; /* check params */ assert(NULL != base); /* get and check instance */ instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); assert(!(instance < 0)); if (instance < 0) { return; } /* set data width */ control |= SPI_FIFOWR_LEN(g_configs[instance].dataWidth); /* set sssel */ control |= (SPI_DEASSERT_ALL & (~SPI_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(g_configs[instance].sselNum))); /* mask configFlags */ control |= (configFlags & SPI_FIFOWR_FLAGS_MASK); /* control should not affect lower 16 bits */ assert(!(control & 0xFFFF)); base->FIFOWR = data | control; } status_t SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_master_callback_t callback, void *userData) { int32_t instance = 0; /* check 'base' */ assert(!(NULL == base)); if (NULL == base) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* check 'handle' */ assert(!(NULL == handle)); if (NULL == handle) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* get flexcomm instance by 'base' param */ instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); assert(!(instance < 0)); if (instance < 0) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle)); /* Initialize the handle */ if (base->CFG & SPI_CFG_MASTER_MASK) { FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(base, (flexcomm_irq_handler_t)(uintptr_t)SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ, handle); } else { FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(base, (flexcomm_irq_handler_t)(uintptr_t)SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ, handle); } handle->dataWidth = g_configs[instance].dataWidth; /* in slave mode, the sselNum is not important */ handle->sselNum = g_configs[instance].sselNum; handle->txWatermark = (spi_txfifo_watermark_t)SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_GET(base); handle->rxWatermark = (spi_rxfifo_watermark_t)SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_GET(base); handle->callback = callback; handle->userData = userData; /* Enable SPI NVIC */ EnableIRQ(s_spiIRQ[instance]); return kStatus_Success; } status_t SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_transfer_t *xfer) { int32_t instance; uint32_t tx_ctrl = 0, last_ctrl = 0; uint32_t tmp32, rxRemainingBytes, txRemainingBytes, dataWidth; uint32_t toReceiveCount = 0; uint8_t *txData, *rxData; uint32_t fifoDepth; /* check params */ assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData)))); if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData))) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } fifoDepth = SPI_FIFO_DEPTH(base); txData = xfer->txData; rxData = xfer->rxData; txRemainingBytes = txData ? xfer->dataSize : 0; rxRemainingBytes = rxData ? xfer->dataSize : 0; instance = SPI_GetInstance(base); assert(instance >= 0); dataWidth = g_configs[instance].dataWidth; /* dataSize (in bytes) is not aligned to 16bit (2B) transfer */ assert(!((dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) && (xfer->dataSize & 0x1))); if ((dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) && (xfer->dataSize & 0x1)) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* clear tx/rx errors and empty FIFOs */ base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; base->FIFOSTAT |= SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXERR_MASK | SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXERR_MASK; /* select slave to talk with */ tx_ctrl |= (SPI_DEASSERT_ALL & (~SPI_DEASSERTNUM_SSEL(g_configs[instance].sselNum))); /* set width of data - range asserted at entry */ tx_ctrl |= SPI_FIFOWR_LEN(dataWidth); /* end of transfer */ last_ctrl |= (xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameAssert) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameAssert : 0; /* delay end of transfer */ last_ctrl |= (xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameDelay) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameDelay : 0; /* last index of loop */ while (txRemainingBytes || rxRemainingBytes || toReceiveCount) { /* if rxFIFO is not empty */ if (base->FIFOSTAT & SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXNOTEMPTY_MASK) { tmp32 = base->FIFORD; /* rxBuffer is not empty */ if (rxRemainingBytes) { *(rxData++) = tmp32; rxRemainingBytes--; /* read 16 bits at once */ if (dataWidth > 8) { *(rxData++) = tmp32 >> 8; rxRemainingBytes--; } } /* decrease number of data expected to receive */ toReceiveCount -= 1; } /* transmit if txFIFO is not full and data to receive does not exceed FIFO depth */ if ((base->FIFOSTAT & SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXNOTFULL_MASK) && (toReceiveCount < fifoDepth) && ((txRemainingBytes) || (rxRemainingBytes >= SPI_COUNT_TO_BYTES(dataWidth, toReceiveCount + 1)))) { /* txBuffer is not empty */ if (txRemainingBytes) { tmp32 = *(txData++); txRemainingBytes--; /* write 16 bit at once */ if (dataWidth > 8) { tmp32 |= ((uint32_t)(*(txData++))) << 8U; txRemainingBytes--; } if (!txRemainingBytes) { tx_ctrl |= last_ctrl; } } else { tmp32 = SPI_DUMMYDATA; /* last transfer */ if (rxRemainingBytes == SPI_COUNT_TO_BYTES(dataWidth, toReceiveCount + 1)) { tx_ctrl |= last_ctrl; } } /* send data */ tmp32 = tx_ctrl | tmp32; base->FIFOWR = tmp32; toReceiveCount += 1; } } /* wait if TX FIFO of previous transfer is not empty */ while (!(base->FIFOSTAT & SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXEMPTY_MASK)) { } return kStatus_Success; } status_t SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer) { /* check params */ assert( !((NULL == base) || (NULL == handle) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData)))); if ((NULL == base) || (NULL == handle) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData))) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* dataSize (in bytes) is not aligned to 16bit (2B) transfer */ assert(!((handle->dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) && (xfer->dataSize & 0x1))); if ((handle->dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) && (xfer->dataSize & 0x1)) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* Check if SPI is busy */ if (handle->state == kStatus_SPI_Busy) { return kStatus_SPI_Busy; } /* Set the handle information */ handle->txData = xfer->txData; handle->rxData = xfer->rxData; /* set count */ handle->txRemainingBytes = xfer->txData ? xfer->dataSize : 0; handle->rxRemainingBytes = xfer->rxData ? xfer->dataSize : 0; handle->totalByteCount = xfer->dataSize; /* other options */ handle->toReceiveCount = 0; handle->configFlags = xfer->configFlags; /* Set the SPI state to busy */ handle->state = kStatus_SPI_Busy; /* clear FIFOs when transfer starts */ base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; base->FIFOSTAT |= SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXERR_MASK | SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXERR_MASK; /* enable generating txIRQ and rxIRQ, first transfer is fired by empty txFIFO */ base->FIFOINTENSET |= SPI_FIFOINTENSET_TXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENSET_RXLVL_MASK; return kStatus_Success; } status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count) { assert(NULL != handle); if (!count) { return kStatus_InvalidArgument; } /* Catch when there is not an active transfer. */ if (handle->state != kStatus_SPI_Busy) { *count = 0; return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress; } *count = handle->totalByteCount - handle->rxRemainingBytes; return kStatus_Success; } void SPI_MasterTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle) { assert(NULL != handle); /* Disable interrupt requests*/ base->FIFOINTENSET &= ~(SPI_FIFOINTENSET_TXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENSET_RXLVL_MASK); /* Empty FIFOs */ base->FIFOCFG |= SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYTX_MASK | SPI_FIFOCFG_EMPTYRX_MASK; handle->state = kStatus_SPI_Idle; handle->txRemainingBytes = 0; handle->rxRemainingBytes = 0; } static void SPI_TransferHandleIRQInternal(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle) { uint32_t tx_ctrl = 0, last_ctrl = 0, tmp32; bool loopContinue; uint32_t fifoDepth; /* check params */ assert((NULL != base) && (NULL != handle) && ((NULL != handle->txData) || (NULL != handle->rxData))); fifoDepth = SPI_FIFO_DEPTH(base); /* select slave to talk with */ tx_ctrl |= (SPI_DEASSERT_ALL & SPI_ASSERTNUM_SSEL(handle->sselNum)); /* set width of data */ tx_ctrl |= SPI_FIFOWR_LEN(handle->dataWidth); /* end of transfer */ last_ctrl |= (handle->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameAssert) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameAssert : 0; /* delay end of transfer */ last_ctrl |= (handle->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameDelay) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_FrameDelay : 0; do { loopContinue = false; /* rxFIFO is not empty */ if (base->FIFOSTAT & SPI_FIFOSTAT_RXNOTEMPTY_MASK) { tmp32 = base->FIFORD; /* rxBuffer is not empty */ if (handle->rxRemainingBytes) { /* low byte must go first */ *(handle->rxData++) = tmp32; handle->rxRemainingBytes--; /* read 16 bits at once */ if (handle->dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) { *(handle->rxData++) = tmp32 >> 8; handle->rxRemainingBytes--; } } /* decrease number of data expected to receive */ handle->toReceiveCount -= 1; loopContinue = true; } /* - txFIFO is not full * - we cannot cause rxFIFO overflow by sending more data than is the depth of FIFO * - txBuffer is not empty or the next 'toReceiveCount' data can fit into rxBuffer */ if ((base->FIFOSTAT & SPI_FIFOSTAT_TXNOTFULL_MASK) && (handle->toReceiveCount < fifoDepth) && ((handle->txRemainingBytes) || (handle->rxRemainingBytes >= SPI_COUNT_TO_BYTES(handle->dataWidth, handle->toReceiveCount + 1)))) { /* txBuffer is not empty */ if (handle->txRemainingBytes) { /* low byte must go first */ tmp32 = *(handle->txData++); handle->txRemainingBytes--; /* write 16 bit at once */ if (handle->dataWidth > kSPI_Data8Bits) { tmp32 |= ((uint32_t)(*(handle->txData++))) << 8U; handle->txRemainingBytes--; } /* last transfer */ if (!handle->txRemainingBytes) { tx_ctrl |= last_ctrl; } } else { tmp32 = SPI_DUMMYDATA; /* last transfer */ if (handle->rxRemainingBytes == SPI_COUNT_TO_BYTES(handle->dataWidth, handle->toReceiveCount + 1)) { tx_ctrl |= last_ctrl; } } /* send data */ tmp32 = tx_ctrl | tmp32; base->FIFOWR = tmp32; /* increase number of expected data to receive */ handle->toReceiveCount += 1; loopContinue = true; } } while (loopContinue); } void SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle) { assert((NULL != base) && (NULL != handle)); /* IRQ behaviour: * - first interrupt is triggered by empty txFIFO. The transfer function * then tries empty rxFIFO and fill txFIFO interleaved that results to * strategy to process as many items as possible. * - the next IRQs can be: * rxIRQ from nonempty rxFIFO which requires to empty rxFIFO. * txIRQ from empty txFIFO which requires to refill txFIFO. * - last interrupt is triggered by empty txFIFO. The last state is * known by empty rxBuffer and txBuffer. If there is nothing to receive * or send - both operations have been finished and interrupts can be * disabled. */ /* Data to send or read or expected to receive */ if ((handle->txRemainingBytes) || (handle->rxRemainingBytes) || (handle->toReceiveCount)) { /* Transmit or receive data */ SPI_TransferHandleIRQInternal(base, handle); /* No data to send or read or receive. Transfer ends. Set txTrigger to 0 level and * enable txIRQ to confirm when txFIFO becomes empty */ if ((!handle->txRemainingBytes) && (!handle->rxRemainingBytes) && (!handle->toReceiveCount)) { base->FIFOTRIG = base->FIFOTRIG & (~SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL_MASK); base->FIFOINTENSET |= SPI_FIFOINTENSET_TXLVL_MASK; } else { uint32_t rxRemainingCount = SPI_BYTES_TO_COUNT(handle->dataWidth, handle->rxRemainingBytes); /* If, there are no data to send or rxFIFO is already filled with necessary number of dummy data, * disable txIRQ. From this point only rxIRQ is used to receive data without any transmission */ if ((!handle->txRemainingBytes) && (rxRemainingCount <= handle->toReceiveCount)) { base->FIFOINTENCLR = SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_TXLVL_MASK; } /* Nothing to receive or transmit, but we still have pending data which are bellow rxLevel. * Cannot clear rxFIFO, txFIFO might be still active */ if (rxRemainingCount == 0) { if ((handle->txRemainingBytes == 0) && (handle->toReceiveCount != 0) && (handle->toReceiveCount < SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_GET(base) + 1)) { base->FIFOTRIG = (base->FIFOTRIG & (~SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK)) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(handle->toReceiveCount - 1); } } /* Expected to receive less data than rxLevel value, we have to update rxLevel */ else { if (rxRemainingCount < (SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_GET(base) + 1)) { base->FIFOTRIG = (base->FIFOTRIG & (~SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK)) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(rxRemainingCount - 1); } } } } else { /* Empty txFIFO is confirmed. Disable IRQs and restore triggers values */ base->FIFOINTENCLR = SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_RXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOINTENCLR_TXLVL_MASK; base->FIFOTRIG = (base->FIFOTRIG & (~(SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL_MASK))) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_RXLVL(handle->rxWatermark) | SPI_FIFOTRIG_TXLVL(handle->txWatermark); /* set idle state and call user callback */ handle->state = kStatus_SPI_Idle; if (handle->callback) { (handle->callback)(base, handle, handle->state, handle->userData); } } }