/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Use of the Software is limited solely to applications: * (a) running on a Xilinx device, or * (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * XILINX BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used * in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in * this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file fsbl.h * * Contains the function prototypes, defines and macros for the * First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL) functionality * *
* Ver	Who	Date		Changes
* ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a	jz	03/04/11	Initial release
* 2.00a	mb 	06/06/12	Removed the qspi define, will be picked from
*						xparameters.h file
* 3.00a np/mb 08/08/12	Added the error codes for the FSBL hook errors.
* 						Added the debug levels
* 4.00a sgd 02/28/13	Removed DDR initialization check
*                       Removed DDR ECC initialization code
*						Modified hand off address check to 1MB
*						Added RSA authentication support
*						Removed LPBK_DLY_ADJ register setting code as we use
* 					 	divisor 8
*						Removed check for Fabric is already initialized
* 						CR's fixed and description
* 						689026:	FSBL doesn't hold PL resets active during
* 						bit download
* 						Resolution: PL resets are released just before
* 						handoff
* 						689077:	FSBL hangs at Handoff clearing the
* 						TX UART buffer
*						Resolution: STDOUT_BASEADDRESS macro value changes
*						based UART select, hence used STDOUT_BASEADDRESS
*						as UART base address
* 						695578: FSBL failed to load standalone application
* 						in secure bootmode
*               		Resolution: Application will be placed at load address
*               		instead of DDR temporary address
*               		699475: FSBL functionality is broken and its
*               		not able to boot in QSPI/NAND bootmode
*               		Resolution: New flags are added DevCfg driver
*               		for handling loopback
*               		683145: Define stack area for FIQ, UNDEF modes
*               		in linker file
*               		Resolution: FSBL linker modified to create stack area
*               		for FIQ, UNDEF
*                       705664: FSBL fails to decrypt the bitstream when 
*                       the image is AES encrypted using non-zero key value
*                       Resolution: Fabric cleaning will not be done
*                       for AES-E-Fuse encryption
*                       Watchdog disabled for AES E-Fuse encryption
* 5.00a sgd 05/17/13    Fallback support for E-Fuse encryption
*                       Added QSPI Flash Size > 128Mbit support
* 					    QSPI Dual Stack support
* 					    Added Md5 checksum support
*                       CR's fixed and description
*                       692045	FSBL: Linker script of FSBL has PHDR workaround,
* 					    this needs to be fixed
* 					    Resolution: Removed PHDR from Linker file
*                       704287	FSBL: fsbl.h file has a few error codes that 
*                       are not used by FSBL, that needs to be removed
*                       Resolution: Removed unused error codes
*                       704379	FSBL: Check if DDR is in proper state before
*                       handoff
* 					    Resolution: Added DDR initialization check
*                       709077	If FSBL_DEBUG and FSBL_DEBUG_INFO are defined, 
*                       the debug level is FSBL_DEBUG only.
*                       710128 FSBL: Linux boot failing without load attribute
*                       set for Linux partitions in BIF
*                       Resolution: FSBL will load partitions with valid load
*                       address and stop loading if any invalid load address
*                       708728 Issues seen while making HP interconnect
*                       32 bit wide
*                       Resolution: ps7_post_config function generated by PCW
*                       will be called after Bit stream download
*                       Added MMC support
* 6.00a	kc	07/31/2013	CR's fixed and description
* 						724166 FSBL doesn’t use PPK authenticated by Boot ROM
* 						 for authenticating the Partition images
* 						Resolution: FSBL now uses the PPK left by Boot ROM in
* 						OCM for authencating the SPK
* 						724165 Partition Header used by FSBL is not
* 						authenticated
* 						Resolution: FSBL now authenticates the partition header
* 						691150 ps7_init does not check for peripheral
* 						initialization failures or timeout on polls
* 						Resolution: Return value of ps7_init() is now checked
* 						by FSBL and prints the error string
* 						708316  PS7_init.tcl file should have Error mechanism
* 						for all mask_poll
* 						Resolution: Return value of ps7_init() is now checked
* 						by FSBL and prints the error string
* 						732062 FSBL fails to build if UART not available
* 						Resolution: Added define to call xil_printf only
* 						if uart is defined
* 						722979 Provide customer-friendly changelogs in FSBL
* 						Resolution: Added CR description for all the files
* 						732865 Backward compatibility for ps7_init function
*						Resolution: Added a new define for ps7_init success
*						and value is defined based on ps7_init define
*						Fix for CR#739711 - FSBL not able to read Large
*						QSPI (512M) in IO Mode
*						Resolution: Modified the address calculation
*						algorithm in dual parallel mode for QSPI
* 7.00a kc  10/18/13    Integrated SD/MMC driver
*			10/23/13	Support for armcc compiler added
*						741003 FSBL has to check the HMAC error status after 
*						decryption
*						Resolution: Added code for checking the error status 
*						after PCAP completion
*						739968 FSBL should do the QSPI config settings for 
*						Dual parallel configuration in IO mode
*						Resolution: Added QSPI config settings in qspi.c
*						724620 FSBL: How to handle PCAP_MODE after bitstream 
*						configuration.
*						Resolution: PCAP_MODE and PCAP_PR bits are now cleared  
* 						after PCAP transfer completion
*						726178 In the 14.6 FSBL function FabricInit() PROG_B 
*						is kept active for 5mS.
*						Resolution: PROG_B is now kept active for 5mS only incase 
*						if efuse is the aes key source.
*						755245 FSBL does not load partition if eMMC has only 
*						one partition
*						Resolution: Changed the if condition for MMC
*			12/04/13    764382 FSBL: How to handle PCAP_MODE after bitstream 
*						configuration
*						Resolution: Reverted back the changes of 724620. PCAP_MODE
*						and PCAP_PR bits are not changed
* 8.00a kc  01/16/13    767798 Fsbl MD5 Checksum failiure for encrypted images
* 						Resolution: For checksum enabled partitions, total 
*						total partition image length is copied now.
*						761895 FSBL should authenticate image only if
*						partition owner was not set to u-boot
*						Resolution: Partition owner check added in 
*						image_mover.c
* 			02/20/14	775631 - FSBL: FsblGetGlobalTimer() is not proper
*						Resolution: Function argument is updated from value
*						to pointer to reflect updated value
* 9.00a kc  04/16/14	773866 - SetPpk() will fail on secure fallback
*						unless FSBL* and FSBL are identical in length
*						Resolution: PPK is set only once now.
*						785778 - FSBL takes 8 seconds to
* 						authenticate (RSA) a bitstream on zc706
* 						Resolution: Data Caches are enabled only for
* 						authentication.
* 						791245 - Use of xilrsa in fsbl
* 						Resolution: Rsa library is removed from fsbl source
* 						and xilrsa is used from BSP
* 10.00a kc 07/15/14	804595 Zynq FSBL - Issues with
* 						fallback image offset handling using MD5
* 						Resolution: Updated the checksum offset to add with
* 						image base address
* 						782309 Fallback support for AES
* 						encryption with E-Fuse - Enhancement
* 						Resolution: Same as 773866
* 						809336 Minor code cleanup
* 						Resolution Minor code changes
*        kc 08/27/14	820356 - FSBL compilation fails with IAR compiler
* 						Resolution: Change of __asm__ to __asm
* 11.00a kv 10/08/14	826030 - FSBL:LinearBootDeviceFlag is not initialized
*						in IO mode case.Due to which the variable is
*						remaining in unknown state.
*						Resolution: LinearBootDeviceFlag is initialized 0
*						in main.c
* 12.00a ssc 12/11/14	839182 - FSBL -In the file sd.c, f_mount is called with
*                       two arguments but f_mount is expecting the 3 arguments
*                       from build 2015.1_1210_1, causing compilation error.
*						Resolution: Arguments for f_mount in InitSD() are
*						changed as per new signature.
* 13.00a ssc 04/10/15	846899 - FSBL -In the file pcap.c, to clear DMA done
*                       count, devcfg.INT_STS register is written to, which is
*                       not correct.
*                       Resolution: Corresponding fields in the devcfg.STATUS
*                       register are written to, for clearing DMA done count.
* 14.00a gan 01/13/16   869081 -(2016.1)FSBL -In qspi.c, FSBL picks the qspi
*						read command from LQSPI_CFG register instead of hard
*		   				coded read command (0x6B).
* 15.00a gan 07/21/16   953654 -(2016.3)FSBL -In pcap.c/pcap.h/main.c,
* 						Fabric Initialization sequence is modified to check
* 						the PL power before sequence starts and checking INIT_B
* 						reset status twice in case of failure.
* 16.00a gan 08/02/16   Fix for CR# 955897 -(2016.3)FSBL -
* 						In pcap.c, check pl power through MCTRL register
* 						for 3.0 and later versions of silicon.
* 17.00a bsv 27/03/18	Fix for CR# 996973  Add code under JTAG_ENABLE_LEVEL_SHIFTERS macro
* 						to enable level shifters in jtag boot mode.
* * * * @note * * Flags in FSBL * * FSBL_PERF * * This Flag can be set at compilation time. This flag is set for * measuring the performance of FSBL.That is the time taken to execute is * measured.when this flag is set.Execution time with reference to * global timer is taken here * * Total Execution time is the time taken for executing FSBL till handoff * to any application . * If there is a bitstream in the partition header then the * execution time includes the copying of the bitstream to DDR * (in case of SD/NAND bootmode) * and programming the devcfg dma is accounted. * * FSBL provides two debug levels * DEBUG GENERAL - fsbl_printf under this category will appear only when the * FSBL_DEBUG flag is set during compilation * DEBUG_INFO - fsbl_printf under this category will appear when the * FSBL_DEBUG_INFO flag is set during compilation * For a more detailed output log can be used. * FSBL_DEBUG_RSA - Define this macro to print more detailed values used in * RSA functions * These macros are input to the fsbl_printf function * * DEBUG LEVELS * FSBL_DEBUG level is level 1, when this flag is set all the fsbl_prints * that are with the DEBUG_GENERAL argument are shown * FSBL_DEBUG_INFO is level 2, when this flag is set during the * compilation , the fsbl_printf with DEBUG_INFO will appear on the com port * * DEFAULT LEVEL * By default no print messages will appear. * * NON_PS_INSTANTIATED_BITSTREAM * * FSBL will not enable the level shifters for a NON PS instantiated * Bitstream.This flag can be set during compilation for a NON PS instantiated * bitstream * * ECC_ENABLE * This flag will be defined in the ps7_init.h file when ECC is enabled * in the DDR configuration (XPS GUI) * * RSA_SUPPORT * This flag is used to enable authentication feature * Default this macro disabled, reason to avoid increase in code size * * MMC_SUPPORT * This flag is used to enable MMC support feature * * JTAG_ENABLE_LEVEL_SHIFTERS * FSBL will not enable the level shifters for jtag boot mode. This flag can be * set during compilation for jtag boot mode to enable level shifters. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef XIL_FSBL_H #define XIL_FSBL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xil_io.h" #include "xparameters.h" #include "xpseudo_asm.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "pcap.h" #include "fsbl_debug.h" #include "ps7_init.h" #ifdef FSBL_PERF #include "xtime_l.h" #include #endif /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /* * SDK release version */ #define SDK_RELEASE_YEAR 2018 #define SDK_RELEASE_QUARTER 2 #define WORD_LENGTH_SHIFT 2 /* * On a Successful handoff to an application FSBL sets this SUCCESS code */ #define SUCCESSFUL_HANDOFF 0x1 /* Successful Handoff */ /* * Backward compatibility for ps7_init */ #ifdef NEW_PS7_ERR_CODE #define FSBL_PS7_INIT_SUCCESS PS7_INIT_SUCCESS #else #define FSBL_PS7_INIT_SUCCESS (1) #endif /* * ERROR CODES * The following are the Error codes that FSBL uses * If the Debug prints are enabled only then the error codes will be * seen on the com port.Without the debug prints enabled no error codes will * be visible.There are not saved in any register * Boot Mode States used for error and status output * Error codes are defined below */ #define ILLEGAL_BOOT_MODE 0xA000 /**< Illegal boot mode */ #define ILLEGAL_RETURN 0xA001 /**< Illegal return */ #define PCAP_INIT_FAIL 0xA002 /**< Pcap driver Init Failed */ #define DECRYPTION_FAIL 0xA003 /**< Decryption Failed */ #define BITSTREAM_DOWNLOAD_FAIL 0xA004 /**< Bitstream download fail */ #define DMA_TRANSFER_FAIL 0xA005 /**< DMA Transfer Fail */ #define INVALID_FLASH_ADDRESS 0xA006 /**< Invalid Flash Address */ #define DDR_INIT_FAIL 0xA007 /**< DDR Init Fail */ #define NO_DDR 0xA008 /**< DDR missing */ #define SD_INIT_FAIL 0xA009 /**< SD Init fail */ #define NAND_INIT_FAIL 0xA00A /**< Nand Init Fail */ #define PARTITION_MOVE_FAIL 0xA00B /**< Partition move fail */ #define AUTHENTICATION_FAIL 0xA00C /**< Authentication fail */ #define INVALID_HEADER_FAIL 0xA00D /**< Invalid header fail */ #define GET_HEADER_INFO_FAIL 0xA00E /**< Get header fail */ #define INVALID_LOAD_ADDRESS_FAIL 0xA00F /**< Invalid load address fail */ #define PARTITION_CHECKSUM_FAIL 0xA010 /**< Partition checksum fail */ #define RSA_SUPPORT_NOT_ENABLED_FAIL 0xA011 /**< RSA not enabled fail */ #define PS7_INIT_FAIL 0xA012 /**< ps7 Init Fail */ /* * FSBL Exception error codes */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_UNDEFINED_INT 0xA301 /**< Undefined INT Exception */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_SWI_INT 0xA302 /**< SWI INT Exception */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_PREFETCH_ABORT_INT 0xA303 /**< Prefetch Abort xception */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_DATA_ABORT_INT 0xA304 /**< Data Abort Exception */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_IRQ_INT 0xA305 /**< IRQ Exception Occurred */ #define EXCEPTION_ID_FIQ_INT 0xA306 /**< FIQ Exception Occurred */ /* * FSBL hook routine failures */ #define FSBL_HANDOFF_HOOK_FAIL 0xA401 /**< FSBL handoff hook failed */ #define FSBL_BEFORE_BSTREAM_HOOK_FAIL 0xA402 /**< FSBL before bit stream download hook failed */ #define FSBL_AFTER_BSTREAM_HOOK_FAIL 0xA403 /**< FSBL after bitstream download hook failed */ /* * Watchdog related Error codes */ #define WDT_RESET_OCCURED 0xA501 /**< WDT Reset happened in FSBL */ #define WDT_INIT_FAIL 0xA502 /**< WDT driver INIT failed */ /* * SLCR Registers */ #define PS_RST_CTRL_REG (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x200) #define FPGA_RESET_REG (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x240) #define RESET_REASON_REG (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x250) #define RESET_REASON_CLR (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x254) #define REBOOT_STATUS_REG (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x258) #define BOOT_MODE_REG (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x25C) #define PS_LVL_SHFTR_EN (XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x900) /* * Efuse Status Register */ #define EFUSE_STATUS_REG (0xF800D010) /**< Efuse Status Register */ #define EFUSE_STATUS_RSA_ENABLE_MASK (0x400) /**< Status of RSA enable */ /* * PS reset control register define */ #define PS_RST_MASK 0x1 /**< PS software reset */ /* * SLCR BOOT Mode Register defines */ #define BOOT_MODES_MASK 0x00000007 /**< FLASH types */ /* * Boot Modes */ #define JTAG_MODE 0x00000000 /**< JTAG Boot Mode */ #define QSPI_MODE 0x00000001 /**< QSPI Boot Mode */ #define NOR_FLASH_MODE 0x00000002 /**< NOR Boot Mode */ #define NAND_FLASH_MODE 0x00000004 /**< NAND Boot Mode */ #define SD_MODE 0x00000005 /**< SD Boot Mode */ #define MMC_MODE 0x00000006 /**< MMC Boot Device */ #define RESET_REASON_SRST 0x00000020 /**< Reason for reset is SRST */ #define RESET_REASON_SWDT 0x00000001 /**< Reason for reset is SWDT */ /* * Golden image offset */ #define GOLDEN_IMAGE_OFFSET 0x8000 /* * Silicon Version */ #define SILICON_VERSION_1 0 #define SILICON_VERSION_2 1 #define SILICON_VERSION_3 2 #define SILICON_VERSION_3_1 3 /* * DDR start address for storing the data temporarily(1M) * Need to finalize correct logic */ #ifdef XPAR_PS7_DDR_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR #define DDR_START_ADDR XPAR_PS7_DDR_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR #define DDR_END_ADDR XPAR_PS7_DDR_0_S_AXI_HIGHADDR #else /* * In case of PL DDR, this macros defined based PL DDR address */ #define DDR_START_ADDR 0x00 #define DDR_END_ADDR 0x00 #endif #define DDR_TEMP_START_ADDR DDR_START_ADDR /* * DDR test pattern */ #define DDR_TEST_PATTERN 0xAA55AA55 #define DDR_TEST_OFFSET 0x100000 /* * */ #define QSPI_DUAL_FLASH_SIZE 0x2000000; /*32MB*/ #define QSPI_SINGLE_FLASH_SIZE 0x1000000; /*16MB*/ #define NAND_FLASH_SIZE 0x8000000; /*128MB*/ #define NOR_FLASH_SIZE 0x2000000; /*32MB*/ #define LQSPI_CFG_OFFSET 0xA0 #define LQSPI_CFG_DUAL_FLASH_MASK 0x40000000 /* * These are the SLCR lock and unlock macros */ #define SlcrUnlock() Xil_Out32(XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x08, 0xDF0DDF0D) #define SlcrLock() Xil_Out32(XPS_SYS_CTRL_BASEADDR + 0x04, 0x767B767B) #define IMAGE_HEADER_CHECKSUM_COUNT 10 /* Boot ROM Image defines */ #define IMAGE_WIDTH_CHECK_OFFSET (0x020) /**< 0xaa995566 Width Detection word */ #define IMAGE_IDENT_OFFSET (0x024) /**< 0x584C4E58 "XLNX" */ #define IMAGE_ENC_FLAG_OFFSET (0x028) /**< 0xA5C3C5A3 */ #define IMAGE_USR_DEF_OFFSET (0x02C) /**< undefined could be used as */ #define IMAGE_SOURCE_ADDR_OFFSET (0x030) /**< start address of image */ #define IMAGE_BYTE_LEN_OFFSET (0x034) /**< length of image> in bytes */ #define IMAGE_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET (0x038) /**< destination address in OCM */ #define IMAGE_EXECUTE_ADDR_OFFSET (0x03c) /**< address to start executing at */ #define IMAGE_TOT_BYTE_LEN_OFFSET (0x040) /**< total length of image in bytes */ #define IMAGE_QSPI_CFG_WORD_OFFSET (0x044) /**< QSPI configuration data */ #define IMAGE_CHECKSUM_OFFSET (0x048) /**< Header Checksum offset */ #define IMAGE_IDENT (0x584C4E58) /**< XLNX pattern */ /* Reboot status register defines: * 0xF0000000 for FSBL fallback mask to notify Boot Rom * 0x60000000 for FSBL to mark that FSBL has not handoff yet * 0x00FFFFFF for user application to use across soft reset */ #define FSBL_FAIL_MASK 0xF0000000 #define FSBL_IN_MASK 0x60000000 /* The address that holds the base address for the image Boot ROM found */ #define BASEADDR_HOLDER 0xFFFFFFF8 /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ void OutputStatus(u32 State); void FsblFallback(void); int FsblSetNextPartition(int Num); void *(memcpy_rom)(void * s1, const void * s2, u32 n); char *strcpy_rom(char *Dest, const char *Src); void ClearFSBLIn(void); void MarkFSBLIn(void); void FsblHandoff(u32 FsblStartAddr); u32 GetResetReason(void); #ifdef FSBL_PERF void FsblGetGlobalTime (XTime * tCur); void FsblMeasurePerfTime (XTime tCur, XTime tEnd); #endif void GetSiliconVersion(void); void FsblHandoffExit(u32 FsblStartAddr); void FsblHandoffJtagExit(); /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ extern int SkipPartition; /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* end of protection macro */