/* Copyright Statement: * * Amazon FreeRTOS Wi-Fi glue layer. * (c) 2018 MediaTek Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Amazon FreeRTOS Wi-Fi for MT7697Hx-Dev-Kit V1.0.1 * Copyright (C) 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file aws_wifi.c * @brief WiFi Interface. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include #include "aws_logging_task.h" /* Socket and WiFi interface includes. */ #include "aws_wifi.h" /* WiFi configuration includes. */ #include "aws_wifi_config.h" /* MTK Wi-Fi includes. */ #include "wifi_api.h" #include "wifi_scan.h" #include "wifi_private_api.h" #include "ethernetif.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "lwip/dhcp.h" #include "lwip/netdb.h" #include "ping_api.h" #include "syslog.h" #include "dhcpd.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------- * * Constants and Macros * *-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAX_SSID_SEARCH_COUNT 10 #if 0 #undef LOG_E #define LOG_E(module, msg...) configPRINTF(("! " msg)) #undef LOG_W #define LOG_W(module, msg...) configPRINTF(("w " msg)) #undef LOG_I #define LOG_I(module, msg...) configPRINTF(("i " msg)) #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if 1 #define ENTER #define EXIT #else #define ENTER LOG_I( wifi, "%s: enter\n", __FUNCTION__ ); #define EXIT LOG_I( wifi, "%s: exit (%u)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ); #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define D( X ) vLoggingPrintf X /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PRIMARY_DNS ("") #define SECONDARY_DNS ("") #define IP_POOL_START ("") #define IP_POOL_END ("") /*----------------------------------------------------------- * * Data structure declaration. * *-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Manipulation functions: * * struct handshake * handshake_create( void ); * * void handshake_take( struct handshake * handle ); * * void handshake_clear( struct handshake * handle ); * * void handshake_take_and_free( struct handshake * handle ); * * void handshake_free( struct handshake * handle ); * * void handshake_give( struct handshake * handle ); */ struct handshake { SemaphoreHandle_t sem; }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * 1. fw_ready * * Before we could do anything to Wi-Fi, F/W must be downloaded to network * processor. When it is done, fw_ready is set to true. Because Amazon * FreeRTOS has no specific API for firmware download, we hide download * procedure in WIFI_On() and it will be done only once per boot up. The * boolean flag fw_ready is a flag to be set when it is done. * * 2. on * * When RF radio is on, this flag is set. * When RF radio is off, this flag is cleared. * * 3. op_mode * * The mode of the Wi-Fi hardware and stack. * * Amazon has 3 modes in Amazon FreeRTOS Wi-Fi API: * * eWiFiModeStation * eWiFiModeAP * eWiFiModeP2P * * MediaTek supports 4 modes in Wi-Fi API: * * WIFI_MODE_MONITOR * * WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY, supported interface is: WIFI_PORT_STA * * WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY, supported interface is: WIFI_PORT_AP * * WIFI_MODE_P2P_ONLY, supported interface is: ? */ struct mtk_wifi_state_t { bool fw_ready; bool on; bool connected; uint16_t ssid_not_found; uint16_t connect_fail_result_code; bool ap_ip_up; bool sta_ip_up; sta_ip_mode_t sta_ip_mode; /* STA_IP_MODE_DHCP, or STA_IP_MODE_STATIC */ bool sta_ip_ready_wait; bool sta_ip_ready; SemaphoreHandle_t critical_section; struct handshake * handshake_init_complete; struct handshake * handshake_wifi_connected; struct handshake * handshake_wifi_disconnected; struct handshake * handshake_ip_addr_ready; struct handshake * handshake_scan_complete; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------- * * Global Variables. * *-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * the aggregated status of Wi-Fi stack and hardware. */ static struct mtk_wifi_state_t _g_state; /*----------------------------------------------------------- * * Handshake Functions * *-----------------------------------------------------------*/ struct handshake * handshake_create( void ) { struct handshake * handle = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( *handle ) ); configASSERT( handle != NULL ); handle->sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); configASSERT( handle->sem != NULL ); return handle; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void handshake_take( struct handshake * handle ) { configASSERT( handle ); xSemaphoreTake( handle->sem, portMAX_DELAY ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void handshake_clear( struct handshake * handle ) { configASSERT( handle ); xSemaphoreTake( handle->sem, ( TickType_t ) 0 ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void handshake_take_and_free( struct handshake * handle ) { handshake_take( handle ); vSemaphoreDelete( handle->sem ); handle->sem = NULL; vPortFree( handle ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void handshake_free( struct handshake * handle ) { vSemaphoreDelete( handle->sem ); handle->sem = NULL; vPortFree( handle ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void handshake_give( struct handshake * handle ) { configASSERT( handle ); xSemaphoreGive( handle->sem ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------- * * IP Stack Wrapping Functions * *-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief dhcp got ip will callback this function. * @param[in] struct netif *netif: which network interface got ip. * @retval None */ static void _ip_ready_callback( struct netif *netif ) { if ( ! ip4_addr_isany_val( netif->ip_addr ) ) { char ip_addr[ 17 ] = { 0 }; if( NULL != inet_ntoa( netif->ip_addr ) ) { strcpy( ip_addr, inet_ntoa( netif->ip_addr ) ); LOG_I( common, "************************\n" ); LOG_I( common, "DHCP got IP:%s\n", ip_addr ); LOG_I( common, "************************\n" ); } else { LOG_E( common, "DHCP failed\n" ); } #ifdef MTK_WIFI_REPEATER_ENABLE uint8_t op_mode = 0; struct netif *ap_if; wifi_config_get_opmode( &op_mode ); if( WIFI_MODE_REPEATER == op_mode ) { ap_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_AP ); netif_set_addr( ap_if, &netif->ip_addr, &netif->netmask, &netif->gw ); } #endif /*This is a private API , which used to inform IP is ready to wifi driver *In present, WiFi Driver will do some operation when this API is invoked, such as: *Do WiFi&BLE Coexstence relative behavior if BLE is enabled and do Power Saving Status change. *This API will be improved, user may need to use new API to replace it in future*/ wifi_connection_inform_ip_ready(); } _g_state.sta_ip_ready = true; handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_ip_addr_ready ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void tcpip_config_init(lwip_tcpip_config_t *tcpip_config) { memset( tcpip_config, 0, sizeof(*tcpip_config) ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->sta_addr, 192, 168, 1, 1 ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->sta_mask, 255, 255, 255, 0 ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->sta_gateway, 192, 168, 1, 254 ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->ap_addr, 192, 168, 2, 1 ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->ap_mask, 255, 255, 255, 0 ); IP4_ADDR( &tcpip_config->ap_gateway, 192, 168, 2, 1 ); } static void _ip_init( uint8_t op_mode ) { lwip_tcpip_config_t tcpip_config; _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected = handshake_create(); _g_state.handshake_wifi_disconnected = handshake_create(); _g_state.handshake_ip_addr_ready = handshake_create(); _g_state.sta_ip_mode = STA_IP_MODE_DHCP; _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait = false; _g_state.sta_ip_ready = false; tcpip_config_init( &tcpip_config ); lwip_tcpip_init ( &tcpip_config, op_mode ); } /* * Wait Wi-Fi and IP ready. Only useful in station and repeater mode. */ static bool _mtk_sta_ip_is_ready( void ) { _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait = true; handshake_take( _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected ); if( ! _g_state.connected ) { LOG_W( wifi, "%s: IP not ready (wifi not connected.)\n", __FUNCTION__ ); switch( _g_state.connect_fail_result_code ) { case WIFI_REASON_CODE_FIND_AP_FAIL: { LOG_W( common, "%s: stop scan\n", __FUNCTION__ ); /* SSID and corresponding security type not found, stop scan */ wifi_connection_stop_scan(); break; } case WIFI_REASON_CODE_PREV_AUTH_INVALID: { LOG_W( common, "%s: WIFI_REASON_CODE_PREV_AUTH_INVALID\n", __FUNCTION__ ); break; } case WIFI_REASON_CODE_PASSWORD_ERROR: { LOG_W( common, "%s: WIFI_REASON_CODE_PASSWORD_ERROR\n", __FUNCTION__ ); break; } default: { LOG_E( common, "%s: uncognized result code (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, _g_state.connect_fail_result_code ); break; } } return false; } handshake_take( _g_state.handshake_ip_addr_ready ); if( ! _g_state.sta_ip_ready ) { LOG_W( wifi, "%s: ip not ready (dhcp not done).\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait = false; return true; } /****************************************************************************/ static void _mtk_sta_ip_down( struct mtk_wifi_state_t * state ) { struct netif *sta_if; LOG_I( wifi, "%s %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ( ! state->sta_ip_up ) ? "skip" : "do" ); if( ! state->sta_ip_up ) return; sta_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_STA ); netif_set_status_callback( sta_if, NULL ); dhcp_release( sta_if ); dhcp_stop( sta_if ); netif_set_link_down( sta_if ); state->sta_ip_up = false; } static void _mtk_sta_ip_up( struct mtk_wifi_state_t * state ) { struct netif *sta_if; LOG_I( wifi, "%s %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ( state->sta_ip_up ) ? "skip" : "do" ); if( state->sta_ip_up ) return; sta_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_STA ); netif_set_default( sta_if ); netif_set_status_callback( sta_if, _ip_ready_callback ); dhcp_start( sta_if ); state->sta_ip_up = true; } /****************************************************************************/ static void _mtk_ap_dhcpd_settings_init( const lwip_tcpip_config_t * tcpip_config, dhcpd_settings_t * dhcpd_settings ) { strncpy( dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_server_address, ip4addr_ntoa( &tcpip_config->ap_addr ), IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX ); strncpy( dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_netmask, ip4addr_ntoa( &tcpip_config->ap_mask ), IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX ); strncpy( dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_gateway, (char *)dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_server_address, IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX ); strcpy( ( char * )dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_primary_dns, PRIMARY_DNS ); strcpy( ( char * )dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_secondary_dns, SECONDARY_DNS ); strcpy( ( char * )dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_ip_pool_start, IP_POOL_START ); strcpy( ( char * )dhcpd_settings->dhcpd_ip_pool_end, IP_POOL_END ); } /****************************************************************************/ static void _mtk_ap_ip_down( struct mtk_wifi_state_t * state ) { struct netif *ap_if; LOG_I( wifi, "%s %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ( ! state->ap_ip_up ) ? "skip" : "do" ); if( ! state->ap_ip_up ) return; dhcpd_stop(); ap_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_AP ); netif_set_link_down( ap_if ); state->ap_ip_up = false; } static void _mtk_ap_ip_up( struct mtk_wifi_state_t * state ) { struct netif *ap_if; dhcpd_settings_t dhcpd_settings = { {0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0} }; lwip_tcpip_config_t tcpip_config; LOG_I( wifi, "%s %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ( state->ap_ip_up ) ? "skip" : "do" ); if( state->ap_ip_up ) return; tcpip_config_init( &tcpip_config ); _mtk_ap_dhcpd_settings_init( &tcpip_config, &dhcpd_settings ); ap_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_AP ); netif_set_default( ap_if ); netif_set_link_up( ap_if ); dhcpd_start( &dhcpd_settings ); state->ap_ip_up = true; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief wifi disconnected will call this callback function. set lwip status in this function * @param[in] wifi_event_t event: not used. * @param[in] uint8_t *payload: not used. * @param[in] uint32_t length: not used. * @retval None */ static int32_t _wifi_evt_disconnect_cbk( wifi_event_t event, uint8_t *payload, uint32_t length ) { uint8_t opmode; wifi_config_get_opmode( &opmode ); if ( WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY != opmode ) { uint8_t link_status = 1; // should check link status, it will emit this event when smartphone // disconnect with host under repeater mode. wifi_connection_get_link_status( &link_status ); if ( link_status == 0 ) { struct netif *sta_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_STA ); netif_set_link_down( sta_if ); if ( STA_IP_MODE_DHCP == STA_IP_MODE_DHCP ) netif_set_addr( sta_if, IP4_ADDR_ANY, IP4_ADDR_ANY, IP4_ADDR_ANY ); LOG_I( common, "%s: disconnected\n", __FUNCTION__ ); } } _g_state.connected = false; _g_state.sta_ip_ready = false; handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_wifi_disconnected ); return 1; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int32_t _wifi_evt_init_done_cbk( wifi_event_t event, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t length ) { switch( event ) { case WIFI_EVENT_IOT_INIT_COMPLETE: LOG_I( wifi, "%s: init complete\n", __FUNCTION__ ); handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_init_complete ); break; default: LOG_I( wifi, "%s: event %u\n", __FUNCTION__, event ); break; } return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Handles the Wi-Fi connection failure event. */ static int32_t _wifi_evt_portfail_cbk( wifi_event_t event, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t length ) { uint16_t reason_code; (void)event; reason_code = *(payload + 1) + ((*payload) << 8); switch (reason_code) { case WIFI_REASON_CODE_FIND_AP_FAIL: { _g_state.ssid_not_found++; if( ( _g_state.ssid_not_found >= MAX_SSID_SEARCH_COUNT ) && ( _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait ) ) { _g_state.ssid_not_found = 0; _g_state.connected = false; _g_state.sta_ip_ready = false; _g_state.connect_fail_result_code = WIFI_REASON_CODE_FIND_AP_FAIL; LOG_W( common, "%s: connection fail: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, "WIFI_REASON_CODE_FIND_AP_FAIL" ); handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected ); } break; } case WIFI_REASON_CODE_PREV_AUTH_INVALID: { LOG_W( common, "%s: connection fail: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, "WIFI_REASON_CODE_PREV_AUTH_INVALID" ); if( _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait ) { _g_state.ssid_not_found = 0; _g_state.connected = false; _g_state.sta_ip_ready = false; _g_state.connect_fail_result_code = WIFI_REASON_CODE_PREV_AUTH_INVALID; handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected ); } break; } case WIFI_REASON_CODE_PASSWORD_ERROR: { LOG_W( common, "%s: connection fail: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, "WIFI_REASON_CODE_PASSWORD_ERROR" ); if( _g_state.sta_ip_ready_wait ) { _g_state.ssid_not_found = 0; _g_state.connected = false; _g_state.sta_ip_ready = false; _g_state.connect_fail_result_code = WIFI_REASON_CODE_PASSWORD_ERROR; handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_ip_addr_ready ); } break; } default: { LOG_I( common, "%s: ignore reason code %d\n", __FUNCTION__, reason_code ); break; } } /* switch( reason_code ) */ return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Handles the Wi-Fi connection establishment event. * * When a Wi-Fi connection is established, this callback function is invoked * to set network interface status to Link-Up. If the IP address mode is * static, signaling the IP address is ready. If the IP address mode is * dynamic (DHCP), let the DHCP to notify the IP address is ready. * * @param event not used. * @param payload not used. * @param length not used. * * @return 0 */ static int32_t _wifi_evt_port_secure_cbk( wifi_event_t event, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t length ) { struct netif *sta_if; sta_if = netif_find_by_type( NETIF_TYPE_STA ); netif_set_link_up( sta_if ); switch( event ) { case WIFI_EVENT_IOT_CONNECTED: { _g_state.ssid_not_found = 0; LOG_I( common, "%s: connected\n", __FUNCTION__ ); break; } case WIFI_EVENT_IOT_PORT_SECURE: { _g_state.ssid_not_found = 0; LOG_I( common, "%s: port secured\n", __FUNCTION__ ); break; } default: LOG_I( common, "%s: unknown event %u\n", __FUNCTION__, ( unsigned int )event ); break; } if ( STA_IP_MODE_STATIC == STA_IP_MODE_STATIC ) { /* * This is a private API, used to inform IP ready to Wi-Fi driver * In present, Wi-Fi Driver will do some operation when this API is * invoked, such as: * * Do Wi-Fi & BLE coexstence relative behavior if BLE is enabled and * do Power Saving Status change. * * This API will be improved, user may need to use new API to replace * it in future */ wifi_connection_inform_ip_ready(); } LOG_I( common, "%s: wifi connected\n", __FUNCTION__ ); _g_state.connected = true; handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected ); return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_dup( uint8_t op_mode ) { uint8_t mode; if( wifi_config_get_opmode( &mode ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: get op_mode fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } return mode == op_mode; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_wrapper( uint8_t op_mode ) { if( _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_dup( op_mode ) ) return true; if( wifi_config_set_opmode( op_mode ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set op_mode fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } return true; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static WIFISecurity_t _mtk_security_to_aws_security( wifi_auth_mode_t security, wifi_encrypt_type_t encrypt_type ) { switch( security ) { case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_OPEN: if( WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_ENABLED == encrypt_type ) return eWiFiSecurityWEP; else return eWiFiSecurityOpen; case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA_PSK: /**< WPA_PSK. */ return eWiFiSecurityWPA; case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA2_PSK: /**< WPA2_PSK. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA_PSK_WPA2_PSK: /**< Mixture mode. */ return eWiFiSecurityWPA2; case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_SHARED: /**< Not supported. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_AUTO_WEP: /**< Not supported. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA: /**< Not supported. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA_None: /**< Not supported. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA2: /**< Not supported. */ case WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA_WPA2: /**< Not supported. */ return eWiFiSecurityNotSupported; } return eWiFiSecurityNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static wifi_auth_mode_t _aws_security_to_mtk_auth( WIFISecurity_t security ) { switch( security ) { case eWiFiSecurityOpen: case eWiFiSecurityWEP: return WIFI_AUTH_MODE_OPEN; case eWiFiSecurityWPA: return WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA_PSK; case eWiFiSecurityWPA2: return WIFI_AUTH_MODE_WPA2_PSK; case eWiFiSecurityNotSupported: default: break; } #ifdef configASSERT configASSERT( 0 ); #else return 0; /* should be non-reachable */ #endif } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static wifi_encrypt_type_t _aws_security_to_mtk_encrypt( WIFISecurity_t security ) { switch( security ) { case eWiFiSecurityOpen: return WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_DISABLED; case eWiFiSecurityWEP: return WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_ENABLED; case eWiFiSecurityWPA: case eWiFiSecurityWPA2: return WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_TKIP_AES_MIX; case eWiFiSecurityNotSupported: break; } #ifdef configASSERT configASSERT( 0 ); #else return 0; /* should be non-reachable */ #endif } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static bool _mtk_wifi_apply_setting( uint8_t port, const WIFINetworkParams_t * const pxNetworkParams ) { wifi_auth_mode_t mtk_auth; wifi_encrypt_type_t mtk_ciph; /* check ssid */ if( NULL == pxNetworkParams || NULL == pxNetworkParams->pcSSID || pxNetworkParams->ucSSIDLength <= 1 || pxNetworkParams->ucSSIDLength > ( wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN + 1 ) ) { return false; } /* check security */ if( eWiFiSecurityOpen != pxNetworkParams->xSecurity ) { if( pxNetworkParams->xSecurity != eWiFiSecurityWEP && pxNetworkParams->xSecurity != eWiFiSecurityWPA && pxNetworkParams->xSecurity != eWiFiSecurityWPA2 ) return false; if( NULL == pxNetworkParams->pcPassword ) return false; if( pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength > ( wificonfigMAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN + 1 ) || pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength <= 1 ) return false; } mtk_auth = _aws_security_to_mtk_auth ( pxNetworkParams->xSecurity ); mtk_ciph = _aws_security_to_mtk_encrypt( pxNetworkParams->xSecurity ); if( port == WIFI_PORT_AP && wifi_config_set_channel( port, pxNetworkParams->cChannel ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set CHANNEL fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } if( wifi_config_set_ssid( port, (uint8_t *) pxNetworkParams->pcSSID, (uint8_t) pxNetworkParams->ucSSIDLength - 1) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set SSID fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } if( wifi_config_set_security_mode( port, mtk_auth, mtk_ciph ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set SECURITY MODE fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } if( WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_ENABLED == mtk_ciph || WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_DISABLED == mtk_ciph ) { wifi_wep_key_t wep_keys; memset( &wep_keys, 0, sizeof( wep_keys ) ); if( WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP_ENABLED == mtk_ciph && NULL != pxNetworkParams->pcPassword ) { memcpy( &wep_keys.wep_key[ 0 ], pxNetworkParams->pcPassword, pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength - 1 ); wep_keys.wep_key_length[ 0 ] = pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength; wep_keys.wep_tx_key_index = 0; } if( wifi_config_set_wep_key( port, &wep_keys ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set WEP KEY fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } } else if( WIFI_ENCRYPT_TYPE_TKIP_AES_MIX == mtk_ciph ) { if( wifi_config_set_wpa_psk_key( port, (uint8_t *)pxNetworkParams->pcPassword, (uint8_t)pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: set WPA/WPA2 PSK KEY fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return false; } } return true; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static WIFIReturnCode_t _mtk_wifi_register_callbacks( void ) { struct _entry { wifi_event_t event; int32_t (*callback)( wifi_event_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t ); }; static const struct _entry table[] = { { WIFI_EVENT_IOT_INIT_COMPLETE, _wifi_evt_init_done_cbk }, { WIFI_EVENT_IOT_CONNECTED, _wifi_evt_port_secure_cbk }, { WIFI_EVENT_IOT_PORT_SECURE, _wifi_evt_port_secure_cbk }, { WIFI_EVENT_IOT_DISCONNECTED, _wifi_evt_disconnect_cbk }, { WIFI_EVENT_IOT_CONNECTION_FAILED, _wifi_evt_portfail_cbk } }; const struct _entry *entry; for( entry = &table[ 0 ]; entry < &table[ sizeof(table) / sizeof(struct _entry) ]; entry ++ ) { if( wifi_connection_register_event_handler( entry->event, entry->callback ) == 0 ) { continue; } LOG_E( wifi, "WIFI_On: register %u fail\n", ( unsigned int )entry->event ); return eWiFiFailure; } return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static WIFIReturnCode_t _mtk_wifi_bootstrap( void ) { wifi_config_t config = { 0 }; wifi_config_ext_t config_ext = { 0 }; memset( &config, 0, sizeof( config ) ); config.opmode = WIFI_MODE_MONITOR; config.sta_config.ssid_length = 0; config.sta_config.bssid_present = 0; config.sta_config.password_length = 64; memset( &config_ext, 0, sizeof( config_ext ) ); config_ext.sta_wep_key_index_present = 0; config_ext.sta_wep_key_index = 0; config_ext.sta_auto_connect_present = 1; config_ext.sta_auto_connect = 0; config_ext.ap_wep_key_index_present = 0; config_ext.ap_wep_key_index = 0; config_ext.ap_hidden_ssid_enable_present= 0; config_ext.ap_hidden_ssid_enable = 0; LOG_W( wifi, "WIFI_On: init ip stack\n" ); _g_state.handshake_init_complete = handshake_create(); wifi_init( &config, &config_ext ); LOG_W( wifi, "WIFI_On: wifi_init done\n" ); if( _mtk_wifi_register_callbacks() ) { return eWiFiFailure; } _ip_init ( WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY ); handshake_take_and_free( _g_state.handshake_init_complete ); _g_state.handshake_init_complete = NULL; _g_state.critical_section = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_On( void ) { if( ! _g_state.fw_ready ) { if ( _mtk_wifi_bootstrap() != eWiFiSuccess ) { return eWiFiFailure; } _g_state.fw_ready = true; } else if( wifi_config_set_radio( 1 ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: turn on fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return eWiFiFailure; } _g_state.on = true; return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Off( void ) { xSemaphoreTake( _g_state.critical_section, portMAX_DELAY ); if( ! _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_wrapper( WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY ) ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: mode switch fail!\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); if( wifi_config_set_radio( 0 ) < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: turn off fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return eWiFiFailure; } else { _g_state.on = false; } return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_ConnectAP( const WIFINetworkParams_t * const pxNetworkParams ) { LOG_I( wifi, "%s: connecting\n", __FUNCTION__ ); if( NULL == pxNetworkParams || NULL == pxNetworkParams->pcSSID ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if ( pxNetworkParams->xSecurity >= eWiFiSecurityNotSupported) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( NULL == pxNetworkParams->pcPassword && eWiFiSecurityOpen != pxNetworkParams->xSecurity ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if ( pxNetworkParams->ucSSIDLength > wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if ( pxNetworkParams->ucPasswordLength > wificonfigMAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN ) { return eWiFiFailure; } xSemaphoreTake( _g_state.critical_section, portMAX_DELAY ); _mtk_ap_ip_down ( &_g_state ); _mtk_sta_ip_down( &_g_state ); if( ! _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_wrapper( WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY ) ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: mode switch fail!\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } if( ! _mtk_wifi_apply_setting( WIFI_PORT_STA, pxNetworkParams ) ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: apply setting fail!\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } handshake_clear( _g_state.handshake_wifi_connected ); if( wifi_config_reload_setting() < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: reload setting fail!\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } LOG_I( wifi, "%s: wait IP ready\n", __FUNCTION__ ); _mtk_sta_ip_up( &_g_state ); if (_mtk_sta_ip_is_ready() == false ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: IP not ready\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } LOG_I( wifi, "%s: IP ready\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Disconnect( void ) { uint8_t link_status; LOG_I( wifi, "%s: disconnect\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreTake( _g_state.critical_section, portMAX_DELAY ); /* * stop ip stack */ _mtk_sta_ip_down( &_g_state ); /* * early exit if already disconnected */ if( wifi_connection_get_link_status( &link_status ) >= 0 ) { if( WIFI_STATUS_LINK_DISCONNECTED == link_status ) { LOG_I( wifi, "%s: link down\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiSuccess; } else { LOG_I( wifi, "%s: link up\n", __FUNCTION__ ); } } else { LOG_I( wifi, "%s: unable to get link status\n", __FUNCTION__ ); } /* * disconnect AP */ handshake_clear( _g_state.handshake_wifi_disconnected ); if( wifi_connection_disconnect_ap() < 0 ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: disconnect fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiFailure; } handshake_take( _g_state.handshake_wifi_disconnected ); xSemaphoreGive( _g_state.critical_section ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Reset( void ) { _mtk_sta_ip_down( &_g_state ); _mtk_ap_ip_down ( &_g_state ); if( WIFI_Off() == eWiFiFailure ) { LOG_E( wifi, "Turn off Wi-Fi failed!\n" ); return eWiFiFailure; } if( WIFI_On() == eWiFiFailure ) { LOG_E( wifi, "Turn on Wi-Fi failed!\n" ); return eWiFiFailure; } return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetMode( WIFIDeviceMode_t xDeviceMode ) { WIFIReturnCode_t status = eWiFiSuccess; uint8_t new_op_mode = WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY; switch( xDeviceMode ) { case eWiFiModeStation: new_op_mode = WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY; break; case eWiFiModeAP: new_op_mode = WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY; break; case eWiFiModeP2P: new_op_mode = WIFI_MODE_P2P_ONLY; break; default: return eWiFiFailure; } LOG_I( wifi, "%s: switch mode to %s\n", __FUNCTION__, new_op_mode == WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY ? "STATION" : new_op_mode == WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY ? "AP" : "P2P" ); _mtk_sta_ip_down( &_g_state ); _mtk_ap_ip_down ( &_g_state ); if( ! _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_wrapper( new_op_mode ) ) { LOG_E( wifi, "%s: switch mode fail\n", __FUNCTION__ ); return eWiFiFailure; } if( new_op_mode == WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY || new_op_mode == WIFI_MODE_P2P_ONLY ) { _mtk_sta_ip_up( &_g_state ); } else if( new_op_mode == WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY ) { _mtk_ap_ip_up( &_g_state ); } return status; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetMode( WIFIDeviceMode_t * pxDeviceMode ) { uint8_t opmode; if( NULL == pxDeviceMode ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( wifi_config_get_opmode( &opmode ) < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } switch( opmode ) { case WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY: *pxDeviceMode = eWiFiModeStation; break; case WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY: *pxDeviceMode = eWiFiModeAP; break; default: *pxDeviceMode = eWiFiModeNotSupported; break; } return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkAdd( const WIFINetworkProfile_t * const pxNetworkProfile, uint16_t * pusIndex ) { return eWiFiNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkGet( WIFINetworkProfile_t * pxNetworkProfile, uint16_t usIndex ) { return eWiFiNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_NetworkDelete( uint16_t usIndex ) { return eWiFiNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Ping( uint8_t * pucIPAddr, uint16_t usCount, uint32_t ulIntervalMS ) { int count; ip_addr_t ping_addr; if( NULL == pucIPAddr ) { return eWiFiFailure; } #if LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IPV6 ping_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4; ping_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ( ( pucIPAddr[ 3 ] & 0xFF ) << 24 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 2 ] & 0xFF ) << 16 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 1 ] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 0 ] & 0xFF ) ) ; printf("ping %d.%d.%d.%d\n", pucIPAddr[ 3 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 2 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 1 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 0 ] & 0xFF ); #elif LWIP_IPV4 ping_addr.addr = ( ( pucIPAddr[ 3 ] & 0xFF ) << 24 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 2 ] & 0xFF ) << 16 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 1 ] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( ( pucIPAddr[ 0 ] & 0xFF ) ) ; printf("ping %d.%d.%d.%d\n", pucIPAddr[ 0 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 1 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 2 ] & 0xFF, pucIPAddr[ 3 ] & 0xFF ); #else /* not supported */ memset( &ping_addr, 0, sizeof( ping_addr ) ); #endif // const ip_addr_t* ping_addr count = ping_custom_sync(&ping_addr, (uint32_t)usCount, ulIntervalMS); if (count < 0) return eWiFiFailure; return count == usCount ? eWiFiSuccess : eWiFiFailure; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetIP( uint8_t * pxIPAddr ) { ip4_addr_t ip4_addr; struct netif *iface; if( NULL == pxIPAddr || NULL == ( iface = netif_find( "st2" ) ) ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if ( dhcp_supplied_address( iface ) ) { struct dhcp *d = netif_dhcp_data(iface); //struct dhcp *d = iface->dhcp; ip4_addr = d->offered_ip_addr; } else { ip4_addr = iface->ip_addr; } memcpy( pxIPAddr, &ip4_addr.addr, sizeof( ip4_addr.addr ) ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Return a MAC address based on current operation mode. * * @param pxMac a pointer to write MAC address (6-bytes needed). * @retval eWiFiFailure if something went wrong. * @retval eWiFiSuccess succeed, MAC address in pxMac. * * @note MT7697 supports two interfaces: an AP and a station. And they shall * have different MAC addresses. */ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetMAC( uint8_t * pxMac ) { uint8_t opmode; if( NULL == pxMac ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( wifi_config_get_opmode( &opmode ) < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY == opmode ) { if( wifi_config_get_mac_address( WIFI_PORT_AP, pxMac ) < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } } else { if( wifi_config_get_mac_address( WIFI_PORT_STA, pxMac ) < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } } return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Resolve IP address from hostname. */ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetHostIP( char * pxHost, uint8_t * pxIPAddr ) { int s; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *result; struct sockaddr_in *addr_in; if( NULL == pxHost || NULL == pxIPAddr ) { return eWiFiFailure; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_flags = 0; hints.ai_protocol = 0; s = getaddrinfo( pxHost, NULL, &hints, &result ); if( s != 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( result ) { /* * ai_addr is of struct sockaddr type. * struct sockaddr { u8_t sa_len; sa_family_t sa_family; char sa_data[14]; }; */ addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)result->ai_addr; memcpy( pxIPAddr, &addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof( addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr ) ); } else { return eWiFiFailure; } freeaddrinfo( result ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int32_t _aws_wifi_scan_complete_handler( wifi_event_t event, uint8_t * payload, uint32_t length ) { configASSERT( event == WIFI_EVENT_IOT_SCAN_COMPLETE ); handshake_give( _g_state.handshake_scan_complete ); return 0; /* return value is ignored by Wi-Fi stack */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_Scan( WIFIScanResult_t * pxBuffer, uint8_t uxNumNetworks ) { wifi_scan_list_item_t * pxApList; uint8_t ssid[ WIFI_MAX_LENGTH_OF_SSID ]; uint8_t ssidLen; int i, j; if( NULL == pxBuffer || 0 == uxNumNetworks ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( wifi_config_get_ssid( WIFI_PORT_STA, &ssid[ 0 ], &ssidLen ) < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } pxApList = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( *pxApList ) * uxNumNetworks ); if( NULL == pxApList ) { return eWiFiFailure; } /* register scan complete event and enable it */ if( wifi_api_set_event_handler( 1, WIFI_EVENT_IOT_SCAN_COMPLETE, _aws_wifi_scan_complete_handler ) < 0 ) { // already registered by someone else return eWiFiFailure; } if( wifi_connection_scan_init( pxApList, ( uint32_t )uxNumNetworks ) < 0 ) { vPortFree( pxApList ); return eWiFiFailure; } _g_state.handshake_scan_complete = handshake_create(); if( wifi_connection_start_scan( ssid, ssidLen, NULL, /* not specify BSSID */ 0, /* full scan */ 0 ) ) /* active scan */ { vPortFree( pxApList ); handshake_free( _g_state.handshake_scan_complete ); configASSERT( wifi_connection_scan_deinit() >= 0 ); return eWiFiFailure; } handshake_take_and_free( _g_state.handshake_scan_complete ); wifi_connection_stop_scan(); configASSERT( wifi_connection_scan_deinit() >= 0 ); if( wifi_api_set_event_handler( 0, WIFI_EVENT_IOT_SCAN_COMPLETE, _aws_wifi_scan_complete_handler ) < 0 ) { #ifdef configASSERT configASSERT( 0 ); #else return eWiFiFailure; #endif } for( j = 0, i = 0; i < uxNumNetworks; i++ ) { if( pxApList[ i ].is_valid ) { /* SSID */ memcpy( &pxBuffer[ j ].cSSID[ 0 ], &pxApList[ i ].ssid [ 0 ], wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN > WIFI_MAX_LENGTH_OF_SSID ? WIFI_MAX_LENGTH_OF_SSID : wificonfigMAX_SSID_LEN ); /* BSSID */ memcpy( &pxBuffer[ j ].ucBSSID[ 0 ], &pxApList[ i ].bssid [ 0 ], wificonfigMAX_BSSID_LEN ); /* security mode */ pxBuffer[ j ].xSecurity = _mtk_security_to_aws_security( pxApList[ i ].auth_mode, pxApList[ i ].encrypt_type ); /* RSSI */ pxBuffer[ j ].cRSSI = pxApList[ i ].rssi; /* channel */ pxBuffer[ j ].cChannel = pxApList[ i ].channel; /* hidden SSID */ pxBuffer[ j ].ucHidden = pxApList[ i ].is_hidden; j++; } } if( j < uxNumNetworks ) { memset( &pxBuffer[ j ], 0, sizeof( WIFIScanResult_t ) * ( uxNumNetworks - j ) ); } vPortFree( pxApList ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_ConfigureAP( const WIFINetworkParams_t * const pxNetworkParams ) { if( NULL == pxNetworkParams ) { return eWiFiFailure; } _mtk_sta_ip_down( &_g_state ); _mtk_ap_ip_down ( &_g_state ); if( ! _mtk_wifi_mode_switch_wrapper( WIFI_MODE_AP_ONLY ) ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( ! _mtk_wifi_apply_setting( WIFI_PORT_AP, pxNetworkParams ) ) { return eWiFiFailure; } if( wifi_config_reload_setting() < 0 ) { return eWiFiFailure; } _mtk_ap_ip_up( &_g_state ); return eWiFiSuccess; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_SetPMMode( WIFIPMMode_t xPMModeType, const void * pvOptionValue ) { return eWiFiNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ WIFIReturnCode_t WIFI_GetPMMode( WIFIPMMode_t * pxPMModeType, void * pvOptionValue ) { return eWiFiNotSupported; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ BaseType_t WIFI_IsConnected( void ) { return _g_state.sta_ip_ready == true; }