/* * Amazon FreeRTOS Greegrass Discovery Test V1.1.4 * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ #include #include #include "aws_greengrass_discovery.h" #include "aws_helper_secure_connect.h" #include "jsmn.h" #include "unity_fixture.h" #include "unity.h" #include "aws_greengrass_discovery_test_access_declare.h" #include "aws_test_runner.h" #define ggdLOOP_BACK_IP "" #define ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING "content-length:" #define cJSON_FILE_SIZE " 2193" #define END_OF_HTTP_RESPONSE "\r\n\r\n" #define ggdJSON_FILE "{\"GGGroups\":[{\"GGGroupId\":\"myGroupID\",\"Cores\":[{\"thingArn\":\"myGreenGrassCoreArn\",\"Connectivity\":[{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_10.60.212.138_0\",\"HostAddress\":\"\",\"PortNumber\":1234,\"Metadata\":\"\"},{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_127.0.0.1_1\",\"HostAddress\":\"\",\"PortNumber\":8883,\"Metadata\":\"\"},{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_192.168.2.2_2\",\"HostAddress\":\"01.23.456.789\",\"PortNumber\":4321,\"Metadata\":\"\"},{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_::1_3\",\"HostAddress\":\"::1\",\"PortNumber\":8883,\"Metadata\":\"\"},{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_fe80::bfda:8f62:7b4b:f358_4\",\"HostAddress\":\"fe80::bfda:8f62:7b4b:f358\",\"PortNumber\":8883,\"Metadata\":\"\"},{\"Id\":\"AUTOIP_fe80::e234:cff9:f53f:6216_5\",\"HostAddress\":\"fe80::e234:cff9:f53f:6216\",\"PortNumber\":8883,\"Metadata\":\"\"}]}],\"CAs\":[\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\\nalghO3OqfeuTwIj9w17JTAyYAME22RJQ6oxEJ8rHp/9PaYnOmiSkP7M=\\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n\"]}]}" #define ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS 128 /* Size of the array used by jsmn to store the tokens. */ #define ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX 4 #define ggdTestJSON_CORE_TOKEN_INDEX 9 #define ggdTestJSON_PORT_ADRESS_1 1234 #define ggdTestJSON_PORT_ADRESS_3 4321 #define ggdTestLOOP_NUMBER 10 #define ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID "GGGroupId" #define ggdJSON_FILE_THING_ARN "thingArn" #define ggdJSON_FILE_HOST_ADDRESS "HostAddress" #define ggdJSON_FILE_CERTIFICATE "CAs" #define ggdJSON_FILE_PORT_NUMBER "PortNumber" static const char cJSON_FILE[] = ggdJSON_FILE; static const char cCERTIFICATE[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nalghO3OqfeuTwIj9w17JTAyYAME22RJQ6oxEJ8rHp/9PaYnOmiSkP7M=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; static const char cMyGroupID[] = "myGroupID"; static const char cIP_ADDRESS_3[] = "01.23.456.789"; static const char cIP_ADDRESS_1[] = ""; static const char cMY_CORE_ARN[] = "myGreenGrassCoreArn"; static jsmntok_t pxTok[ ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ]; static Socket_t xSocket; TEST_GROUP( Full_GGD ); TEST_SETUP( Full_GGD ) { } TEST_TEAR_DOWN( Full_GGD ) { if( xSocket != SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET ) { /* Close the socket. */ ( void ) SOCKETS_Close( xSocket ); } } TEST_GROUP_RUNNER( Full_GGD ) { RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, JSONRequestStart ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, JSONRequestAbort ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, GetIPandCertificateFromJSON ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, GetIPOnInterface ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, JSONRequestGetSize ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, JSONRequestGetFile ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, CheckForContentLengthString ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, Jsoneq ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, CheckMatch ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, GetCertificate ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, GetCore ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, prvIsIPvalid ); RUN_TEST_CASE( Full_GGD, GetGGCIPandCertificate ); } TEST( Full_GGD, JSONRequestAbort ) { /** @brief check for stability for all meaningfull values of socket. * 1. Invalid * 2. Correct * 3. NULL * @{ */ if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xSocket = SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET; GGD_JSONRequestAbort( &xSocket ); GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); GGD_JSONRequestAbort( &xSocket ); } else { TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { GGD_JSONRequestAbort( NULL ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ } TEST( Full_GGD, prvIsIPvalid ) { BaseType_t xStatus; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check IP is correctly filtered if a loopback address is given. * @{ */ xStatus = test_prvIsIPvalid( ggdLOOP_BACK_IP, sizeof( ggdLOOP_BACK_IP ) ); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( xStatus == pdFALSE ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check IP is not filtered if correct IP is given. * @{ */ xStatus = test_prvIsIPvalid( clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT, sizeof( clientcredentialMQTT_BROKER_ENDPOINT ) ); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( xStatus == pdTRUE ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, GetGGCIPandCertificate ) { BaseType_t i; BaseType_t xStatus; char cMsgBuffer[ 128 ]; GGD_HostAddressData_t xHostAddressData; int16_t nBufferLength = 128; uint32_t ulBufferSize = testrunnerBUFFER_SIZE; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check function works in ideal scenario. * Provided with known JSON file and checking output. * Check with auto-search flag set to false and true * @{ */ for( i = 0; i < ggdTestLOOP_NUMBER; i++ ) { xStatus = GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulBufferSize, &xHostAddressData ); snprintf( cMsgBuffer, nBufferLength, "GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate returned %d on iteration %d", ( int ) xStatus, ( int ) i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE( pdPASS, xStatus, cBuffer ); } /** @}*/ /** @brief Check fail is returned if provided buffer is too small * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ xHostAddressData.ulCertificateSize - 1, &xHostAddressData ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE( pdFAIL, xStatus, "GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate() passed when the input buffer was too small." ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } /** @brief Check stability. * * @{ */ if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xStatus = GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( NULL, ulBufferSize, &xHostAddressData ); TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xStatus = GGD_GetGGCIPandCertificate( cBuffer, ulBufferSize, NULL ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ } TEST( Full_GGD, GetIPandCertificateFromJSON ) { uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); BaseType_t xStatus; HostParameters_t xHostParameters; GGD_HostAddressData_t xHostAddressData; BaseType_t xAutoSearchFlag; char cBadGroupId[] = "myBadGroupID"; char cBadCoreARN[] = "myBadCoreARN"; uint32_t ulBufferSize = testrunnerBUFFER_SIZE; uint32_t ulByteRead; BaseType_t xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check function works in ideal scenario. * Provided with known JSON file and checking output. * Check with auto-search flag set to false and true * @{ */ xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xHostParameters.ucInterface = 3; xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( cIP_ADDRESS_3, xHostAddressData.pcHostAddress ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( cCERTIFICATE, xHostAddressData.pcCertificate ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( strlen( cCERTIFICATE ) + 1, xHostAddressData.ulCertificateSize ); xAutoSearchFlag = pdTRUE; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulBufferSize, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check manual connect fails if host parameters not found in JSON * @{ */ xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cBadGroupId; xHostParameters.ucInterface = 3; xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cBadCoreARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xHostParameters.ucInterface = 3; xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xHostParameters.ucInterface = 100; xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } /** @brief Check stability if NULL pointers are passed. * * @{ */ xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xHostParameters.ucInterface = 3; xAutoSearchFlag = pdFALSE; xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( NULL, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, NULL, &xHostAddressData, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xStatus = GGD_GetIPandCertificateFromJSON( cBuffer, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ulJSONFileSize, &xHostParameters, NULL, xAutoSearchFlag ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ } TEST( Full_GGD, GetCore ) { BaseType_t xStatus; BaseType_t xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); HostParameters_t xHostParameters; uint32_t ulTokenIndex; jsmn_parser xParser; char cBadGroupId[] = "myBadGroupID"; char cBadCoreARN[] = "myBadCoreARN"; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, cJSON_FILE, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ /** @}*/ /** @brief Check core is found and returned index is correct * when given a know JSON file. * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCore( cJSON_FILE, &xHostParameters, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &ulTokenIndex ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ggdTestJSON_CORE_TOKEN_INDEX, ulTokenIndex ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check core search is failed when provided wrong groupID or ARN * when given a know JSON file. * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cMY_CORE_ARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cBadGroupId; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCore( cJSON_FILE, &xHostParameters, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &ulTokenIndex ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; xHostParameters.pcCoreAddress = ( char * ) cBadCoreARN; xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCore( cJSON_FILE, &xHostParameters, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &ulTokenIndex ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check core search succeeds when auto-search is enabled * irrelevant of Host parameters. * Check code doesn't crash if NULL is passed * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCore( cJSON_FILE, NULL, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &ulTokenIndex ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdTRUE, xStatus ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, GetIPOnInterface ) { BaseType_t xStatus; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); GGD_HostAddressData_t xHostAddressData; uint8_t ucTargetInterface; uint8_t usCurrentInterface; uint32_t ulTokenIndex; jsmn_parser xParser; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, cJSON_FILE, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check that IP is found, * the function can be re-used and still get a match without reseting current interface. * @{ */ usCurrentInterface = 0; ucTargetInterface = 1; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_CORE_TOKEN_INDEX; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( cBuffer, ucTargetInterface, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &usCurrentInterface ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( cIP_ADDRESS_1, xHostAddressData.pcHostAddress ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ggdTestJSON_PORT_ADRESS_1, xHostAddressData.usPort ); /* Do not reset current interface and token index here. */ ucTargetInterface = 3; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( cBuffer, ucTargetInterface, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &usCurrentInterface ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING( cIP_ADDRESS_3, xHostAddressData.pcHostAddress ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ggdTestJSON_PORT_ADRESS_3, xHostAddressData.usPort ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check status returns failed if not host Address is found * @{ */ usCurrentInterface = 0; ucTargetInterface = 1; ulTokenIndex = lNbTokens - 2; /* Set to the end of JSON file*/ xStatus = test_prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( cBuffer, ucTargetInterface, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &usCurrentInterface ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check status returns failed if interface is not found * @{ */ usCurrentInterface = 0; ucTargetInterface = 100; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_CORE_TOKEN_INDEX; /* Set to the end of JSON file*/ xStatus = test_prvGGDGetIPOnInterface( cBuffer, ucTargetInterface, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData, &ulTokenIndex, &usCurrentInterface ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, GetCertificate ) { BaseType_t xStatus; BaseType_t xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); HostParameters_t xHostParameters; GGD_HostAddressData_t xHostAddressData; char cBadGroupId[] = "myBadGroupID"; jsmn_parser xParser; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, cJSON_FILE, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cMyGroupID; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check Certificate is found provided correct data input * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCertificate( cBuffer, &xHostParameters, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY( cCERTIFICATE, xHostAddressData.pcCertificate, strlen( cCERTIFICATE ) ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( strlen( cCERTIFICATE ) + 1, xHostAddressData.ulCertificateSize ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check Certificate is not found provided it can't find group id in JSON file * @{ */ xHostParameters.pcGroupName = ( char * ) cBadGroupId; xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCertificate( cBuffer, &xHostParameters, xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFALSE, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check Certificate is found provided independant of xHostParameters * if xAutoConnectFlag is set to true. * Should not crash if a NULL is provided when doing auto connect * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; memcpy( cBuffer, cJSON_FILE, strlen( cJSON_FILE ) ); xStatus = test_prvGGDGetCertificate( cBuffer, NULL, /* HostParameters set to NULL */ xAutoConnectFlag, pxTok, lNbTokens, &xHostAddressData ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdTRUE, xStatus ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, CheckMatch ) { BaseType_t xMatch; BaseType_t xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulTokenIndex; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); jsmn_parser xParser; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, cJSON_FILE, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN( 0, lNbTokens ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check we have a match finding the group ID. * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX; test_prvCheckMatch( cJSON_FILE, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatch, ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID, cMyGroupID, xAutoConnectFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdTRUE, xMatch ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check we don't have a match finding the group ID, * if we pass the wrong index * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX + 1; test_prvCheckMatch( cJSON_FILE, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatch, ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID, cMyGroupID, xAutoConnectFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFALSE, xMatch ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Auto-connect should find the index then conect to any string. * Check that function match return false if the index is not found, * but returns true for any random string, as long as index is found. * * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX + 1; test_prvCheckMatch( cJSON_FILE, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatch, "randomString", cMyGroupID, xAutoConnectFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFALSE, xMatch ); xAutoConnectFlag = pdTRUE; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX; test_prvCheckMatch( cJSON_FILE, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatch, ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID, "randomString", xAutoConnectFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdTRUE, xMatch ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check we don't have a match finding the group ID, * if we pass the wrong string * @{ */ xAutoConnectFlag = pdFALSE; ulTokenIndex = ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX; test_prvCheckMatch( cJSON_FILE, pxTok, ulTokenIndex, &xMatch, "randomString", cMyGroupID, xAutoConnectFlag ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFALSE, xMatch ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, Jsoneq ) { BaseType_t xStatus; jsmn_parser xParser; int32_t lNbTokens; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize = strlen( cJSON_FILE ); jsmntok_t pxTok[ ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ]; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Prepare test. * @{ */ jsmn_init( &xParser ); /* From jsmn, parse the JSON file. */ lNbTokens = ( int32_t ) jsmn_parse( &xParser, cJSON_FILE, /*lint !e971 can use char without signed/unsigned. */ ( size_t ) ulJSONFileSize, pxTok, ( unsigned int ) ggdTestJSON_MAX_TOKENS ); /*lint !e961 redundant casting only when int = int32_t. */ TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN( 0, lNbTokens ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check return status and value in ideal case. * @{ */ xStatus = test_prvGGDJsoneq( cJSON_FILE, &pxTok[ ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX ], ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check return fail if another index is passed. * @{ */ xStatus = test_prvGGDJsoneq( cJSON_FILE, &pxTok[ ggdTestJSON_GROUPID_TOKEN_INDEX + 1 ], ggdJSON_FILE_GROUPID ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /* No need to check for stability here. * NULL pointers being passed would be a bug from higher levels. */ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } } TEST( Full_GGD, CheckForContentLengthString ) { BaseType_t xStatus; uint8_t ucIndex = 0; uint32_t ulI; char cHTTPContentString[] = ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check return status and value in ideal case. * @{ */ for( ulI = 0; ulI < strlen( ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING ) - 1; ulI++ ) { xStatus = test_prvCheckForContentLengthString( &ucIndex, cHTTPContentString[ ulI ] ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ulI + 1, ucIndex ); } xStatus = test_prvCheckForContentLengthString( &ucIndex, cHTTPContentString[ ulI ] ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check index start back to 0 when a wrong char is given. * @{ */ ucIndex = 0; for( ulI = 0; ulI < strlen( ggdHTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH_STRING ) - 1; ulI++ ) { xStatus = test_prvCheckForContentLengthString( &ucIndex, cHTTPContentString[ ulI ] ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ulI + 1, ucIndex ); } xStatus = test_prvCheckForContentLengthString( &ucIndex, '0' ); /* Send a random character. */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( 0, ucIndex ); /** @}*/ } } TEST( Full_GGD, JSONRequestGetFile ) { BaseType_t xStatus; uint32_t ulBufferSize = testrunnerBUFFER_SIZE; uint32_t ulByteRead; BaseType_t xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check return status and value in ideal case. * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulBufferSize, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( SOCKETS_INVALID_SOCKET, xSocket ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdTRUE, xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( ulJSONFileSize, ulByteRead + 1 ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Retrieve the JSON file in two separate chunks. * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulJSONFileSize / 2, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFALSE, xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted ); /* Not yet retrieved - only half of it. */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, &cBuffer[ ulByteRead ], ulBufferSize - ( ulJSONFileSize / 2 ), &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE( pdPASS, xStatus, "GGD_JSONRequestGetFile() failed to return pdPASS." ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE( pdTRUE, xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, "GGD_JSONRequestGetFile() return pdFALSE in xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted." ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32_MESSAGE( ulJSONFileSize, ulByteRead + 1, "GGD_JSONRequestGetFile() returned ulJSONFileSize that is not ulByteRead + 1." ); /** @}*/ /** @brief Check fail if we receive more bytes than expected. * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); } if( xStatus == pdPASS ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulBufferSize, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize - 1 ); /* Remove one byte to the expected JSON file size. */ } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xStatus ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdFAIL, xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted ); /* Failed. */ /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } /** @brief Check Statility by passing in NULL pointers or buffers too small * @{ */ if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulBufferSize, NULL, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, NULL, ulBufferSize, &ulByteRead, &xJSONFileRetrieveCompleted, ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_FAIL(); } if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { ulByteRead = 0; xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetFile( &xSocket, cBuffer, ulBufferSize, &ulByteRead, NULL, ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ } TEST( Full_GGD, JSONRequestGetSize ) { BaseType_t xStatus; uint32_t ulJSONFileSize; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check return status and value in ideal case * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, &ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_ASSERT_GREATER_THAN( 1000, ulJSONFileSize ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( &xSocket ); /* Check no disconnect after a pass. */ /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } /** @brief Check Statility by passing in NULL pointers * @{ */ if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestGetSize( &xSocket, NULL ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ } TEST( Full_GGD, JSONRequestStart ) { BaseType_t xStatus; if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { /** @brief Check return status and value in ideal case * @{ */ xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( &xSocket ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT32( pdPASS, xStatus ); GGD_SecureConnect_Disconnect( &xSocket ); /** @}*/ } else { TEST_FAIL(); } /** @brief Check Statility by passing in NULL pointers * @{ */ if( TEST_PROTECT() ) { xStatus = GGD_JSONRequestStart( NULL ); TEST_FAIL(); } /** @}*/ }