/* * Amazon FreeRTOS Test Runner V1.1.4 * Copyright (C) 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * http://www.FreeRTOS.org */ /** * @file aws_test_runner.c * @brief The function to be called to run all the tests. */ /* Test runner interface includes. */ #include "aws_test_runner.h" /* FreeRTOS includes. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" /* Unity framework includes. */ #include "unity_fixture.h" #include "unity_internals.h" /* Application version info. */ #include "aws_application_version.h" const AppVersion32_t xAppFirmwareVersion = { .u.x.ucMajor = APP_VERSION_MAJOR, .u.x.ucMinor = APP_VERSION_MINOR, .u.x.usBuild = APP_VERSION_BUILD, }; char cBuffer[ testrunnerBUFFER_SIZE ]; /* Heap leak variables. */ unsigned int xHeapBefore; unsigned int xHeapAfter; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function will be generated by the test automation framework, * do not change the signature of it. You could, however, add or remove * RUN_TEST_GROUP statements. */ static void RunTests( void ) { /* Tests can be disabled in aws_test_runner_config.h */ /* The Amazon FreeRTOS qualification program requires that Wi-Fi and TCP be the * first tests in this function. */ #if ( testrunnerFULL_WIFI_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_WiFi ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_TCP_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_TCP ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_GGD_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_GGD ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_GGD_HELPER_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_GGD_Helper ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_SHADOW_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_Shadow ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_MQTT_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_MQTT ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_MQTT_STRESS_TEST_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_MQTT_Agent_Stress_Tests ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_MQTT_AGENT_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_MQTT_Agent ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_MQTT_ALPN_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_MQTT_Agent_ALPN ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_OTA_CBOR_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_OTA_CBOR ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_OTA_AGENT_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_OTA_AGENT ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_OTA_PAL_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_OTA_PAL ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_PKCS11_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_PKCS11_CryptoOperation ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_PKCS11_GeneralPurpose ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_CRYPTO_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_CRYPTO ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_TLS_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_TLS ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_CBOR_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_CBOR ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_DEFENDER_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_DEFENDER ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_POSIX_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_CLOCK ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_MQUEUE ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_PTHREAD ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_SEMAPHORE ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_TIMER ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_UTILS ); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_POSIX_STRESS ); #endif #if ( testrunnerFULL_FREERTOS_TCP_ENABLED == 1 ) RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_FREERTOS_TCP ); #endif #if ( testrunnerOTA_END_TO_END_ENABLED == 1 ) extern void vStartOTAUpdateDemoTask( void ); vStartOTAUpdateDemoTask(); #endif } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void TEST_RUNNER_RunTests_task( void * pvParameters ) { /* Initialize unity. */ UnityFixture.Verbose = 1; UnityFixture.GroupFilter = 0; UnityFixture.NameFilter = testrunnerTEST_FILTER; UnityFixture.RepeatCount = 1; UNITY_BEGIN(); /* Give the print buffer time to empty */ vTaskDelay( 500 ); /* Measure the heap size before any tests are run. */ #if ( testrunnerFULL_MEMORYLEAK_ENABLED == 1 ) xHeapBefore = xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); #endif RunTests(); #if ( testrunnerFULL_MEMORYLEAK_ENABLED == 1 ) /* Measure the heap size after tests are done running. * This test must run last. */ /* Perform any global resource cleanup necessary to avoid memory leaks. */ #ifdef testrunnerMEMORYLEAK_CLEANUP testrunnerMEMORYLEAK_CLEANUP(); #endif /* Give the print buffer time to empty */ vTaskDelay( 500 ); xHeapAfter = xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); RUN_TEST_GROUP( Full_MemoryLeak ); #endif /* if ( testrunnerFULL_MEMORYLEAK_ENABLED == 1 ) */ /* Currently disabled. Will be enabled after cleanup. */ UNITY_END(); #ifdef CODE_COVERAGE exit( 0 ); #endif /* This task has finished. FreeRTOS does not allow a task to run off the * end of its implementing function, so the task must be deleted. */ vTaskDelete( NULL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/