## AWS Iot Core Acmebots Monitoring A sample IoT application used to show real-world monitoring scenarios. Services used: CloudWatch Logs, Events, Dashboards, Metrics, Lambda, StepFunctions, IoT, DynamoDB and S3. Follow the links below for details of the application and how to install and use it. 1. [About Acme Bots](./docs/about.md) 2. [Installing](./docs/installing.md) 3. [Provisioning](./docs/provisioning.md) 4. [Bootstraping](./docs/bootstrapping.md) 5. [Viewing Bot's Telemetry](./docs/telemetry.md) 6. [Sending Commands to the Bots](./docs/cmd-ctrl.md) 7. [Clean Up / Delete](./docs/cleanup.md) ## License Summary This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.