## Controlling Bots Bots can be controlled remotely. They listen for commands on a specific MQTT topic and send the response to those commands on another MQTT topic. The table bellow describes it in more details: |Entity |Topic |Description | |-------|-----------------------|---------------------| |WebApp |`myThings//cmds`|Publishes commands. | | |`myThings//ack `|Listen for responses.| |Bot |`myThings//cmds`|Listen for commands. | | |`myThings//ack `|Publishes responses. | ![Controlling Bots](imgs/cmd-ctrl-diagram.png) You can send the following commands to the bots: 1. **otaUpdate:** Update the bot software to version 1.0: Updates the software to version 1.0. 2. **otaUpdate:** Update the bot software to version 2.0: Updates the software to version 2.0. 3. **Start Work:** Request the bot to go to work immediately. 4. **Stand by:** Request the bot to go to stand by mode immediately. The picture bellows illustrates how you can send those commands to a specific bot within the web front-end. ![Controlling Bots](imgs/cmd-ctrl-screen-shot.png)