## Updated version Please note: This is an older version of the AWS IoT Device Management workshop. You can find an updated version at [https://iot-device-management.workshop.aws/en/](https://iot-device-management.workshop.aws/en/). ## AWS IoT Device Management Workshop [AWS IoT Device Management](https://aws.amazon.com/iot-device-management/) makes it easy to securely onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale. With this workshop your will learn hands-on the features from AWS IoT Device Management like several onboarding options, jobs, fleet indexing, thing groups and fine grained logging. ## Files/Directories for the Workshop * [AWS\_IoT\_Device\_Management\_Workshop.md](AWS_IoT_Device_Management_Workshop.md): Workshop instructions. * bin, job-agent, lambda: Directories containing scripts that are copied onto an Amazon EC2 instance * cfn: Directory for CloudFormation template * dm-ws.tar: tar file that is used to bootstrap an EC2 instance * mk-dm-ws-tar.sh: Shell script to create dm-ws.tar. In case you change something use this script to create a new tar file * templateBody.json: template for IoT provisioning options ## License This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.