import os import boto3 from chalice import Chalice, Response from chalice import IAMAuthorizer import uuid import random import time import logging import json import re app = Chalice(app_name='device-registration-api') app.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) authorizer = IAMAuthorizer() dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') dynamodb_table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ.get('APP_TABLE_NAME', '')) upload_bucket = os.environ.get('APP_UPLOAD_BUCKET', '') iot_client = boto3.client('iot') tenant_names = ['acme'] locations = ['bos', 'jfk', 'lax', 'sfo', 'atl', 'chi'] device_type = ['deviceTypeA'] @app.route('/token', methods=['GET']) def create_token(): """ Returns a registration code to be used by the device to self-register with AWS IoT via the /certificate route --- tags: - Token Generation API parameters: None responses: 200: description: Valid registration token to be used to provision device schema: properties: registrationToken: type: string description: One-time use registration token """ reg_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) item = { 'regToken': reg_token, 'location': random.choice(locations), 'tenant': random.choice(tenant_names), 'deviceType': random.choice(device_type), 'timestamp': int(time.time()), 'timesUsed': 0 } dynamodb_table.put_item(Item=item) return {"registrationToken": reg_token} @app.route('/certificate', methods=['POST']) def get_certificate(): """ Returns a signed certificate issued by the AWS IoT CA that can be used to connect to the AWS IoT Core Device Gateway when provided with a registration code and CSR --- tags: - Certificate issuer API parameters: - name: csr in: body type: string required: true - name: regToken in: body type: string required: true - consumes: - application/json responses: 200: description: Signed certificate and assigned tenant schema: properties: certificate: type: string description: AWS IoT signed certificate tenant: type: string description: tenant assigned to token when the token was generated during /token 400: description: Missing or invalid parameter in request 401: description: Invalid or expired registration token """ request = app.current_request body = request.json_body app.log.debug(body) if body and 'regToken' in body.keys() and body['regToken']: if 'csr' in body.keys() and body['csr']: if 'serialNumber' in body.keys() and body['serialNumber']: csr = body['csr'] dynamo_response, status_code = retrieve_metadata_for_token(body) if status_code == 200: certificate_pem = register_thing(csr, dynamo_response, body['serialNumber']) response_body = { "certificate": certificate_pem, "tenant": dynamo_response['tenant'] } else: response_body = dynamo_response else: response_body = 'Missing serial number' status_code = 400 else: response_body = 'Missing or invalid csr' status_code = 400 else: response_body = 'Missing or invalid registration token' status_code = 400 return Response(body=response_body, status_code=status_code, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) @app.route('/upload', methods=['GET'], authorizer=authorizer) def upload_files(): """ Returns an S3 pre-signed URL and the associated bucket name for the client to upload an object to S3 directly Authorization: IAM This endpoint requires AWS SigV4 authorization. For more details see: --- tags: - S3 Uploader Helper API parameters: - name: Authorization description: AWS SigV4-signed authorization header in: header type: string required: true - name: x-amz-content-sha256 in: header type: string required: true - name: x-amz-content-sha256 description: SHA-256 hash of payload in: header type: string required: true - name: x-amz-date description: Date/Timestamp in: header type: string required: true responses: 200: description: Signed certificate and assigned tenant schema: properties: presignedUrl: type: string description: AWS S3 Pre-signed URL with "put-object" permissions uploadBucket: type: string description: Name of bucket used with Pre-signed URL 403: description: See IAM auth responses """ request = app.current_request context = request.context print("Context:") print(context) caller_identity = context['identity']['caller'] caller_ex = ":(.+)$" cert_id =, caller_identity).group(1) iot = boto3.client("iot") certificate_arn = iot.describe_certificate( certificateId=cert_id )['certificateDescription']['certificateArn'] things = iot.list_principal_things( principal=certificate_arn )['things'] thing_name = things[0] thing_info = iot.describe_thing( thingName=thing_name ) s3 = boto3.client('s3') presigned_url = s3.generate_presigned_url( "put_object", Params={ 'Bucket': upload_bucket, 'Key': "{0}/{1}/sampledata_{2}".format( thing_info['attributes']['tenant'], thing_name, str(uuid.uuid4())[:5] ) }, ExpiresIn=600 ) response = { "presignedUrl": presigned_url, "uploadBucket": upload_bucket } return response def retrieve_metadata_for_token(body): """ Checks Dynamo for token and then if it's been used or expired :param body: Body from request which includes the registration token :return: Dynamo item response, 200 Invalid token, 400 Token already used or expired, 401 """ key = { 'regToken': body['regToken'] } dynamo_response = dynamodb_table.get_item( Key=key ) app.log.debug("Dynamo returned:") app.log.debug(dynamo_response) oldest_valid_time = int(time.time()) - 300 # Token expires after 5 minutes if 'Item' in dynamo_response.keys(): item = dynamo_response['Item'] times_used = int(item['timesUsed']) if times_used == 0 and item['timestamp'] >= oldest_valid_time: # Token expires after 5 minutes dynamodb_table.update_item( Key=key, UpdateExpression="SET timesUsed = timesUsed + :u", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':u': 1, } ) del item['regToken'] del item['timesUsed'] del item['timestamp'] item['certificate'] = "test" response = item, 200 elif times_used != 0: response = 'Token already used', 401 elif item['timestamp'] < oldest_valid_time: response = 'Token expired', 401 else: raise Exception else: response = 'Missing or invalid registration token', 400 return response def register_thing(csr, metadata, serial_number): """ Takes data from Dynamo and uses it to register thing with AWS IoT :param csr: :param metadata: :param serial_number: :return: """ iot_response = iot_client.register_thing( templateBody=json.dumps(iot_provisioning_template), parameters={ 'Location': metadata['location'], 'SerialNumber': serial_number, 'CSR': csr, 'Tenant': metadata['tenant'], 'DeviceType': metadata['deviceType'] } ) return iot_response['certificatePem'] # Provisioning template used with registerThing API call iot_provisioning_template = { "Parameters": { "SerialNumber": { "Type": "String" }, "Location": { "Type": "String", "Default": "WA" }, "CSR": { "Type": "String" }, "Tenant": { "Type": "String" }, "DeviceType": { "Type": "String" } }, "Resources": { "thing": { "Type": "AWS::IoT::Thing", "Properties": { "ThingName": {"Ref": "SerialNumber"}, "AttributePayload": { "hardwareVersion": "v1", "serialNumber": {"Ref": "SerialNumber"}, "tenant": {"Ref": "Tenant"} }, "ThingTypeName": {"Ref": "DeviceType"} } }, "certificate": { "Type": "AWS::IoT::Certificate", "Properties": { "CertificateSigningRequest": {"Ref": "CSR"}, "Status": "ACTIVE" } }, "policy": { "Properties": { "PolicyName": "ScopedPolicy" }, "Type": "AWS::IoT::Policy" } } }