# Troubleshooting the deployment of the AWS CloudFormation stack This page provides guidance on diagnosing and troubleshooting the issues with the deployment of AWS CloudFormation stack used in the blog "Building an EV Battery Monitoring solution with AWS IoT FleetWise (Part 1/2)". If the instructions below do not help you to resolve the problem, please [create an issue](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-iot-fleetwise-evbatterymonitoring/issues/new) in this repository. ## Triage Please complete the following steps to diagnose the root cause of the deployment issue: 1. Open [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home) 2. Click on "Stacks" 3. Click on the stack "vehiclesimulation" 4. Review the "Status". - If the stack status is "CREATE_FAILED", proceed to the section "Troubleshooting failed stack deployment" - If the stack status is "CREATE_COMPLETE", proceed to the section "Troubleshooting other issues" ## Troubleshooting failed stack deployment In the [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home), please ensure you have selected the stack "vehiclesimulation". Please perform the followign actions: 1. Click on the tab "Events" 2. Review the events and identify events with the status indicating an error, e.g. CREATE_FAILED 3. Review the "Status reason column" to identify possible root cause. ## Failure to create EC2 instancw with error message "request for accessing resources in this region is being validated" **Symptoms:** you see an error `"Your request for accessing resources in this region is being validated, and you will not be able to launch additional resources in this region until the validation is complete. We will notify you by email once your request has been validated. While normally resolved within minutes, please allow up to 4 hours for this process to complete. If the issue still persists, please let us know by writing to aws-verification@amazon.com for further assistance."` **Resolution:** 1. Please await confirmation mail for validation completion 2. Please delete the stack 3. Please restart the stack deployment ## Troubleshooting other issues If the creation of the stack was completed with CREATE_COMPLETE, but you see no data in Amazon Timestream, please consider thc following steps: 1. In the AWS CloudFormation script output, run the following command to get guidance on establishing the SSH connection of the EC2 instance: aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name vehiclesimulation \ --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='Ec2Instance1SSH'].OutputValue" \ --output text 2. SSH into the Amazon EC2 instance: ssh -i ~/fleetwiseblogec2key.pem ubuntu@ 3. Check outputs of the software components involved into the solution: Initial setup log: `cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log` FleetWise Edge Agent: `sudo journalctl -fu fwe@0` Vehicle siumulation script: `sudo journalctl -fu evcansumulation`