import os import numpy as np import dlr import argparse import platform import cv2 import time import datetime import time from datetime import datetime import logging import json import IPCUtils as ipcutil from labels import labels from import ( ClientBootstrap, DefaultHostResolver, EventLoopGroup, SocketDomain, SocketOptions, ) from awsiot.eventstreamrpc import Connection, LifecycleHandler, MessageAmendment from awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model import PublishToIoTCoreRequest import awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.client as client os.system("echo {}".format("Using dlr from '{}'.".format(dlr.__file__))) os.system("echo {}".format("Using numpy from '{}'.".format(np.__file__))) os.system("echo {}".format("Using cv2 from '{}'.".format(cv2.__file__))) hostname = os.getenv("AWS_GG_NUCLEUS_DOMAIN_SOCKET_FILEPATH_FOR_COMPONENT") print("hostname=", hostname) print("svcid=", os.getenv("SVCUID")) enableSendMessages = True # if "SVCUID" in os.environ and "AWS_GG_NUCLEUS_DOMAIN_SOCKET_FILEPATH_FOR_COMPONENT" in os.environ: # print("Found SVUID and AWS_GG_NUCLEUS_DOMAIN_SOCKET_FILEPATH_FOR_COMPONENT enable messaging.") # enableSendMessages = True TIMEOUT = 10 if enableSendMessages: ipc_utils = ipcutil.IPCUtils() connection = ipc_utils.connect() ipc_client = client.GreengrassCoreIPCClient(connection) def enable_camera(): global camera if platform.machine() == "armv7l": # RaspBerry Pi import picamera camera = picamera.PiCamera() elif platform.machine() == "aarch64": # Nvidia Jetson TX camera = cv2.VideoCapture("nvarguscamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM)," + "width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, format=(string)NV12," + "framerate=(fraction)30/1 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 !" + "video/x-raw, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080," + "format=(string)BGRx ! videoconvert ! appsink") elif platform.machine() == "x86_64": # Deeplens import awscam camera = awscam def predict(image_data): r""" Predict image with DLR. :param image: numpy array of the Image inference with. """ try: # Run DLR to perform inference with DLC optimized model model_output = max_score_id = np.argmax(model_output) max_score = np.max(model_output) print("max score id:",max_score_id) print("class:",labels[max_score_id]) print("max score",str(max_score)) probabilities = model_output[0][0] sort_classes_by_probability = np.argsort(probabilities)[::-1] results_file = "{}/{}.log".format(results_directory,os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(model_path))) message = '{"class":"' + labels[max_score_id] + '"' + ',"confidence":"' + str(max_score) +'"}' payload = { "message": message, "timestamp":'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') } topic = "demo/topic" if enableSendMessages: ipc_client.new_publish_to_iot_core().activate( request=PublishToIoTCoreRequest(topic_name=topic, qos='0', payload=json.dumps(payload).encode())) with open(results_file, 'a') as f: print("{}: Top {} predictions with score {} or above ".format(str(, max_no_of_results, score_threshold), file=f) for i in sort_classes_by_probability[:max_no_of_results]: if probabilities[i] >= score_threshold: print("[ Class: {}, Score: {} ]".format( labels[i], probabilities[i]), file=f) except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred during prediction: %s", e) def predict_from_image(image): r""" reshape the captured image and predict using it. """ #cvimage = cv2.resize(image, reshape) predict(image) def send_mqtt_message(message): request = PublishToIotCoreRequest() request.topic_name = "neo-detect" request.payload = bytes(message, "utf-8") request.qos = QOS.AT_LEAST_ONCE operation = ipc_client.new_publish_to_iot_core() operation.activate(request) future = operation.get_response() future.result(TIMEOUT) def predict_from_cam(): if camera is None: print("Unable to support camera") return if platform.machine() == "armv7l": # RaspBerry Pi stream = io.BytesIO() camera.start_preview() time.sleep(2) camera.capture(stream, format='jpeg') # Construct a numpy array from the stream data = np.fromstring(stream.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) # "Decode" the image from the array, preserving colour cvimage = cv2.imdecode(data, 1) elif platform.machine() == "aarch64": # Nvidia Jetson TX if camera.isOpened(): ret, cvimage = cv2.destroyAllWindows() else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot open the camera") elif platform.machine() == "x86_64": # Deeplens ret, cvimage = camera.getLastFrame() if ret == False: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get frame from the stream") return predict_from_image(cvimage) # Passed arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--accelerator", "-a", default="gpu", help="gpu/cpu/opencl") parser.add_argument("--modelPath", "-m", help="path to model") parser.add_argument("--mlRootPath", "-p", help="path to inference result and images") parser.add_argument("--imageName", "-i", help="image name") parser.add_argument("--interval", "-s", default=60, help="prediction interval in seconds") args = parser.parse_args() model_path = args.modelPath context = args.accelerator mlRootPath = args.mlRootPath imageName = args.imageName prediction_interval_secs = args.interval reshape = (224, 224) score_threshold = 0.3 max_no_of_results = 5 camera = None image_data = None # sample_image = (mlRootPath + "/images/" + imageName).format( # os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) results_directory = mlRootPath + "/inference_log/" # Create the results directory if it does not exist already os.makedirs(results_directory, exist_ok=True) # Initialize example Resnet model dlr_model = dlr.DLRModel(model_path, context) os.system("echo {}".format("Inference logs can be found under the directory '{}' in the name of the model used. ".format( results_directory))) # Load image based on the format - support jpg,jpeg,png and npy. def load_image(imgName): image_data = None sample_image = (mlRootPath + "/images/" + imgName).format( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if imgName.endswith(".jpg", -4,) or imgName.endswith(".png", -4,) or imgName.endswith(".jpeg", -5,): image = bytearray(open(sample_image, 'rb').read()) image_data = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(image, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (224,224)) print("loaded image:",imageName) elif imgName.endswith(".npy", -4,): # the shape for the resnet18 model is [1,3,224,224] image_data = np.load(sample_image).astype(np.float32) return image_data # enable_camera() while True: # predict_from_cam() image_data = load_image(imageName) if image_data is not None: predict_from_image(image_data) else: os.system("Images of format jpg,jpeg,png and npy are only supported.") image_data = None time.sleep(int(prediction_interval_secs))