# sputnik - Deployment Meta Language Given DeviceTypes, DeviceBlueprints and SystemBlueprints have no knowledge of the underlying devices and can refer to multiple different AWS resources, Sputnik has a "meta-language" in order to map these resources updon deployment. ## Account related metadata The deployment service supports the following tags that are pre-populated at first sputnik deployment in your account: * AWS_ACCOUNT * AWS_REGION * THING_NAME * CORE * CORE_ARN * CORE_CERTIFICATE_ARN * DATA_BUCKET * DATA_BUCKET_S3_URL * IOT_ENDPOINT These account related metadata are used in the specs by encapsulating them in brackets [ ]. ``` Example: ml-demo-squeezenet-v1.0 { "FunctionDefinitionVersion": { "Functions": [{ "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:[AWS_REGION]:[AWS_ACCOUNT]:function:sputnik-gg-ml-inference-squeezenet-demo-python:Prod", "FunctionConfiguration": { ... ``` ## Business logic metadata ### DeviceTypeMappings In the DeviceBlueprints, some fields require to map to a specific DeviceType. For this the deviceTypeMappings object is used. ``` Example: ml-demo-squeezenet-v1.0 { "FunctionDefinitionVersion": { "Functions": [{ "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:[AWS_REGION]:[AWS_ACCOUNT]:function:sputnik-gg-ml-inference-squeezenet-demo-python:Prod", "FunctionConfiguration": { ... } }] }... } ``` In this sample. **CAM\_STREAM\_ID\_1** will be replaced by **picamera-vcsm** for the **rpi3-sense-hat-picamera-v1.0** DeviceType. ### !GetAtt This metadata tag in the specs allows to pull data from inferred data from a SystemBlueprint. A system can consist of 2 devices. In a SystemBlueprint these 2 devices are referenced by the **ref** tag. By using the !GetAtt, upon deployment, we can reference information from the very specific device that is referenced by the system form the blueprint. ``` Example: sample-system-v1.0 { "Devices": [{ ... "ref": "DEVICE", "spec": { "FunctionDefinitionVersion": { "Functions": [{ ... }, { "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:[AWS_REGION]:[AWS_ACCOUNT]:function:sputnik-simple-greengrass-device-demo-python:Prod", "FunctionConfiguration": { "EncodingType": "json", "Environment": { "Variables": { ... "GATEWAY": "!GetAtt[GATEWAY.thingName]", ... ... }, { ... "ref": "GATEWAY", "spec": { ... } } } } ```