## aws-iot-remote-asset-heatlh-monitoring This repository was created to support the AWS IoT blog post Empowering operations: A scalable Remote asset health monitoring solution (link), and host the following files: * ### bootstrap.sh Executes the bootstrap installation for the AWS Cloud9 instance which the user will use to work with the blog post content. * ### start.sh Check dependencies and start the simulator.py script. * ### simulator.py An AwSIoTPython sdk example file containing a simple PubSub communication model with AWS IoT core, and a simulated dataset. * ### create_thing.py Uses AWS CLI commands to create resources in AWS IoT core, things, policies and certificates. * ### create_iotrules.py Uses AWS CLI commands to create resources in AWS IoT core, IoT rules, * ### create_iotsitewise_assets.py Uses AWS CLI commands to create resources in AWS IoT SiteWise, assets. * ### create_grafana_dashboards.py Uses AWS CLI commands to create resources in an Amazon managed grafana workspace. * ### datagen Directory with JSON objects used for the simulated dataset * ### iot_rules Directory containing an template JSON object used by the create_iotrules.py file The following files: ## Security [![security: bandit](https://img.shields.io/badge/security-bandit-yellow.svg)](https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit) See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.