# FROM amazonlinux:latest FROM amazonlinux:latest as builder ARG OPENSSL_CONFIG # Install Prerequisites RUN yum check-update; yum upgrade -y && \ yum install -y git boost-devel autoconf automake \ wget libtool curl make gcc-c++ unzip cmake3 openssl11-devel \ python-devel which # Install Dependencies RUN mkdir /home/dependencies WORKDIR /home/dependencies RUN wget https://www.zlib.net/zlib-1.2.13.tar.gz -O /tmp/zlib-1.2.13.tar.gz && \ tar xzvf /tmp/zlib-1.2.13.tar.gz && \ cd zlib-1.2.13 && \ ./configure && \ make && \ make install && \ cd /home/dependencies RUN wget https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.81.0/source/boost_1_81_0.tar.gz -O /tmp/boost.tar.gz && \ tar xzvf /tmp/boost.tar.gz && \ cd boost_1_81_0 && \ ./bootstrap.sh && \ ./b2 install link=static && \ cd /home/dependencies RUN wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.17.3/protobuf-all-3.17.3.tar.gz -O /tmp/protobuf-all-3.17.3.tar.gz && \ tar xzvf /tmp/protobuf-all-3.17.3.tar.gz && \ cd protobuf-3.17.3 && \ mkdir build && \ cd build && \ cmake3 ../cmake && \ make && \ make install && \ cd /home/dependencies RUN git clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git && \ cd openssl && \ git checkout OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable && \ ./Configure $OPENSSL_CONFIG && \ make depend && \ make all && \ cd /home/dependencies RUN git clone --branch v2.13.6 https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git && \ cd Catch2 && \ mkdir build && \ cd build && \ cmake3 ../ && \ make && \ make install && \ cd /home/dependencies RUN git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy && \ cd aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy && \ mkdir build && \ cd build && \ cmake3 ../ && \ make # If you'd like to use this Dockerfile to build your LOCAL revisions to the # local proxy source code, uncomment the following three commands and comment # out the command above. Otherwise, we'll build the local proxy container # with fresh source from the GitHub repo. #RUN mkdir /home/dependencies/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy # #COPY ./ /home/dependencies/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/ # #RUN cd /home/dependencies/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy && \ # rm -rf build/ && \ # mkdir build && \ # cd build && \ # cmake3 ../ && \ # make RUN mkdir -p /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy && \ cd /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy && \ cp /home/dependencies/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/build/bin/* /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/ RUN rm -rf /home/dependencies WORKDIR /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/ ## Actual docker image FROM amazonlinux:latest # Install openssl for libssl dependency. RUN yum check-update; yum upgrade -y && \ yum install -y openssl11 wget libatomic && \ rm -rf /var/cache/yum && \ yum clean all RUN mkdir -p /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/certs && \ cd /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy/certs && \ wget https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem && \ openssl11 rehash ./ # # Copy the binaries from builder stage. COPY --from=builder /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy WORKDIR /home/aws-iot-securetunneling-localproxy