SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY : help init config deploy iot-setup test lint nag clean delete .DEFAULT: help VENV_NAME ?= venv PYTHON ?= $(VENV_NAME)/bin/python AWS_CLI = $(VENV_NAME)/bin/aws CONFIG_FILE = ifneq ("$(wildcard $(CONFIG_FILE))","") include $(CONFIG_FILE) endif help: @echo "help get the full command list" @echo "init create VirtualEnv and install libraries" @echo "config create configuration file" @echo "deploy deploy CloudFormation stacks" @echo "test run pre-commit checks" @echo "lint GitHub actions cfn-lint test" @echo "nag GitHub actions cfn-nag test" @echo "clean delete VirtualEnv and installed libraries" @echo "delete delete CloudFormation stacks" # Initialize VirtualEnv init: $(VENV_NAME) pre-commit $(VENV_NAME): $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate: requirements.txt test -d $(VENV_NAME) || virtualenv -p python3 $(VENV_NAME) $(PYTHON) -m pip install -U pip $(PYTHON) -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt touch $(VENV_NAME)/bin/activate pre-commit: $(VENV_NAME) $(VENV_NAME)/bin/pre-commit install clean: rm -rf "$(VENV_NAME)" find . -iname "*.pyc" -delete # Generate configuration file config: ifneq ("$(wildcard $(CONFIG_FILE))","") @echo "File $(CONFIG_FILE) exists. Change configuration manually." else @touch @read -p "AWS Region to create bucket in (e.g. us-east-1)?: " REGION && echo AWS_REGION=$$REGION >> $(CONFIG_FILE); @read -p "S3 Bucket name (e.g. s3-bucket-name)?: " BUCKET && echo BUCKET_NAME=$$BUCKET >> $(CONFIG_FILE); @read -p "CloudFormation Stack name (e.g. my-project-name)?: " STACK && echo STACK_NAME=$$STACK >> $(CONFIG_FILE); @echo "Configuration written to $(CONFIG_FILE) file." endif # Create S3 bucket bucket: @$(AWS_CLI) s3 mb s3://$(BUCKET_NAME) \ --region $(AWS_REGION) # Build, Package, Deploy and Destroy deploy: $(VENV_NAME) package @printf "\n--> Deploying %s template...\n" $(STACK_NAME) @$(VENV_NAME)/bin/aws cloudformation deploy \ --template-file ./cfn/packaged.template \ --stack-name $(STACK_NAME) \ --region $(AWS_REGION) \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND \ --parameter-overrides \ ArtefactsBucketName=$(BUCKET_NAME) package: $(VENV_NAME) build @printf "\n--> Packaging and uploading templates to the %s S3 bucket ...\n" $(BUCKET_NAME) @$(VENV_NAME)/bin/aws cloudformation package \ --template-file ./cfn/main.template \ --s3-bucket $(BUCKET_NAME) \ --output-template-file ./cfn/packaged.template \ --region $(AWS_REGION) build: $(VENV_NAME) @printf "\n--> Uploading artefacts to the %s S3 bucket ...\n" $(BUCKET_NAME) @$(VENV_NAME)/bin/aws s3 cp ./src/greengrass-app-components s3://$(BUCKET_NAME)/greengrass-app-components/ --recursive delete: @printf "\n--> Deleting %s stack...\n" $(STACK_NAME) @$(VENV_NAME)/bin/aws cloudformation delete-stack \ --stack-name $(STACK_NAME) \ --region $(AWS_REGION) @printf "\n--> $(STACK_NAME) deletion has been submitted, check AWS CloudFormation Console for an update..." # IOT device configuration iot-setup: ci/ $(STACK_NAME) $(AWS_REGION) # Tests test: $(VENV_NAME) $(VENV_NAME)/bin/pre-commit run --all-files lint: $(VENV_NAME) $(VENV_NAME)/bin/cfn-lint cfn/**/*.template --ignore-checks=W3002 nag: cfn_nag_scan --input-path cfn # cfn-publish specific cfn-publish-package: zip -r -@ < ci/include.lst # GitHub actions test-cfn-lint: cfn-lint cfn/**/*.template --ignore-checks=W3002 test-cfn-nag: cfn_nag_scan --input-path cfn version: @bumpversion --dry-run --list cfn/main.template | grep current_version | sed s/'^.*='//