3 fY@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdddeZdS)z Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git )pformat) iteritemsNc@seZdZdZdddZeddZejddZedd Zejd d Zed d Z e jd d Z ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZdS)V1EndpointSubsetzw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. NcCs2dddd|_dddd|_||_||_||_dS)aF V1EndpointSubset - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. zlist[V1EndpointAddress]zlist[V1EndpointPort]) addressesnot_ready_addressesportsrZnotReadyAddressesrN) swagger_types attribute_map _addresses_not_ready_addresses_ports)selfrrrr\/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1_endpoint_subset.py__init__s   zV1EndpointSubset.__init__cCs|jS)aB Gets the addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. IP addresses which offer the related ports that are marked as ready. These endpoints should be considered safe for load balancers and clients to utilize. :return: The addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. :rtype: list[V1EndpointAddress] )r )r rrrr1s zV1EndpointSubset.addressescCs ||_dS)aJ Sets the addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. IP addresses which offer the related ports that are marked as ready. These endpoints should be considered safe for load balancers and clients to utilize. :param addresses: The addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. :type: list[V1EndpointAddress] N)r )r rrrrr<s cCs|jS)a Gets the not_ready_addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. IP addresses which offer the related ports but are not currently marked as ready because they have not yet finished starting, have recently failed a readiness check, or have recently failed a liveness check. :return: The not_ready_addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. :rtype: list[V1EndpointAddress] )r )r rrrrHs z$V1EndpointSubset.not_ready_addressescCs ||_dS)a Sets the not_ready_addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. IP addresses which offer the related ports but are not currently marked as ready because they have not yet finished starting, have recently failed a readiness check, or have recently failed a liveness check. :param not_ready_addresses: The not_ready_addresses of this V1EndpointSubset. :type: list[V1EndpointAddress] N)r )r rrrrrSs cCs|jS)z Gets the ports of this V1EndpointSubset. Port numbers available on the related IP addresses. :return: The ports of this V1EndpointSubset. :rtype: list[V1EndpointPort] )r )r rrrr_s zV1EndpointSubset.portscCs ||_dS)z Sets the ports of this V1EndpointSubset. Port numbers available on the related IP addresses. :param ports: The ports of this V1EndpointSubset. :type: list[V1EndpointPort] N)r )r rrrrrjs cCsi}xt|jD]z\}}t||}t|trDttdd|||<qt|dr\|j||<qt|trttdd|j ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dr|jS|S)Nto_dict)hasattrr)xrrrsz*V1EndpointSubset.to_dict..rcSs&t|ddr"|d|djfS|S)Nrr)rr)itemrrrrs) rrgetattr isinstancelistmaprrdictitems)r resultattr_valuerrrrvs     zV1EndpointSubset.to_dictcCs t|jS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr)r rrrto_strszV1EndpointSubset.to_strcCs|jS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r!)r rrr__repr__szV1EndpointSubset.__repr__cCst|tsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)rr__dict__)r otherrrr__eq__s zV1EndpointSubset.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r)r r$rrr__ne__szV1EndpointSubset.__ne__)NNN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rpropertyrsetterrrrr!r"r%r&rrrrrs      r)r*pprintrsixrreobjectrrrrr s