3 fYf-@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdddeZdS)z Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git )pformat) iteritemsNc @s`eZdZdZd0ddZeddZejddZedd Zejd d Zed d Z e jd d Z eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ eddZejddZeddZejddZed d!Zejd"d!Zed#d$Zejd%d$Zd&d'Zd(d)Zd*d+Zd,d-Zd.d/ZdS)1V1Eventzw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. Nc Csdddddddddddd |_dd d d d d dddddd |_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_ | |_ | |_ | |_ dS)a= V1Event - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. strintdatetimeV1ObjectReference V1ObjectMeta V1EventSource) api_versioncountfirst_timestampinvolved_objectkindlast_timestampmessagemetadatareasonsourcetype apiVersionr ZfirstTimestampZinvolvedObjectrZ lastTimestamprrrrrN) swagger_types attribute_map _api_version_count_first_timestamp_involved_object_kind_last_timestamp_message _metadata_reason_source_type) selfr r r rrrrrrrrr%R/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1_event.py__init__sB   zV1Event.__init__cCs|jS)a Gets the api_version of this V1Event. APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources :return: The api_version of this V1Event. :rtype: str )r)r$r%r%r&r Is zV1Event.api_versioncCs ||_dS)a Sets the api_version of this V1Event. APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#resources :param api_version: The api_version of this V1Event. :type: str N)r)r$r r%r%r&r Ts cCs|jS)z Gets the count of this V1Event. The number of times this event has occurred. :return: The count of this V1Event. :rtype: int )r)r$r%r%r&r `s z V1Event.countcCs ||_dS)z Sets the count of this V1Event. The number of times this event has occurred. :param count: The count of this V1Event. :type: int N)r)r$r r%r%r&r ks cCs|jS)z Gets the first_timestamp of this V1Event. The time at which the event was first recorded. (Time of server receipt is in TypeMeta.) :return: The first_timestamp of this V1Event. :rtype: datetime )r)r$r%r%r&r ws zV1Event.first_timestampcCs ||_dS)z Sets the first_timestamp of this V1Event. The time at which the event was first recorded. (Time of server receipt is in TypeMeta.) :param first_timestamp: The first_timestamp of this V1Event. :type: datetime N)r)r$r r%r%r&r s cCs|jS)z Gets the involved_object of this V1Event. The object that this event is about. :return: The involved_object of this V1Event. :rtype: V1ObjectReference )r)r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.involved_objectcCs|dkrtd||_dS)z Sets the involved_object of this V1Event. The object that this event is about. :param involved_object: The involved_object of this V1Event. :type: V1ObjectReference Nz7Invalid value for `involved_object`, must not be `None`) ValueErrorr)r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)a Gets the kind of this V1Event. Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds :return: The kind of this V1Event. :rtype: str )r)r$r%r%r&rs z V1Event.kindcCs ||_dS)a Sets the kind of this V1Event. Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds :param kind: The kind of this V1Event. :type: str N)r)r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)z Gets the last_timestamp of this V1Event. The time at which the most recent occurrence of this event was recorded. :return: The last_timestamp of this V1Event. :rtype: datetime )r)r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.last_timestampcCs ||_dS)z Sets the last_timestamp of this V1Event. The time at which the most recent occurrence of this event was recorded. :param last_timestamp: The last_timestamp of this V1Event. :type: datetime N)r)r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)z Gets the message of this V1Event. A human-readable description of the status of this operation. :return: The message of this V1Event. :rtype: str )r)r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.messagecCs ||_dS)z Sets the message of this V1Event. A human-readable description of the status of this operation. :param message: The message of this V1Event. :type: str N)r)r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)z Gets the metadata of this V1Event. Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata :return: The metadata of this V1Event. :rtype: V1ObjectMeta )r )r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.metadatacCs|dkrtd||_dS)a Sets the metadata of this V1Event. Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata :param metadata: The metadata of this V1Event. :type: V1ObjectMeta Nz0Invalid value for `metadata`, must not be `None`)r(r )r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)z Gets the reason of this V1Event. This should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason for the transition into the object's current status. :return: The reason of this V1Event. :rtype: str )r!)r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.reasoncCs ||_dS)a Sets the reason of this V1Event. This should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason for the transition into the object's current status. :param reason: The reason of this V1Event. :type: str N)r!)r$rr%r%r&rs cCs|jS)z Gets the source of this V1Event. The component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string. :return: The source of this V1Event. :rtype: V1EventSource )r")r$r%r%r&rs zV1Event.sourcecCs ||_dS)z Sets the source of this V1Event. The component reporting this event. Should be a short machine understandable string. :param source: The source of this V1Event. :type: V1EventSource N)r")r$rr%r%r&r's cCs|jS)z Gets the type of this V1Event. Type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future :return: The type of this V1Event. :rtype: str )r#)r$r%r%r&r3s z V1Event.typecCs ||_dS)z Sets the type of this V1Event. Type of this event (Normal, Warning), new types could be added in the future :param type: The type of this V1Event. :type: str N)r#)r$rr%r%r&r>s cCsi}xt|jD]z\}}t||}t|trDttdd|||<qt|dr\|j||<qt|trttdd|j ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dr|jS|S)Nto_dict)hasattrr))xr%r%r&Tsz!V1Event.to_dict..r)cSs&t|ddr"|d|djfS|S)Nr)r)r*r))itemr%r%r&r,[s) rrgetattr isinstancelistmapr*r)dictitems)r$resultattr_valuer%r%r&r)Js     zV1Event.to_dictcCs t|jS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr))r$r%r%r&to_strdszV1Event.to_strcCs|jS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r9)r$r%r%r&__repr__jszV1Event.__repr__cCst|tsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)r0r__dict__)r$otherr%r%r&__eq__ps zV1Event.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r%)r$r<r%r%r&__ne__yszV1Event.__ne__) NNNNNNNNNNN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r'propertyr setterr r rrrrrrrrr)r9r:r=r>r%r%r%r&rs: 1             r)rBpprintrsixrreobjectrr%r%r%r& s