3 f÷ÔYã@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdd„deƒZdS)zç Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git é)Úpformat)Ú iteritemsNc@sÄeZdZdZddd„Zedd„ƒZejdd„ƒZedd „ƒZejd d „ƒZed d „ƒZ e jd d „ƒZ edd„ƒZ e jdd„ƒZ edd„ƒZ e jdd„ƒZ dd„Z dd„Z dd„Zdd„Zdd„ZdS)ÚV1FlexVolumeSourcezw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. NcCsFddddddœ|_dddd d dœ|_||_||_||_||_||_d S) aH V1FlexVolumeSource - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. Ústrzdict(str, str)ÚboolÚV1LocalObjectReference)ÚdriverÚfs_typeÚoptionsÚ read_onlyÚ secret_refrÚfsTyper ÚreadOnlyÚ secretRefN)Ú swagger_typesÚ attribute_mapÚ_driverÚ_fs_typeÚ_optionsÚ _read_onlyÚ _secret_ref)Úselfrr r r r ©rú_/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1_flex_volume_source.pyÚ__init__s   zV1FlexVolumeSource.__init__cCs|jS)zË Gets the driver of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Driver is the name of the driver to use for this volume. :return: The driver of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :rtype: str )r)rrrrr7s zV1FlexVolumeSource.drivercCs|dkrtdƒ‚||_dS)zÐ Sets the driver of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Driver is the name of the driver to use for this volume. :param driver: The driver of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :type: str Nz.Invalid value for `driver`, must not be `None`)Ú ValueErrorr)rrrrrrBs cCs|jS)a@ Gets the fs_type of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". The default filesystem depends on FlexVolume script. :return: The fs_type of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :rtype: str )r)rrrrr Ps zV1FlexVolumeSource.fs_typecCs ||_dS)aF Sets the fs_type of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Filesystem type to mount. Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system. Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". The default filesystem depends on FlexVolume script. :param fs_type: The fs_type of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :type: str N)r)rr rrrr [s cCs|jS)zÇ Gets the options of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: Extra command options if any. :return: The options of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :rtype: dict(str, str) )r)rrrrr gs zV1FlexVolumeSource.optionscCs ||_dS)zÍ Sets the options of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: Extra command options if any. :param options: The options of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :type: dict(str, str) N)r)rr rrrr rs cCs|jS)a Gets the read_only of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. :return: The read_only of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :rtype: bool )r)rrrrr ~s zV1FlexVolumeSource.read_onlycCs ||_dS)a  Sets the read_only of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: Defaults to false (read/write). ReadOnly here will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts. :param read_only: The read_only of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :type: bool N)r)rr rrrr ‰s cCs|jS)a¹ Gets the secret_ref of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: SecretRef is reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the plugin scripts. This may be empty if no secret object is specified. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed to the plugin scripts. :return: The secret_ref of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :rtype: V1LocalObjectReference )r)rrrrr •s zV1FlexVolumeSource.secret_refcCs ||_dS)a Sets the secret_ref of this V1FlexVolumeSource. Optional: SecretRef is reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the plugin scripts. This may be empty if no secret object is specified. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed to the plugin scripts. :param secret_ref: The secret_ref of this V1FlexVolumeSource. :type: V1LocalObjectReference N)r)rr rrrr  s cCs’i}xˆt|jƒD]z\}}t||ƒ}t|tƒrDttdd„|ƒƒ||<qt|dƒr\|jƒ||<qt|tƒr‚ttdd„|j ƒƒƒ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dƒr|jƒS|S)NÚto_dict)Úhasattrr)ÚxrrrÚ¶sz,V1FlexVolumeSource.to_dict..rcSs&t|ddƒr"|d|djƒfS|S)Nérr)rr)Úitemrrrr½s) rrÚgetattrÚ isinstanceÚlistÚmaprrÚdictÚitems)rÚresultÚattrÚ_Úvaluerrrr¬s     zV1FlexVolumeSource.to_dictcCs t|jƒƒS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr)rrrrÚto_strÆszV1FlexVolumeSource.to_strcCs|jƒS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r,)rrrrÚ__repr__ÌszV1FlexVolumeSource.__repr__cCst|tƒsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)r#rÚ__dict__)rÚotherrrrÚ__eq__Òs zV1FlexVolumeSource.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r)rr/rrrÚ__ne__ÛszV1FlexVolumeSource.__ne__)NNNNN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rÚpropertyrÚsetterr r r r rr,r-r0r1rrrrrs"        r)r5ÚpprintrÚsixrÚreÚobjectrrrrrÚ s