3 fY@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdddeZdS)z Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git )pformat) iteritemsNc@seZdZdZdddZeddZejddZedd Zejd d Zed d Z e jd d Z eddZ e jddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZddZdS)V1alpha1RuleWithOperationszw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. NcCs<ddddd|_ddddd|_||_||_||_||_dS)aP V1alpha1RuleWithOperations - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. z list[str]) api_groups api_versions operations resources apiGroups apiVersionsrrN) swagger_types attribute_map _api_groups _api_versions _operations _resources)selfrrrrrg/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1alpha1_rule_with_operations.py__init__s   z#V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.__init__cCs|jS)a: Gets the api_groups of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '*' is all groups. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :return: The api_groups of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :rtype: list[str] )r )rrrrr4s z%V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.api_groupscCs ||_dS)aC Sets the api_groups of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. APIGroups is the API groups the resources belong to. '*' is all groups. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :param api_groups: The api_groups of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :type: list[str] N)r )rrrrrr?s cCs|jS)aD Gets the api_versions of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '*' is all versions. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :return: The api_versions of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :rtype: list[str] )r)rrrrrKs z'V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.api_versionscCs ||_dS)aO Sets the api_versions of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. APIVersions is the API versions the resources belong to. '*' is all versions. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :param api_versions: The api_versions of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :type: list[str] N)r)rrrrrrVs cCs|jS)aY Gets the operations of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, or * for all operations. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :return: The operations of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :rtype: list[str] )r)rrrrrbs z%V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.operationscCs ||_dS)ab Sets the operations of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. Operations is the operations the admission hook cares about - CREATE, UPDATE, or * for all operations. If '*' is present, the length of the slice must be one. Required. :param operations: The operations of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :type: list[str] N)r)rrrrrrms cCs|jS)a Gets the resources of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '*' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/*' means all subresources of pods. '*/scale' means all scale subresources. '*/*' means all resources and their subresources. If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other. Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required. :return: The resources of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :rtype: list[str] )r)rrrrrys z$V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.resourcescCs ||_dS)a Sets the resources of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. Resources is a list of resources this rule applies to. For example: 'pods' means pods. 'pods/log' means the log subresource of pods. '*' means all resources, but not subresources. 'pods/*' means all subresources of pods. '*/scale' means all scale subresources. '*/*' means all resources and their subresources. If wildcard is present, the validation rule will ensure resources do not overlap with each other. Depending on the enclosing object, subresources might not be allowed. Required. :param resources: The resources of this V1alpha1RuleWithOperations. :type: list[str] N)r)rrrrrrs cCsi}xt|jD]z\}}t||}t|trDttdd|||<qt|dr\|j||<qt|trttdd|j ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dr|jS|S)Nto_dict)hasattrr)xrrrsz4V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.to_dict..rcSs&t|ddr"|d|djfS|S)Nrr)rr)itemrrrrs) rr getattr isinstancelistmaprrdictitems)rresultattr_valuerrrrs     z"V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.to_dictcCs t|jS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr)rrrrto_strsz!V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.to_strcCs|jS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r%)rrrr__repr__sz#V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.__repr__cCst|tsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)rr__dict__)rotherrrr__eq__s z!V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r)rr(rrr__ne__sz!V1alpha1RuleWithOperations.__ne__)NNNN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rpropertyrsetterrrrrr%r&r)r*rrrrrs       r)r.pprintrsixrreobjectrrrrr s