3 fY,@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdddeZdS)z Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git )pformat) iteritemsNc@seZdZdZd$ddZeddZejddZedd Zejd d Zed d Z e jd d Z eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ eddZ e jddZ ddZddZddZd d!Zd"d#ZdS)%V1beta1APIServiceSpeczw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. NcCsZdddddddd|_dddd d d d d|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_d S)aK V1beta1APIServiceSpec - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. strintboolV1beta1ServiceReference) ca_bundlegroupgroup_priority_minimuminsecure_skip_tls_verifyserviceversionversion_prioritycaBundler ZgroupPriorityMinimumZinsecureSkipTLSVerifyr rZversionPriorityN) swagger_types attribute_map _ca_bundle_group_group_priority_minimum_insecure_skip_tls_verify_service_version_version_priority)selfr r r r r rrrb/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1beta1_api_service_spec.py__init__s*   zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.__init__cCs|jS)a Gets the ca_bundle of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate an API server's serving certificate. :return: The ca_bundle of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: str )r)rrrrr =s zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.ca_bundlecCs|dkrtd||_dS)a Sets the ca_bundle of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate an API server's serving certificate. :param ca_bundle: The ca_bundle of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: str Nz1Invalid value for `ca_bundle`, must not be `None`) ValueErrorr)rr rrrr Hs cCs|jS)z Gets the group of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Group is the API group name this server hosts :return: The group of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: str )r)rrrrr Vs zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.groupcCs ||_dS)z Sets the group of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Group is the API group name this server hosts :param group: The group of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: str N)r)rr rrrr as cCs|jS)a: Gets the group_priority_minimum of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. GroupPriorityMininum is the priority this group should have at least. Higher priority means that the group is prefered by clients over lower priority ones. Note that other versions of this group might specify even higher GroupPriorityMininum values such that the whole group gets a higher priority. The primary sort is based on GroupPriorityMinimum, ordered highest number to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) We'd recommend something like: *.k8s.io (except extensions) at 18000 and PaaSes (OpenShift, Deis) are recommended to be in the 2000s :return: The group_priority_minimum of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: int )r)rrrrr ms z,V1beta1APIServiceSpec.group_priority_minimumcCs|dkrtd||_dS)aO Sets the group_priority_minimum of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. GroupPriorityMininum is the priority this group should have at least. Higher priority means that the group is prefered by clients over lower priority ones. Note that other versions of this group might specify even higher GroupPriorityMininum values such that the whole group gets a higher priority. The primary sort is based on GroupPriorityMinimum, ordered highest number to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) We'd recommend something like: *.k8s.io (except extensions) at 18000 and PaaSes (OpenShift, Deis) are recommended to be in the 2000s :param group_priority_minimum: The group_priority_minimum of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: int Nz>Invalid value for `group_priority_minimum`, must not be `None`)rr)rr rrrr xs cCs|jS)ab Gets the insecure_skip_tls_verify of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. InsecureSkipTLSVerify disables TLS certificate verification when communicating with this server. This is strongly discouraged. You should use the CABundle instead. :return: The insecure_skip_tls_verify of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: bool )r)rrrrr s z.V1beta1APIServiceSpec.insecure_skip_tls_verifycCs ||_dS)ay Sets the insecure_skip_tls_verify of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. InsecureSkipTLSVerify disables TLS certificate verification when communicating with this server. This is strongly discouraged. You should use the CABundle instead. :param insecure_skip_tls_verify: The insecure_skip_tls_verify of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: bool N)r)rr rrrr s cCs|jS)a Gets the service of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Service is a reference to the service for this API server. It must communicate on port 443 If the Service is nil, that means the handling for the API groupversion is handled locally on this server. The call will simply delegate to the normal handler chain to be fulfilled. :return: The service of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: V1beta1ServiceReference )r)rrrrr s zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.servicecCs|dkrtd||_dS)a Sets the service of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Service is a reference to the service for this API server. It must communicate on port 443 If the Service is nil, that means the handling for the API groupversion is handled locally on this server. The call will simply delegate to the normal handler chain to be fulfilled. :param service: The service of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: V1beta1ServiceReference Nz/Invalid value for `service`, must not be `None`)rr)rr rrrr s cCs|jS)z Gets the version of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Version is the API version this server hosts. For example, "v1" :return: The version of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: str )r)rrrrrs zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.versioncCs ||_dS)z Sets the version of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. Version is the API version this server hosts. For example, "v1" :param version: The version of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: str N)r)rrrrrrs cCs|jS)a) Gets the version_priority of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. VersionPriority controls the ordering of this API version inside of its group. Must be greater than zero. The primary sort is based on VersionPriority, ordered highest to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) Since it's inside of a group, the number can be small, probably in the 10s. :return: The version_priority of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :rtype: int )r)rrrrrs z&V1beta1APIServiceSpec.version_prioritycCs|dkrtd||_dS)a8 Sets the version_priority of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. VersionPriority controls the ordering of this API version inside of its group. Must be greater than zero. The primary sort is based on VersionPriority, ordered highest to lowest (20 before 10). The secondary sort is based on the alphabetical comparison of the name of the object. (v1.bar before v1.foo) Since it's inside of a group, the number can be small, probably in the 10s. :param version_priority: The version_priority of this V1beta1APIServiceSpec. :type: int Nz8Invalid value for `version_priority`, must not be `None`)rr)rrrrrrs cCsi}xt|jD]z\}}t||}t|trDttdd|||<qt|dr\|j||<qt|trttdd|j ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dr|jS|S)Nto_dict)hasattrr)xrrrsz/V1beta1APIServiceSpec.to_dict..rcSs&t|ddr"|d|djfS|S)Nrr)r r)itemrrrr"s) rrgetattr isinstancelistmapr rdictitems)rresultattr_valuerrrrs     zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.to_dictcCs t|jS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr)rrrrto_strszV1beta1APIServiceSpec.to_strcCs|jS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r/)rrrr__repr__szV1beta1APIServiceSpec.__repr__cCst|tsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)r&r__dict__)rotherrrr__eq__ s zV1beta1APIServiceSpec.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r)rr2rrr__ne__szV1beta1APIServiceSpec.__ne__)NNNNNNN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rpropertyr setterr r r r rrrr/r0r3r4rrrrrs* %        r)r8pprintrsixrreobjectrrrrr s