3 f÷ÔYì$ã@s8dZddlmZddlmZddlZGdd„deƒZdS)zç Kubernetes No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen) OpenAPI spec version: v1.7.4 Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git é)Úpformat)Ú iteritemsNc@sÞeZdZdZd!dd„Zedd„ƒZejdd„ƒZedd „ƒZejd d „ƒZed d „ƒZ e jd d „ƒZ edd„ƒZ e jdd„ƒZ edd„ƒZ e jdd„ƒZ edd„ƒZ e jdd„ƒZ dd„Z dd„Zdd„Zdd„Zdd „ZdS)"ÚV1beta1DaemonSetSpeczw NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. NcCsPdddddddœ|_dddd d d dœ|_||_||_||_||_||_||_d S) aJ V1beta1DaemonSetSpec - a model defined in Swagger :param dict swaggerTypes: The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. :param dict attributeMap: The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. ÚintÚV1LabelSelectorÚV1PodTemplateSpecÚV1beta1DaemonSetUpdateStrategy)Úmin_ready_secondsÚrevision_history_limitÚselectorÚtemplateÚtemplate_generationÚupdate_strategyÚminReadySecondsÚrevisionHistoryLimitr r ZtemplateGenerationZupdateStrategyN)Ú swagger_typesÚ attribute_mapÚ_min_ready_secondsÚ_revision_history_limitÚ _selectorÚ _templateÚ_template_generationÚ_update_strategy)Úselfr r r r r r©rúa/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/kubernetes/client/models/v1beta1_daemon_set_spec.pyÚ__init__s$   zV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.__init__cCs|jS)a• Gets the min_ready_seconds of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. The minimum number of seconds for which a newly created DaemonSet pod should be ready without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready). :return: The min_ready_seconds of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: int )r)rrrrr :s z&V1beta1DaemonSetSpec.min_ready_secondscCs ||_dS)a¥ Sets the min_ready_seconds of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. The minimum number of seconds for which a newly created DaemonSet pod should be ready without any of its container crashing, for it to be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready). :param min_ready_seconds: The min_ready_seconds of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: int N)r)rr rrrr Es cCs|jS)aG Gets the revision_history_limit of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. The number of old history to retain to allow rollback. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 10. :return: The revision_history_limit of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: int )r)rrrrr Qs z+V1beta1DaemonSetSpec.revision_history_limitcCs ||_dS)a\ Sets the revision_history_limit of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. The number of old history to retain to allow rollback. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 10. :param revision_history_limit: The revision_history_limit of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: int N)r)rr rrrr \s cCs|jS)aœ Gets the selector of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. A label query over pods that are managed by the daemon set. Must match in order to be controlled. If empty, defaulted to labels on Pod template. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors :return: The selector of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: V1LabelSelector )r)rrrrr hs zV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.selectorcCs ||_dS)a£ Sets the selector of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. A label query over pods that are managed by the daemon set. Must match in order to be controlled. If empty, defaulted to labels on Pod template. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors :param selector: The selector of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: V1LabelSelector N)r)rr rrrr ss cCs|jS)aë Gets the template of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. An object that describes the pod that will be created. The DaemonSet will create exactly one copy of this pod on every node that matches the template's node selector (or on every node if no node selector is specified). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template :return: The template of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: V1PodTemplateSpec )r)rrrrr s zV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.templatecCs|dkrtdƒ‚||_dS)aò Sets the template of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. An object that describes the pod that will be created. The DaemonSet will create exactly one copy of this pod on every node that matches the template's node selector (or on every node if no node selector is specified). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template :param template: The template of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: V1PodTemplateSpec Nz0Invalid value for `template`, must not be `None`)Ú ValueErrorr)rr rrrr Šs cCs|jS)aC Gets the template_generation of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. DEPRECATED. A sequence number representing a specific generation of the template. Populated by the system. It can be set only during the creation. :return: The template_generation of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: int )r)rrrrr ˜s z(V1beta1DaemonSetSpec.template_generationcCs ||_dS)aU Sets the template_generation of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. DEPRECATED. A sequence number representing a specific generation of the template. Populated by the system. It can be set only during the creation. :param template_generation: The template_generation of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: int N)r)rr rrrr £s cCs|jS)a Gets the update_strategy of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. An update strategy to replace existing DaemonSet pods with new pods. :return: The update_strategy of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :rtype: V1beta1DaemonSetUpdateStrategy )r)rrrrr¯s z$V1beta1DaemonSetSpec.update_strategycCs ||_dS)a Sets the update_strategy of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. An update strategy to replace existing DaemonSet pods with new pods. :param update_strategy: The update_strategy of this V1beta1DaemonSetSpec. :type: V1beta1DaemonSetUpdateStrategy N)r)rrrrrrºs cCs’i}xˆt|jƒD]z\}}t||ƒ}t|tƒrDttdd„|ƒƒ||<qt|dƒr\|jƒ||<qt|tƒr‚ttdd„|j ƒƒƒ||<q|||<qW|S)z8 Returns the model properties as a dict cSst|dƒr|jƒS|S)NÚto_dict)Úhasattrr)ÚxrrrÚÐsz.V1beta1DaemonSetSpec.to_dict..rcSs&t|ddƒr"|d|djƒfS|S)Nérr)rr)Úitemrrrr!×s) rrÚgetattrÚ isinstanceÚlistÚmaprrÚdictÚitems)rÚresultÚattrÚ_ÚvaluerrrrÆs     zV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.to_dictcCs t|jƒƒS)z@ Returns the string representation of the model )rr)rrrrÚto_stràszV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.to_strcCs|jƒS)z* For `print` and `pprint` )r.)rrrrÚ__repr__æszV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.__repr__cCst|tƒsdS|j|jkS)z8 Returns true if both objects are equal F)r%rÚ__dict__)rÚotherrrrÚ__eq__ìs zV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.__eq__cCs ||k S)z< Returns true if both objects are not equal r)rr1rrrÚ__ne__õszV1beta1DaemonSetSpec.__ne__)NNNNNN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rÚpropertyr Úsetterr r r r rrr.r/r2r3rrrrrs& "        r)r7ÚpprintrÚsixrÚreÚobjectrrrrrÚ s