# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # kernighan_lin.py - Kernighan–Lin bipartition algorithm # # Copyright 2011 Ben Edwards . # Copyright 2011 Aric Hagberg . # Copyright 2015 NetworkX developers. # # This file is part of NetworkX. # # NetworkX is distributed under a BSD license; see LICENSE.txt for more # information. """Functions for computing the Kernighan–Lin bipartition algorithm.""" from __future__ import division from collections import defaultdict from itertools import islice from operator import itemgetter import random import networkx as nx from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for from networkx.algorithms.community.community_utils import is_partition __all__ = ['kernighan_lin_bisection'] def _compute_delta(G, A, B, weight): # helper to compute initial swap deltas for a pass delta = defaultdict(float) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True): w = d.get(weight, 1) if u in A: if v in A: delta[u] -= w delta[v] -= w elif v in B: delta[u] += w delta[v] += w elif u in B: if v in A: delta[u] += w delta[v] += w elif v in B: delta[u] -= w delta[v] -= w return delta def _update_delta(delta, G, A, B, u, v, weight): # helper to update swap deltas during single pass for _, nbr, d in G.edges(u, data=True): w = d.get(weight, 1) if nbr in A: delta[nbr] += 2 * w if nbr in B: delta[nbr] -= 2 * w for _, nbr, d in G.edges(v, data=True): w = d.get(weight, 1) if nbr in A: delta[nbr] -= 2 * w if nbr in B: delta[nbr] += 2 * w return delta def _kernighan_lin_pass(G, A, B, weight): # do a single iteration of Kernighan–Lin algorithm # returns list of (g_i,u_i,v_i) for i node pairs u_i,v_i multigraph = G.is_multigraph() delta = _compute_delta(G, A, B, weight) swapped = set() gains = [] while len(swapped) < len(G): gain = [] for u in A - swapped: for v in B - swapped: try: if multigraph: w = sum(d.get(weight, 1) for d in G[u][v].values()) else: w = G[u][v].get(weight, 1) except KeyError: w = 0 gain.append((delta[u] + delta[v] - 2 * w, u, v)) if len(gain) == 0: break maxg, u, v = max(gain, key=itemgetter(0)) swapped |= {u, v} gains.append((maxg, u, v)) delta = _update_delta(delta, G, A - swapped, B - swapped, u, v, weight) return gains @not_implemented_for('directed') def kernighan_lin_bisection(G, partition=None, max_iter=10, weight='weight'): """Partition a graph into two blocks using the Kernighan–Lin algorithm. This algorithm paritions a network into two sets by iteratively swapping pairs of nodes to reduce the edge cut between the two sets. Parameters ---------- G : graph partition : tuple Pair of iterables containing an intial partition. If not specified, a random balanced partition is used. max_iter : int Maximum number of times to attempt swaps to find an improvemement before giving up. weight : key Edge data key to use as weight. If None, the weights are all set to one. Returns ------- partition : tuple A pair of sets of nodes representing the bipartition. Raises ------- NetworkXError If partition is not a valid partition of the nodes of the graph. References ---------- .. [1] Kernighan, B. W.; Lin, Shen (1970). "An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs." *Bell Systems Technical Journal* 49: 291--307. Oxford University Press 2011. """ # If no partition is provided, split the nodes randomly into a # balanced partition. if partition is None: nodes = list(G) random.shuffle(nodes) h = len(nodes) // 2 partition = (nodes[:h], nodes[h:]) # Make a copy of the partition as a pair of sets. try: A, B = set(partition[0]), set(partition[1]) except: raise ValueError('partition must be two sets') if not is_partition(G, (A, B)): raise nx.NetworkXError('partition invalid') for i in range(max_iter): # `gains` is a list of triples of the form (g, u, v) for each # node pair (u, v), where `g` is the gain of that node pair. gains = _kernighan_lin_pass(G, A, B, weight) csum = list(nx.utils.accumulate(g for g, u, v in gains)) max_cgain = max(csum) if max_cgain <= 0: break # Get the node pairs up to the index of the maximum cumulative # gain, and collect each `u` into `anodes` and each `v` into # `bnodes`, for each pair `(u, v)`. index = csum.index(max_cgain) nodesets = islice(zip(*gains[:index + 1]), 1, 3) anodes, bnodes = (set(s) for s in nodesets) A |= bnodes A -= anodes B |= anodes B -= bnodes return A, B