# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2010 by # Aric Hagberg # Dan Schult # Pieter Swart # All rights reserved. # BSD license. # # Authors: # Nima Mohammadi # Aric Hagberg """ Eulerian circuits and graphs. """ import networkx as nx from ..utils import arbitrary_element __all__ = ['is_eulerian', 'eulerian_circuit'] def is_eulerian(G): """Returns True if and only if `G` is Eulerian. A graph is *Eulerian* if it has an Eulerian circuit. An *Eulerian circuit* is a closed walk that includes each edge of a graph exactly once. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph A graph, either directed or undirected. Examples -------- >>> nx.is_eulerian(nx.DiGraph({0: [3], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [0, 1]})) True >>> nx.is_eulerian(nx.complete_graph(5)) True >>> nx.is_eulerian(nx.petersen_graph()) False Notes ----- If the graph is not connected (or not strongly connected, for directed graphs), this function returns False. """ if G.is_directed(): # Every node must have equal in degree and out degree and the # graph must be strongly connected return (all(G.in_degree(n) == G.out_degree(n) for n in G) and nx.is_strongly_connected(G)) # An undirected Eulerian graph has no vertices of odd degree and # must be connected. return all(d % 2 == 0 for v, d in G.degree()) and nx.is_connected(G) def _simplegraph_eulerian_circuit(G, source): if G.is_directed(): degree = G.out_degree edges = G.out_edges else: degree = G.degree edges = G.edges vertex_stack = [source] last_vertex = None while vertex_stack: current_vertex = vertex_stack[-1] if degree(current_vertex) == 0: if last_vertex is not None: yield (last_vertex, current_vertex) last_vertex = current_vertex vertex_stack.pop() else: _, next_vertex = arbitrary_element(edges(current_vertex)) vertex_stack.append(next_vertex) G.remove_edge(current_vertex, next_vertex) def _multigraph_eulerian_circuit(G, source): if G.is_directed(): degree = G.out_degree edges = G.out_edges else: degree = G.degree edges = G.edges vertex_stack = [(source, None)] last_vertex = None last_key = None while vertex_stack: current_vertex, current_key = vertex_stack[-1] if degree(current_vertex) == 0: if last_vertex is not None: yield (last_vertex, current_vertex, last_key) last_vertex, last_key = current_vertex, current_key vertex_stack.pop() else: _, next_vertex, next_key = arbitrary_element(edges(current_vertex, keys=True)) vertex_stack.append((next_vertex, next_key)) G.remove_edge(current_vertex, next_vertex, next_key) def eulerian_circuit(G, source=None, keys=False): """Returns an iterator over the edges of an Eulerian circuit in `G`. An *Eulerian circuit* is a closed walk that includes each edge of a graph exactly once. Parameters ---------- G : NetworkX graph A graph, either directed or undirected. source : node, optional Starting node for circuit. keys : bool If False, edges generated by this function will be of the form ``(u, v)``. Otherwise, edges will be of the form ``(u, v, k)``. This option is ignored unless `G` is a multigraph. Returns ------- edges : iterator An iterator over edges in the Eulerian circuit. Raises ------ NetworkXError If the graph is not Eulerian. See Also -------- is_eulerian Notes ----- This is a linear time implementation of an algorithm adapted from [1]_. For general information about Euler tours, see [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] J. Edmonds, E. L. Johnson. Matching, Euler tours and the Chinese postman. Mathematical programming, Volume 5, Issue 1 (1973), 111-114. .. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eulerian_path Examples -------- To get an Eulerian circuit in an undirected graph:: >>> G = nx.complete_graph(3) >>> list(nx.eulerian_circuit(G)) [(0, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)] >>> list(nx.eulerian_circuit(G, source=1)) [(1, 2), (2, 0), (0, 1)] To get the sequence of vertices in an Eulerian circuit:: >>> [u for u, v in nx.eulerian_circuit(G)] [0, 2, 1] """ if not is_eulerian(G): raise nx.NetworkXError("G is not Eulerian.") if G.is_directed(): G = G.reverse() else: G = G.copy() if source is None: source = arbitrary_element(G) if G.is_multigraph(): for u, v, k in _multigraph_eulerian_circuit(G, source): if keys: yield u, v, k else: yield u, v else: for u, v in _simplegraph_eulerian_circuit(G, source): yield u, v