# Copyright (C) 2004-2017 by # Aric Hagberg # Dan Schult # Pieter Swart # All rights reserved. # BSD license. # # Authors: Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov), # Pieter Swart (swart@lanl.gov), # Dan Schult(dschult@colgate.edu) """ """ from collections import Mapping import networkx as nx __all__ = ['AtlasView', 'AdjacencyView', 'MultiAdjacencyView', 'UnionAtlas', 'UnionAdjacency', 'UnionMultiInner', 'UnionMultiAdjacency', 'FilterAtlas', 'FilterAdjacency', 'FilterMultiInner', 'FilterMultiAdjacency', 'ReadOnlyGraph', ] class AtlasView(Mapping): """An AtlasView is a Read-only Mapping of Mappings. It is a View into a dict-of-dict data structure. The inner level of dict is read-write. But the outer level is read-only. See Also ======== AdjacencyView - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict MultiAdjacencyView - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = ('_atlas',) def __getstate__(self): return {'_atlas': self._atlas} def __setstate__(self, state): self._atlas = state['_atlas'] def __init__(self, d): self._atlas = d def __len__(self): return len(self._atlas) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._atlas) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._atlas[key] def copy(self): return {n: self[n].copy() for n in self._atlas} def __str__(self): return str(self._atlas) # {nbr: self[nbr] for nbr in self}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._atlas) class AdjacencyView(AtlasView): """An AdjacencyView is a Read-only Map of Maps of Maps. It is a View into a dict-of-dict-of-dict data structure. The inner level of dict is read-write. But the outer levels are read-only. See Also ======== AtlasView - View into dict-of-dict MultiAdjacencyView - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = () # Still uses AtlasView slots names _atlas def __getitem__(self, name): return AtlasView(self._atlas[name]) def copy(self): return {n: self[n].copy() for n in self._atlas} class MultiAdjacencyView(AdjacencyView): """An MultiAdjacencyView is a Read-only Map of Maps of Maps of Maps. It is a View into a dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict data structure. The inner level of dict is read-write. But the outer levels are read-only. See Also ======== AtlasView - View into dict-of-dict AdjacencyView - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = () # Still uses AtlasView slots names _atlas def __getitem__(self, name): return AdjacencyView(self._atlas[name]) def copy(self): return {n: self[n].copy() for n in self._atlas} class UnionAtlas(Mapping): """A read-only union of two atlases (dict-of-dict). The two dict-of-dicts represent the inner dict of an Adjacency: `G.succ[node]` and `G.pred[node]`. The inner level of dict of both hold attribute key:value pairs and is read-write. But the outer level is read-only. See Also ======== UnionAdjacency - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict UnionMultiAdjacency - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = ('_succ', '_pred') def __getstate__(self): return {'_succ': self._succ, '_pred': self._pred} def __setstate__(self, state): self._succ = state['_succ'] self._pred = state['_pred'] def __init__(self, succ, pred): self._succ = succ self._pred = pred def __len__(self): return len(self._succ) + len(self._pred) def __iter__(self): return iter(set(self._succ.keys()) | set(self._pred.keys())) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self._succ[key] except KeyError: return self._pred[key] def copy(self): result = {nbr: dd.copy() for nbr, dd in self._succ.items()} for nbr, dd in self._pred.items(): if nbr in result: result[nbr].update(dd) else: result[nbr] = dd.copy() return result def __str__(self): return str({nbr: self[nbr] for nbr in self}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._succ, self._pred) class UnionAdjacency(Mapping): """A read-only union of dict Adjacencies as a Map of Maps of Maps. The two input dict-of-dict-of-dicts represent the union of `G.succ` and `G.pred`. Return values are UnionAtlas The inner level of dict is read-write. But the middle and outer levels are read-only. succ : a dict-of-dict-of-dict {node: nbrdict} pred : a dict-of-dict-of-dict {node: nbrdict} The keys for the two dicts should be the same See Also ======== UnionAtlas - View into dict-of-dict UnionMultiAdjacency - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = ('_succ', '_pred') def __getstate__(self): return {'_succ': self._succ, '_pred': self._pred} def __setstate__(self, state): self._succ = state['_succ'] self._pred = state['_pred'] def __init__(self, succ, pred): # keys must be the same for two input dicts assert(len(set(succ.keys()) ^ set(pred.keys())) == 0) self._succ = succ self._pred = pred def __len__(self): return len(self._succ) # length of each dict should be the same def __iter__(self): return iter(self._succ) def __getitem__(self, nbr): return UnionAtlas(self._succ[nbr], self._pred[nbr]) def copy(self): return {n: self[n].copy() for n in self._succ} def __str__(self): return str({nbr: self[nbr] for nbr in self}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._succ, self._pred) class UnionMultiInner(UnionAtlas): """A read-only union of two inner dicts of MultiAdjacencies. The two input dict-of-dict-of-dicts represent the union of `G.succ[node]` and `G.pred[node]` for MultiDiGraphs. Return values are UnionAtlas. The inner level of dict is read-write. But the outer levels are read-only. See Also ======== UnionAtlas - View into dict-of-dict UnionAdjacency - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict UnionMultiAdjacency - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = () # Still uses UnionAtlas slots names _succ, _pred def __getitem__(self, node): in_succ = node in self._succ in_pred = node in self._pred if in_succ: if in_pred: return UnionAtlas(self._succ[node], self._pred[node]) return UnionAtlas(self._succ[node], {}) return UnionAtlas({}, self._pred[node]) def copy(self): nodes = set(self._succ.keys()) | set(self._pred.keys()) return {n: self[n].copy() for n in nodes} class UnionMultiAdjacency(UnionAdjacency): """A read-only union of two dict MultiAdjacencies. The two input dict-of-dict-of-dict-of-dicts represent the union of `G.succ` and `G.pred` for MultiDiGraphs. Return values are UnionAdjacency. The inner level of dict is read-write. But the outer levels are read-only. See Also ======== UnionAtlas - View into dict-of-dict UnionMultiInner - View into dict-of-dict-of-dict """ __slots__ = () # Still uses UnionAdjacency slots names _succ, _pred def __getitem__(self, node): return UnionMultiInner(self._succ[node], self._pred[node]) class ReadOnlyGraph(object): """A Mixin Class to mask the write methods of a graph class.""" def not_allowed(self, *args, **kwds): msg = "SubGraph Views are readonly. Mutations not allowed" raise nx.NetworkXError(msg) add_node = not_allowed remove_node = not_allowed add_nodes_from = not_allowed remove_nodes_from = not_allowed add_edge = not_allowed remove_edge = not_allowed add_edges_from = not_allowed add_weighted_edges_from = not_allowed remove_edges_from = not_allowed clear = not_allowed class FilterAtlas(Mapping): # nodedict, nbrdict, keydict def __init__(self, d, NODE_OK): self._atlas = d self.NODE_OK = NODE_OK def __len__(self): return sum(1 for n in self._atlas if self.NODE_OK(n)) def __iter__(self): return (n for n in self._atlas if self.NODE_OK(n)) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._atlas and self.NODE_OK(key): return self._atlas[key] raise KeyError("Key {} not found".format(key)) def copy(self): return {u: d for u, d in self._atlas.items() if self.NODE_OK(u)} def __str__(self): return str({nbr: self[nbr] for nbr in self}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._atlas, self.NODE_OK) class FilterAdjacency(Mapping): # edgedict def __init__(self, d, NODE_OK, EDGE_OK): self._atlas = d self.NODE_OK = NODE_OK self.EDGE_OK = EDGE_OK def __len__(self): return sum(1 for n in self._atlas if self.NODE_OK(n)) def __iter__(self): return (n for n in self._atlas if self.NODE_OK(n)) def __getitem__(self, node): if node in self._atlas and self.NODE_OK(node): def new_node_ok(nbr): return self.NODE_OK(nbr) and self.EDGE_OK(node, nbr) return FilterAtlas(self._atlas[node], new_node_ok) raise KeyError("Key {} not found".format(node)) def copy(self): return {u: {v: d for v, d in nbrs.items() if self.NODE_OK(v) if self.EDGE_OK(u, v)} for u, nbrs in self._atlas.items() if self.NODE_OK(u)} def __str__(self): return str({nbr: self[nbr] for nbr in self}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._atlas, self.NODE_OK, self.EDGE_OK) class FilterMultiInner(FilterAdjacency): # muliedge_seconddict def __len__(self): return sum(1 for n in self) def __iter__(self): for n in self._atlas: if self.NODE_OK(n): some_keys_ok = False for key in self._atlas[n]: if self.EDGE_OK(n, key): some_keys_ok = True break if some_keys_ok is True: yield n def __getitem__(self, nbr): if nbr in self._atlas and self.NODE_OK(nbr): def new_node_ok(key): return self.EDGE_OK(nbr, key) return FilterAtlas(self._atlas[nbr], new_node_ok) raise KeyError("Key {} not found".format(nbr)) def copy(self): return {v: {k: d for k, d in nbrs.items() if self.EDGE_OK(v, k)} for v, nbrs in self._atlas.items() if self.NODE_OK(v)} class FilterMultiAdjacency(FilterAdjacency): # multiedgedict def __getitem__(self, node): if node in self._atlas and self.NODE_OK(node): def edge_ok(nbr, key): return self.NODE_OK(nbr) and self.EDGE_OK(node, nbr, key) return FilterMultiInner(self._atlas[node], self.NODE_OK, edge_ok) raise KeyError("Key {} not found".format(node)) def copy(self): return {u: {v: {k: d for k, d in kd.items() if self.EDGE_OK(u, v, k)} for v, kd in nbrs.items() if self.NODE_OK(v)} for u, nbrs in self._atlas.items() if self.NODE_OK(u)}