"""Generators for classes of graphs used in studying social networks."""
import itertools
import math
import random
import networkx as nx
#    Copyright(C) 2011, 2015 by
#    Ben Edwards <bedwards@cs.unm.edu>
#    Aric Hagberg <hagberg@lanl.gov>
#    Konstantinos Karakatsanis <dinoskarakas@gmail.com>
#    All rights reserved.
#    BSD license.
__author__ = """\n""".join(['Ben Edwards (bedwards@cs.unm.edu)',
                            'Aric Hagberg (hagberg@lanl.gov)',
                            'Konstantinos Karakatsanis '
__all__ = ['caveman_graph', 'connected_caveman_graph',
           'relaxed_caveman_graph', 'random_partition_graph',
           'planted_partition_graph', 'gaussian_random_partition_graph',
           'ring_of_cliques', 'windmill_graph']

def caveman_graph(l, k):
    """Returns a caveman graph of `l` cliques of size `k`.

    l : int
      Number of cliques
    k : int
      Size of cliques

    G : NetworkX Graph
      caveman graph

    This returns an undirected graph, it can be converted to a directed
    graph using :func:`nx.to_directed`, or a multigraph using
    ``nx.MultiGraph(nx.caveman_graph(l, k))``. Only the undirected version is
    described in [1]_ and it is unclear which of the directed
    generalizations is most useful.

    >>> G = nx.caveman_graph(3, 3)

    See also


    .. [1] Watts, D. J. 'Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon.'
       Amer. J. Soc. 105, 493-527, 1999.
    # l disjoint cliques of size k
    G = nx.empty_graph(l * k)
    if k > 1:
        for start in range(0, l * k, k):
            edges = itertools.combinations(range(start, start + k), 2)
    return G

def connected_caveman_graph(l, k):
    """Returns a connected caveman graph of `l` cliques of size `k`.

    The connected caveman graph is formed by creating `n` cliques of size
    `k`, then a single edge in each clique is rewired to a node in an
    adjacent clique.

    l : int
      number of cliques
    k : int
      size of cliques

    G : NetworkX Graph
      connected caveman graph

    This returns an undirected graph, it can be converted to a directed
    graph using :func:`nx.to_directed`, or a multigraph using
    ``nx.MultiGraph(nx.caveman_graph(l, k))``. Only the undirected version is
    described in [1]_ and it is unclear which of the directed
    generalizations is most useful.

    >>> G = nx.connected_caveman_graph(3, 3)

    .. [1] Watts, D. J. 'Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon.'
       Amer. J. Soc. 105, 493-527, 1999.
    G = nx.caveman_graph(l, k)
    for start in range(0, l * k, k):
        G.remove_edge(start, start + 1)
        G.add_edge(start, (start - 1) % (l * k))
    return G

def relaxed_caveman_graph(l, k, p, seed=None):
    """Return a relaxed caveman graph.

    A relaxed caveman graph starts with `l` cliques of size `k`.  Edges are
    then randomly rewired with probability `p` to link different cliques.

    l : int
      Number of groups
    k : int
      Size of cliques
    p : float
      Probabilty of rewiring each edge.
    seed : int,optional
      Seed for random number generator(default=None)

    G : NetworkX Graph
      Relaxed Caveman Graph

     If p is not in [0,1]

    >>> G = nx.relaxed_caveman_graph(2, 3, 0.1, seed=42)

    .. [1] Santo Fortunato, Community Detection in Graphs,
       Physics Reports Volume 486, Issues 3-5, February 2010, Pages 75-174.
    if seed is not None:
    G = nx.caveman_graph(l, k)
    nodes = list(G)
    for (u, v) in G.edges():
        if random.random() < p:  # rewire the edge
            x = random.choice(nodes)
            if G.has_edge(u, x):
            G.remove_edge(u, v)
            G.add_edge(u, x)
    return G

def random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=None, directed=False):
    """Return the random partition graph with a partition of sizes.

    A partition graph is a graph of communities with sizes defined by
    s in sizes. Nodes in the same group are connected with probability
    p_in and nodes of different groups are connected with probability

    sizes : list of ints
      Sizes of groups
    p_in : float
      probability of edges with in groups
    p_out : float
      probability of edges between groups
    directed : boolean optional, default=False
      Whether to create a directed graph
    seed : int optional, default None
      A seed for the random number generator

    G : NetworkX Graph or DiGraph
      random partition graph of size sum(gs)

      If p_in or p_out is not in [0,1]

    >>> G = nx.random_partition_graph([10,10,10],.25,.01)
    >>> len(G)
    >>> partition = G.graph['partition']
    >>> len(partition)

    This is a generalization of the planted-l-partition described in
    [1]_.  It allows for the creation of groups of any size.

    The partition is store as a graph attribute 'partition'.

    .. [1] Santo Fortunato 'Community Detection in Graphs' Physical Reports
       Volume 486, Issue 3-5 p. 75-174. https://arxiv.org/abs/0906.0612
    # Use geometric method for O(n+m) complexity algorithm
    # partition = nx.community_sets(nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'affiliation'))
    if seed is not None:
    if not 0.0 <= p_in <= 1.0:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("p_in must be in [0,1]")
    if not 0.0 <= p_out <= 1.0:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("p_out must be in [0,1]")

    if directed:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G = nx.Graph()
    G.graph['partition'] = []
    n = sum(sizes)
    # start with len(sizes) groups of gnp random graphs with parameter p_in
    # graphs are unioned together with node labels starting at
    # 0, sizes[0], sizes[0]+sizes[1], ...
    next_group = {}  # maps node key (int) to first node in next group
    start = 0
    group = 0
    for n in sizes:
        edges = ((u + start, v + start)
                 for u, v in
                 nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p_in, directed=directed).edges())
        next_group.update(dict.fromkeys(range(start, start + n), start + n))
        G.graph['partition'].append(set(range(start, start + n)))
        group += 1
        start += n
    # handle edge cases
    if p_out == 0:
        return G
    if p_out == 1:
        for n in next_group:
            targets = range(next_group[n], len(G))
            G.add_edges_from(zip([n] * len(targets), targets))
            if directed:
                G.add_edges_from(zip(targets, [n] * len(targets)))
        return G
    # connect each node in group randomly with the nodes not in group
    # use geometric method like fast_gnp_random_graph()
    lp = math.log(1.0 - p_out)
    n = len(G)
    if directed:
        for u in range(n):
            v = 0
            while v < n:
                lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
                v += int(lr / lp)
                # skip over nodes in the same group as v, including self loops
                if next_group.get(v, n) == next_group[u]:
                    v = next_group[u]
                if v < n:
                    G.add_edge(u, v)
                    v += 1
        for u in range(n - 1):
            v = next_group[u]  # start with next node not in this group
            while v < n:
                lr = math.log(1.0 - random.random())
                v += int(lr / lp)
                if v < n:
                    G.add_edge(u, v)
                    v += 1
    return G

def planted_partition_graph(l, k, p_in, p_out, seed=None, directed=False):
    """Return the planted l-partition graph.

    This model partitions a graph with n=l*k vertices in
    l groups with k vertices each. Vertices of the same
    group are linked with a probability p_in, and vertices
    of different groups are linked with probability p_out.

    l : int
      Number of groups
    k : int
      Number of vertices in each group
    p_in : float
      probability of connecting vertices within a group
    p_out : float
      probability of connected vertices between groups
    seed : int,optional
      Seed for random number generator(default=None)
    directed : bool,optional (default=False)
      If True return a directed graph

    G : NetworkX Graph or DiGraph
      planted l-partition graph

      If p_in,p_out are not in [0,1] or

    >>> G = nx.planted_partition_graph(4, 3, 0.5, 0.1,seed=42)

    See Also

    .. [1] A. Condon, R.M. Karp, Algorithms for graph partitioning
        on the planted partition model,
        Random Struct. Algor. 18 (2001) 116-140.

    .. [2] Santo Fortunato 'Community Detection in Graphs' Physical Reports
       Volume 486, Issue 3-5 p. 75-174. https://arxiv.org/abs/0906.0612
    return random_partition_graph([k] * l, p_in, p_out, seed, directed)

def gaussian_random_partition_graph(n, s, v, p_in, p_out, directed=False,
    """Generate a Gaussian random partition graph.

    A Gaussian random partition graph is created by creating k partitions
    each with a size drawn from a normal distribution with mean s and variance
    s/v. Nodes are connected within clusters with probability p_in and
    between clusters with probability p_out[1]

    n : int
      Number of nodes in the graph
    s : float
      Mean cluster size
    v : float
      Shape parameter. The variance of cluster size distribution is s/v.
    p_in : float
      Probabilty of intra cluster connection.
    p_out : float
      Probability of inter cluster connection.
    directed : boolean, optional default=False
      Whether to create a directed graph or not
    seed : int
      Seed value for random number generator

    G : NetworkX Graph or DiGraph
      gaussian random partition graph

      If s is > n
      If p_in or p_out is not in [0,1]

    Note the number of partitions is dependent on s,v and n, and that the
    last partition may be considerably smaller, as it is sized to simply
    fill out the nodes [1]

    See Also

    >>> G = nx.gaussian_random_partition_graph(100,10,10,.25,.1)
    >>> len(G)

    .. [1] Ulrik Brandes, Marco Gaertler, Dorothea Wagner,
       Experiments on Graph Clustering Algorithms,
       In the proceedings of the 11th Europ. Symp. Algorithms, 2003.
    if s > n:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("s must be <= n")
    assigned = 0
    sizes = []
    while True:
        size = int(random.normalvariate(s, float(s) / v + 0.5))
        if size < 1:  # how to handle 0 or negative sizes?
        if assigned + size >= n:
            sizes.append(n - assigned)
        assigned += size
    return random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, directed, seed)

def ring_of_cliques(num_cliques, clique_size):
    """Defines a "ring of cliques" graph.

    A ring of cliques graph is consisting of cliques, connected through single
    links. Each clique is a complete graph.

    num_cliques : int
      Number of cliques
    clique_size : int
      Size of cliques

    G : NetworkX Graph
      ring of cliques graph

        If the number of cliques is lower than 2 or
        if the size of cliques is smaller than 2.

    >>> G = nx.ring_of_cliques(8, 4)

    See Also

    The `connected_caveman_graph` graph removes a link from each clique to
    connect it with the next clique. Instead, the `ring_of_cliques` graph
    simply adds the link without removing any link from the cliques.
    if num_cliques < 2:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('A ring of cliques must have at least '
                               'two cliques')
    if clique_size < 2:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('The cliques must have at least two nodes')

    G = nx.Graph()
    for i in range(num_cliques):
        edges = itertools.combinations(range(i * clique_size, i * clique_size +
                                             clique_size), 2)
        G.add_edge(i * clique_size + 1, (i + 1) * clique_size %
                   (num_cliques * clique_size))
    return G

def windmill_graph(n, k):
    """Generate a windmill graph.
    A windmill graph is a graph of `n` cliques each of size `k` that are all
    joined at one node.
    It can be thought of as taking a disjoint union of `n` cliques of size `k`,
    selecting one point from each, and contracting all of the selected points.
    Alternatively, one could generate `n` cliques of size `k-1` and one node
    that is connected to all other nodes in the graph.

    n : int
      Number of cliques
    k : int
      Size of cliques

    G : NetworkX Graph
      windmill graph with n cliques of size k

        If the number of cliques is less than two
        If the size of the cliques are less than two

    >>> G = nx.windmill_graph(4, 5)

    The node labeled `0` will be the node connected to all other nodes.
    Note that windmill graphs are usually denoted `Wd(k,n)`, so the parameters
    are in the opposite order as the parameters of this method.
    if n < 2:
        msg = 'A windmill graph must have at least two cliques'
        raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
    if k < 2:
        raise nx.NetworkXError('The cliques must have at least two nodes')

    G = nx.disjoint_union_all(itertools.chain([nx.complete_graph(k)],
                                              (nx.complete_graph(k - 1)
                                               for _ in range(n - 1))))
    G.add_edges_from((0, i) for i in range(k, G.number_of_nodes()))
    return G