๓ žราYc@@sxdZddlmZddlZddlZddlZddlZejjejj e ƒdƒZ d„Z d„Z ed„ZdZdZd ZeZd Zd Zd Zid6d6d7d6d8d6ZdZdZdZdZddddgZddd d!d"d#d$gZd%d&d'd(d)d*d+d,d-d.d/d0d1d2d3d4gZeƒ\Z Z!Z"Z#Z$e%d5krte ƒndS(9s๒Release data for NetworkX. When NetworkX is imported a number of steps are followed to determine the version information. 1) If the release is not a development release (dev=False), then version information is read from version.py, a file containing statically defined version information. This file should exist on every downloadable release of NetworkX since setup.py creates it during packaging/installation. However, version.py might not exist if one is running NetworkX from the mercurial repository. In the event that version.py does not exist, then no vcs information will be available. 2) If the release is a development release, then version information is read dynamically, when possible. If no dynamic information can be read, then an attempt is made to read the information from version.py. If version.py does not exist, then no vcs information will be available. Clarification: version.py is created only by setup.py When setup.py creates version.py, it does so before packaging/installation. So the created file is included in the source distribution. When a user downloads a tar.gz file and extracts the files, the files will not be in a live version control repository. So when the user runs setup.py to install NetworkX, we must make sure write_versionfile() does not overwrite the revision information contained in the version.py that was included in the tar.gz file. This is why write_versionfile() includes an early escape. i(tabsolute_importNc@sคtjjtdƒ‰d‰tdtƒ\‰‰‰‰‰‡‡‡‡‡‡‡fd†}ˆddkrt|ƒn,tjjˆƒr™ddlm‰n|ƒˆS(s5Creates a static file containing version information.s version.pys""" Version information for NetworkX, created during installation. Do not add this file to the repository. """ import datetime version = %(version)r date = %(date)r # Was NetworkX built from a development version? If so, remember that the major # and minor versions reference the "target" (rather than "current") release. dev = %(dev)r # Format: (name, major, min, revision) version_info = %(version_info)r # Format: a 'datetime.datetime' instance date_info = %(date_info)r # Format: (vcs, vcs_tuple) vcs_info = %(vcs_info)r tdynamicc@s^tˆdƒ}itd6ˆd6ˆd6ˆd6ˆd6ˆd6}|jˆ|ƒ|jƒdS(Ntwtdevtversiont version_infotdatet date_infotvcs_info(topenRtwritetclose(tfhtsubs(RRttextRRRt versionfile(sf/private/var/folders/w6/vb91730s7bb1k90y_rnhql1dhvdd44/T/pip-build-w4MwvS/networkx/networkx/release.pyt writefileSs it mercurial(R(tostpathtjointbasedirtget_infotTruetisfileR(R((RRRRRRRsf/private/var/folders/w6/vb91730s7bb1k90y_rnhql1dhvdd44/T/pip-build-w4MwvS/networkx/networkx/release.pytwrite_versionfile1s!   cC@s^d\}}}tjjtddƒ}tjj|ƒrBd}n|||ff}||fS(s;Returns revision and vcs information, dynamically obtained.s..s.gittgitN(NNN(tNoneRRRRtisdir(tvcstrevisionttagtgitdirR((sf/private/var/folders/w6/vb91730s7bb1k90y_rnhql1dhvdd44/T/pip-build-w4MwvS/networkx/networkx/release.pyt get_revisionys  c C@s^tjjƒ}tj|jƒƒ}d\}}}}t}t}|rotƒ\}}|dkrot}qon|s|| r฿y,ddl m }m }m }m }m }Wn#tk rอt}dd f}q฿X|dd}n|s๒|rK| rKdjttƒdttƒgƒ}tr6|d|jdƒ7}nttt|f}n|||||fS( Ni(RRRRRitt.s.dev_s %Y%m%d%H%M%S(NNNN(NN(tdatetimetnowttimetasctimet timetupleRtFalseR!RRRRRRt ImportErrorRtstrtmajortminorRtstrftimetname( RRRRRRRt import_failedtdynamic_failed((sf/private/var/folders/w6/vb91730s7bb1k90y_rnhql1dhvdd44/T/pip-build-w4MwvS/networkx/networkx/release.pyRˆs,   , $tnetworkxt2t0s@Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networkssˆ NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. tBSDs Aric Hagbergshagberg@lanl.govtHagbergs Dan Schultsdschult@colgate.edutSchults Pieter Swartsswart@lanl.govtSwartsNetworkX Developerss!networkx-discuss@googlegroups.comshttp://networkx.github.io/s&https://pypi.python.org/pypi/networkx/tLinuxsMac OSXtWindowstUnixtNetworkss Graph Theoryt Mathematicstnetworktgraphsdiscrete mathematicstmaths+Development Status :: 5 - Production/StablesIntended Audience :: Developerss%Intended Audience :: Science/Researchs&License :: OSI Approved :: BSD Licenses"Operating System :: OS Independents#Programming Language :: Python :: 2s%Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7s#Programming Language :: Python :: 3s%Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4s%Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5s%Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6s<Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Moduless2Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informaticss7Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysiss.Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematicss*Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physicst__main__(s Aric Hagbergshagberg@lanl.gov(s Dan Schultsdschult@colgate.edu(s Pieter Swartsswart@lanl.gov(&t__doc__t __future__RRtsysR&R$Rtabspathtsplitt__file__RRR!RRR/R,R-R)Rt descriptiontlong_descriptiontlicensetauthorst maintainertmaintainer_emailturlt download_urlt platformstkeywordst classifiersRRRRRt__name__(((sf/private/var/folders/w6/vb91730s7bb1k90y_rnhql1dhvdd44/T/pip-build-w4MwvS/networkx/networkx/release.pytsZ     " H  *