from nose import SkipTest from import assert_raises, assert_true, assert_equal import networkx as nx from networkx.generators.classic import barbell_graph, cycle_graph, path_graph from networkx.testing.utils import assert_graphs_equal class TestConvertNumpy(object): numpy = 1 # nosetests attribute, use nosetests -a 'not numpy' to skip test @classmethod def setupClass(cls): global np global np_assert_equal try: import numpy as np np_assert_equal = np.testing.assert_equal except ImportError: raise SkipTest('NumPy not available.') def __init__(self): self.G1 = barbell_graph(10, 3) self.G2 = cycle_graph(10, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) self.G3 = self.create_weighted(nx.Graph()) self.G4 = self.create_weighted(nx.DiGraph()) def test_exceptions(self): G = np.array("a") assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.to_networkx_graph, G) def create_weighted(self, G): g = cycle_graph(4) G.add_nodes_from(g) G.add_weighted_edges_from((u, v, 10 + u) for u, v in g.edges()) return G def assert_equal(self, G1, G2): assert_true(sorted(G1.nodes()) == sorted(G2.nodes())) assert_true(sorted(G1.edges()) == sorted(G2.edges())) def identity_conversion(self, G, A, create_using): assert(A.sum() > 0) GG = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, create_using=create_using) self.assert_equal(G, GG) GW = nx.to_networkx_graph(A, create_using=create_using) self.assert_equal(G, GW) GI = create_using.__class__(A) self.assert_equal(G, GI) def test_shape(self): "Conversion from non-square array." A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.from_numpy_matrix, A) def test_identity_graph_matrix(self): "Conversion from graph to matrix to graph." A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G1) self.identity_conversion(self.G1, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_graph_array(self): "Conversion from graph to array to graph." A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G1) A = np.asarray(A) self.identity_conversion(self.G1, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_digraph_matrix(self): """Conversion from digraph to matrix to digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G2) self.identity_conversion(self.G2, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_identity_digraph_array(self): """Conversion from digraph to array to digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G2) A = np.asarray(A) self.identity_conversion(self.G2, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_identity_weighted_graph_matrix(self): """Conversion from weighted graph to matrix to weighted graph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G3) self.identity_conversion(self.G3, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_weighted_graph_array(self): """Conversion from weighted graph to array to weighted graph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G3) A = np.asarray(A) self.identity_conversion(self.G3, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_weighted_digraph_matrix(self): """Conversion from weighted digraph to matrix to weighted digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G4) self.identity_conversion(self.G4, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_identity_weighted_digraph_array(self): """Conversion from weighted digraph to array to weighted digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G4) A = np.asarray(A) self.identity_conversion(self.G4, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_nodelist(self): """Conversion from graph to matrix to graph with nodelist.""" P4 = path_graph(4) P3 = path_graph(3) nodelist = list(P3) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(P4, nodelist=nodelist) GA = nx.Graph(A) self.assert_equal(GA, P3) # Make nodelist ambiguous by containing duplicates. nodelist += [nodelist[0]] assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.to_numpy_matrix, P3, nodelist=nodelist) def test_weight_keyword(self): WP4 = nx.Graph() WP4.add_edges_from((n, n + 1, dict(weight=0.5, other=0.3)) for n in range(3)) P4 = path_graph(4) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(P4) np_assert_equal(A, nx.to_numpy_matrix(WP4, weight=None)) np_assert_equal(0.5 * A, nx.to_numpy_matrix(WP4)) np_assert_equal(0.3 * A, nx.to_numpy_matrix(WP4, weight='other')) def test_from_numpy_matrix_type(self): A = np.matrix([[1]]) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), int) A = np.matrix([[1]]).astype(np.float) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), float) A = np.matrix([[1]]).astype(np.str) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), str) A = np.matrix([[1]]).astype(np.bool) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), bool) A = np.matrix([[1]]).astype(np.complex) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), complex) A = np.matrix([[1]]).astype(np.object) assert_raises(TypeError, nx.from_numpy_matrix, A) def test_from_numpy_matrix_dtype(self): dt = [('weight', float), ('cost', int)] A = np.matrix([[(1.0, 2)]], dtype=dt) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), float) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['cost']), int) assert_equal(G[0][0]['cost'], 2) assert_equal(G[0][0]['weight'], 1.0) def test_to_numpy_recarray(self): G = nx.Graph() G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=7.0, cost=5) A = nx.to_numpy_recarray(G, dtype=[('weight', float), ('cost', int)]) assert_equal(sorted(A.dtype.names), ['cost', 'weight']) assert_equal(A.weight[0, 1], 7.0) assert_equal(A.weight[0, 0], 0.0) assert_equal(A.cost[0, 1], 5) assert_equal(A.cost[0, 0], 0) def test_numpy_multigraph(self): G = nx.MultiGraph() G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=7) G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=70) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 77) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, multigraph_weight=min) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 7) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, multigraph_weight=max) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 70) def test_from_numpy_matrix_parallel_edges(self): """Tests that the :func:`networkx.from_numpy_matrix` function interprets integer weights as the number of parallel edges when creating a multigraph. """ A = np.matrix([[1, 1], [1, 2]]) # First, with a simple graph, each integer entry in the adjacency # matrix is interpreted as the weight of a single edge in the graph. expected = nx.DiGraph() edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)] expected.add_weighted_edges_from([(u, v, 1) for (u, v) in edges]) expected.add_edge(1, 1, weight=2) actual = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, parallel_edges=True, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) actual = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, parallel_edges=False, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) # Now each integer entry in the adjacency matrix is interpreted as the # number of parallel edges in the graph if the appropriate keyword # argument is specified. edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)] expected = nx.MultiDiGraph() expected.add_weighted_edges_from([(u, v, 1) for (u, v) in edges]) actual = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, parallel_edges=True, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) expected = nx.MultiDiGraph() expected.add_edges_from(set(edges), weight=1) # The sole self-loop (edge 0) on vertex 1 should have weight 2. expected[1][1][0]['weight'] = 2 actual = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, parallel_edges=False, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) def test_symmetric(self): """Tests that a symmetric matrix has edges added only once to an undirected multigraph when using :func:`networkx.from_numpy_matrix`. """ A = np.matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A, create_using=nx.MultiGraph()) expected = nx.MultiGraph() expected.add_edge(0, 1, weight=1) assert_graphs_equal(G, expected) def test_dtype_int_graph(self): """Test that setting dtype int actually gives an integer matrix. For more information, see GitHub pull request #1363. """ G = nx.complete_graph(3) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, dtype=int) assert_equal(A.dtype, int) def test_dtype_int_multigraph(self): """Test that setting dtype int actually gives an integer matrix. For more information, see GitHub pull request #1363. """ G = nx.MultiGraph(nx.complete_graph(3)) A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G, dtype=int) assert_equal(A.dtype, int) class TestConvertNumpyArray(object): numpy = 1 # nosetests attribute, use nosetests -a 'not numpy' to skip test @classmethod def setupClass(cls): global np global np_assert_equal try: import numpy as np np_assert_equal = np.testing.assert_equal except ImportError: raise SkipTest('NumPy not available.') def __init__(self): self.G1 = barbell_graph(10, 3) self.G2 = cycle_graph(10, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) self.G3 = self.create_weighted(nx.Graph()) self.G4 = self.create_weighted(nx.DiGraph()) def create_weighted(self, G): g = cycle_graph(4) G.add_nodes_from(g) G.add_weighted_edges_from((u, v, 10 + u) for u, v in g.edges()) return G def assert_equal(self, G1, G2): assert_true(sorted(G1.nodes()) == sorted(G2.nodes())) assert_true(sorted(G1.edges()) == sorted(G2.edges())) def identity_conversion(self, G, A, create_using): assert(A.sum() > 0) GG = nx.from_numpy_array(A, create_using=create_using) self.assert_equal(G, GG) GW = nx.to_networkx_graph(A, create_using=create_using) self.assert_equal(G, GW) GI = create_using.__class__(A) self.assert_equal(G, GI) def test_shape(self): "Conversion from non-square array." A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.from_numpy_array, A) def test_identity_graph_array(self): "Conversion from graph to array to graph." A = nx.to_numpy_array(self.G1) self.identity_conversion(self.G1, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_digraph_array(self): """Conversion from digraph to array to digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_array(self.G2) self.identity_conversion(self.G2, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_identity_weighted_graph_array(self): """Conversion from weighted graph to array to weighted graph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_array(self.G3) self.identity_conversion(self.G3, A, nx.Graph()) def test_identity_weighted_digraph_array(self): """Conversion from weighted digraph to array to weighted digraph.""" A = nx.to_numpy_array(self.G4) self.identity_conversion(self.G4, A, nx.DiGraph()) def test_nodelist(self): """Conversion from graph to array to graph with nodelist.""" P4 = path_graph(4) P3 = path_graph(3) nodelist = list(P3) A = nx.to_numpy_array(P4, nodelist=nodelist) GA = nx.Graph(A) self.assert_equal(GA, P3) # Make nodelist ambiguous by containing duplicates. nodelist += [nodelist[0]] assert_raises(nx.NetworkXError, nx.to_numpy_array, P3, nodelist=nodelist) def test_weight_keyword(self): WP4 = nx.Graph() WP4.add_edges_from((n, n + 1, dict(weight=0.5, other=0.3)) for n in range(3)) P4 = path_graph(4) A = nx.to_numpy_array(P4) np_assert_equal(A, nx.to_numpy_array(WP4, weight=None)) np_assert_equal(0.5 * A, nx.to_numpy_array(WP4)) np_assert_equal(0.3 * A, nx.to_numpy_array(WP4, weight='other')) def test_from_numpy_array_type(self): A = np.array([[1]]) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), int) A = np.array([[1]]).astype(np.float) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), float) A = np.array([[1]]).astype(np.str) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), str) A = np.array([[1]]).astype(np.bool) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), bool) A = np.array([[1]]).astype(np.complex) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), complex) A = np.array([[1]]).astype(np.object) assert_raises(TypeError, nx.from_numpy_array, A) def test_from_numpy_array_dtype(self): dt = [('weight', float), ('cost', int)] A = np.array([[(1.0, 2)]], dtype=dt) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['weight']), float) assert_equal(type(G[0][0]['cost']), int) assert_equal(G[0][0]['cost'], 2) assert_equal(G[0][0]['weight'], 1.0) def test_to_numpy_recarray(self): G = nx.Graph() G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=7.0, cost=5) A = nx.to_numpy_recarray(G, dtype=[('weight', float), ('cost', int)]) assert_equal(sorted(A.dtype.names), ['cost', 'weight']) assert_equal(A.weight[0, 1], 7.0) assert_equal(A.weight[0, 0], 0.0) assert_equal(A.cost[0, 1], 5) assert_equal(A.cost[0, 0], 0) def test_numpy_multigraph(self): G = nx.MultiGraph() G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=7) G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=70) A = nx.to_numpy_array(G) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 77) A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, multigraph_weight=min) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 7) A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, multigraph_weight=max) assert_equal(A[1, 0], 70) def test_from_numpy_array_parallel_edges(self): """Tests that the :func:`networkx.from_numpy_array` function interprets integer weights as the number of parallel edges when creating a multigraph. """ A = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2]]) # First, with a simple graph, each integer entry in the adjacency # matrix is interpreted as the weight of a single edge in the graph. expected = nx.DiGraph() edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)] expected.add_weighted_edges_from([(u, v, 1) for (u, v) in edges]) expected.add_edge(1, 1, weight=2) actual = nx.from_numpy_array(A, parallel_edges=True, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) actual = nx.from_numpy_array(A, parallel_edges=False, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) # Now each integer entry in the adjacency matrix is interpreted as the # number of parallel edges in the graph if the appropriate keyword # argument is specified. edges = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)] expected = nx.MultiDiGraph() expected.add_weighted_edges_from([(u, v, 1) for (u, v) in edges]) actual = nx.from_numpy_array(A, parallel_edges=True, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) expected = nx.MultiDiGraph() expected.add_edges_from(set(edges), weight=1) # The sole self-loop (edge 0) on vertex 1 should have weight 2. expected[1][1][0]['weight'] = 2 actual = nx.from_numpy_array(A, parallel_edges=False, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph()) assert_graphs_equal(actual, expected) def test_symmetric(self): """Tests that a symmetric array has edges added only once to an undirected multigraph when using :func:`networkx.from_numpy_array`. """ A = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) G = nx.from_numpy_array(A, create_using=nx.MultiGraph()) expected = nx.MultiGraph() expected.add_edge(0, 1, weight=1) assert_graphs_equal(G, expected) def test_dtype_int_graph(self): """Test that setting dtype int actually gives an integer array. For more information, see GitHub pull request #1363. """ G = nx.complete_graph(3) A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, dtype=int) assert_equal(A.dtype, int) def test_dtype_int_multigraph(self): """Test that setting dtype int actually gives an integer array. For more information, see GitHub pull request #1363. """ G = nx.MultiGraph(nx.complete_graph(3)) A = nx.to_numpy_array(G, dtype=int) assert_equal(A.dtype, int)