3 gYӄ@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddl m Z mZmZmZddlmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZmZmZdd lmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#m$Z$ddl%m&Z&m'Z'ddl(m)Z)m*Z*m+Z+m,Z,m-Z-m.Z.m/Z/m0Z0m1Z1m2Z2ddl3m4Z4m5Z5m6Z6m7Z7m8Z8m9Z9m:Z:m;Z;mZ?ddl@mAZAeAjBeAjCeAjDeAjEeAjFfZGdZHd!ZIdZJGdddeKZLGdddeKZMGdddeMZNGdddeLeMZOGdd d eKZPdS)"z` requests.models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module contains the primary objects that power Requests. N) RequestField)encode_multipart_formdata) parse_url) DecodeErrorReadTimeoutError ProtocolErrorLocationParseError)UnsupportedOperation) default_hooks)CaseInsensitiveDict) HTTPBasicAuth)cookiejar_from_dictget_cookie_header_copy_cookie_jar) HTTPError MissingSchema InvalidURLChunkedEncodingErrorContentDecodingErrorConnectionErrorStreamConsumedError)to_native_stringunicode_is_ascii) guess_filenameget_auth_from_url requote_uristream_decode_response_unicodeto_key_val_listparse_header_links iter_slicesguess_json_utf super_lencheck_header_validity) cookielib urlunparseurlsplit urlencodestrbytesis_py2chardet builtin_str basestring)json)codes iic@s0eZdZeddZeddZeddZdS)RequestEncodingMixincCsNg}t|j}|j}|sd}|j||j}|rD|jd|j|dj|S)zBuild the path URL to use./?)r&urlpathappendqueryjoin)selfr6pr7r9r=@/Users/olari/OneDrive/sandbox/awsBlog2/lambda/requests/models.pypath_url=s    zRequestEncodingMixin.path_urlcCst|ttfr|St|dr |St|drg}x|t|D]p\}}t|tsVt|d r\|g}xJ|D]B}|dk rb|jt|tr|jdn|t|tr|jdn|fqbWq8Wt|ddS|SdS)zEncode parameters in a piece of data. Will successfully encode parameters when passed as a dict or a list of 2-tuples. Order is retained if data is a list of 2-tuples but arbitrary if parameters are supplied as a dict. read__iter__Nzutf-8T)doseq) isinstancer(r)hasattrrr-r8encoder')dataresultkvsvr=r=r>_encode_paramsRs    $ z#RequestEncodingMixin._encode_paramscCs|stdnt|tr tdg}t|p,i}t|p8i}x|D]\}}t|ts`t|d rf|g}x\|D]T}|dk rlt|tst|}|jt|tr|jdn|t|tr|j dn|fqlWqBWx|D]\}}d}d} t|t t fr.t |dkr|\} } n&t |dkr |\} } }n |\} } }} nt |p:|} |} t| tttfrX| } n| j} t|| | | d} | j|d |j| qWt|\}}||fS) aBuild the body for a multipart/form-data request. Will successfully encode files when passed as a dict or a list of tuples. Order is retained if data is a list of tuples but arbitrary if parameters are supplied as a dict. The tuples may be 2-tuples (filename, fileobj), 3-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype) or 4-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype, custom_headers). zFiles must be provided.zData must not be a string.rANzutf-8)namerFfilenameheaders) content_type) ValueErrorrCr-rrDr)r(r8decoderEtuplelistlenr bytearrayr@rmake_multipartr)filesrF new_fieldsfieldsfieldvalrJrHftfhfnfpfdatarfbodyrQr=r=r> _encode_filesmsH       $    z"RequestEncodingMixin._encode_filesN)__name__ __module__ __qualname__propertyr? staticmethodrKrer=r=r=r>r2<s  r2c@seZdZddZddZdS)RequestHooksMixincCs\||jkrtd|t|tjr4|j|j|n$t|drX|j|jdd|DdS)zProperly register a hook.z1Unsupported event specified, with event name "%s"rAcss|]}t|tjr|VqdS)N)rC collectionsCallable).0hr=r=r> sz2RequestHooksMixin.register_hook..N)hooksrRrCrlrmr8rDextend)r;eventhookr=r=r> register_hooks     zRequestHooksMixin.register_hookc Cs.y|j|j|dStk r(dSXdS)ziDeregister a previously registered hook. Returns True if the hook existed, False if not. TFN)rqremoverR)r;rsrtr=r=r>deregister_hooks z!RequestHooksMixin.deregister_hookN)rfrgrhrurwr=r=r=r>rks rkc @s*eZdZdZd ddZddZddZdS) RequestaA user-created :class:`Request ` object. Used to prepare a :class:`PreparedRequest `, which is sent to the server. :param method: HTTP method to use. :param url: URL to send. :param headers: dictionary of headers to send. :param files: dictionary of {filename: fileobject} files to multipart upload. :param data: the body to attach to the request. If a dictionary is provided, form-encoding will take place. :param json: json for the body to attach to the request (if files or data is not specified). :param params: dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. :param auth: Auth handler or (user, pass) tuple. :param cookies: dictionary or CookieJar of cookies to attach to this request. :param hooks: dictionary of callback hooks, for internal usage. Usage:: >>> import requests >>> req = requests.Request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org/get') >>> req.prepare() Nc Cs|dkr gn|}|dkrgn|}|dkr,in|}|dkr__init__s"zRequest.__init__cCs d|jS)Nz)rz)r;r=r=r>__repr__szRequest.__repr__c Cs<t}|j|j|j|j|j|j|j|j|j |j |j d |S)zXConstructs a :class:`PreparedRequest ` for transmission and returns it.) rzr6rPrYrFr.r{r|r}rq) PreparedRequestpreparerzr6rPrYrFr.r{r|r}rq)r;r<r=r=r>rs zRequest.prepare) NNNNNNNNNN)rfrgrh__doc__r~rrr=r=r=r>rxs  rxc @seZdZdZddZdddZddZd d Zd d Ze d dZ ddZ ddZ dddZ ddZd ddZddZddZdS)!raThe fully mutable :class:`PreparedRequest ` object, containing the exact bytes that will be sent to the server. Generated from either a :class:`Request ` object or manually. Usage:: >>> import requests >>> req = requests.Request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org/get') >>> r = req.prepare() >>> s = requests.Session() >>> s.send(r) cCs0d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_t|_d|_dS)N)rzr6rP_cookiesrdr rq_body_position)r;r=r=r>r~szPreparedRequest.__init__Nc CsR|j||j|||j||j||j||| |j|||j| dS)z6Prepares the entire request with the given parameters.N)prepare_method prepare_urlprepare_headersprepare_cookies prepare_body prepare_auth prepare_hooks) r;rzr6rPrYrFr{r|r}rqr.r=r=r>r+s     zPreparedRequest.preparecCs d|jS)Nz)rz)r;r=r=r>r=szPreparedRequest.__repr__cCsXt}|j|_|j|_|jdk r*|jjnd|_t|j|_|j|_|j|_|j |_ |S)N) rrzr6rPcopyrrrdrqr)r;r<r=r=r>r@s zPreparedRequest.copycCs$||_|jdk r t|jj|_dS)zPrepares the given HTTP method.N)rzrupper)r;rzr=r=r>rKs zPreparedRequest.prepare_methodc Cs@ddl}y|j|ddjd}Wn|jk r:tYnX|S)NrT)uts46zutf-8)idnarErS IDNAError UnicodeError)hostrr=r=r>_get_idna_encoded_hostQs  z&PreparedRequest._get_idna_encoded_hostcCs0t|tr|jd}ntr"t|nt|}|j}d|krT|jjd rT||_ dSyt |\}}}}}}} Wn,t k r} zt | j WYdd} ~ XnX|sd} | jt|d} t| |st d|t|sy|j|}Wntk rt dYnXn|jdrt d|p"d } | r2| d 7} | |7} |rP| dt|7} |sZd }trt|trv|jd }t| tr| jd } t|tr|jd }t|tr|jd }t| tr| jd } t|ttfrt|}|j|} | r|r d || f}n| }tt|| |d|| g}||_ dS)zPrepares the given HTTP URL.utf8:httpNzDInvalid URL {0!r}: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://{0}?z Invalid URL %r: No host suppliedzURL has an invalid label.*r5@r3zutf-8z%s&%s)rCr)rSr*unicoder(lstriplower startswithr6rrrargsformatrrrrrrErKrr%)r;r6r{schemer|rportr7r9fragmenteerrornetloc enc_paramsr=r=r>r[sh                 zPreparedRequest.prepare_urlcCs@t|_|rrs zPreparedRequest.prepare_headerscCsvd}d}| r8|dk r8d}tj|}t|ts8|jd}tt|dt|ttt t j f g}y t |}Wnt ttfk rd}YnX|r|}t|dddk ry|j|_Wn ttfk rt|_YnX|rtd|rt||jd<n d|jd <np|r|j||\}}n2|rF|j|}t|tsrsJ         zPreparedRequest.prepare_bodycCsL|dk r$t|}|rHt||jd<n$|jdkrH|jjddkrHd|jd<dS)z>Prepare Content-Length header based on request method and bodyNzContent-LengthGETHEAD0)rr)r"r,rPrzget)r;rdrr=r=r>rs z&PreparedRequest.prepare_content_lengthr5cCsj|dkr"t|j}t|r|nd}|rft|trDt|dkrDt|}||}|jj|j|j |j dS)z"Prepares the given HTTP auth data.NrL) rr6anyrCrTrVr __dict__updaterrd)r;r|r6url_authrr=r=r>rs zPreparedRequest.prepare_authcCs@t|tjr||_n t||_t|j|}|dk r<||jd<dS)aPrepares the given HTTP cookie data. This function eventually generates a ``Cookie`` header from the given cookies using cookielib. Due to cookielib's design, the header will not be regenerated if it already exists, meaning this function can only be called once for the life of the :class:`PreparedRequest ` object. Any subsequent calls to ``prepare_cookies`` will have no actual effect, unless the "Cookie" header is removed beforehand. NCookie)rCr$ CookieJarrrrrP)r;r} cookie_headerr=r=r>r$s   zPreparedRequest.prepare_cookiescCs*|pg}x|D]}|j|||qWdS)zPrepares the given hooks.N)ru)r;rqrsr=r=r>r8s zPreparedRequest.prepare_hooks) NNNNNNNNNN)N)r5)rfrgrhrr~rrrrrjrrrrrrrrr=r=r=r>rs   V E rc @seZdZdZdddddddd d d g Zd d ZddZddZddZddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ eddZed d!Zed"d#Zed$d%Zed&d'Zd;d*d+Zed,d,fd-d.Zed/d0Zed1d2Zd3d4Zed5d6Zd7d8Zd9d:Zd,S)<ResponsezhThe :class:`Response ` object, which contains a server's response to an HTTP request. _content status_coderPr6historyencodingreasonr}elapsedrequestcCs^d|_d|_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_g|_ d|_ t i|_ t jd|_d|_dS)NFr)r_content_consumed_nextrr rPrawr6rrrrr}datetime timedeltarr)r;r=r=r>r~Ls  zResponse.__init__cCs|S)Nr=)r;r=r=r> __enter__{szResponse.__enter__cGs |jdS)N)close)r;rr=r=r>__exit__~szResponse.__exit__cs$js jtfddjDS)Nc3s|]}|t|dfVqdS)N)r)rnattr)r;r=r>rpsz(Response.__getstate__..)rcontentdict __attrs__)r;r=)r;r> __getstate__s  zResponse.__getstate__cCs>x |jD]\}}t|||q Wt|ddt|dddS)NrTr)rysetattr)r;staterNrr=r=r> __setstate__s zResponse.__setstate__cCs d|jS)Nz)r)r;r=r=r>rszResponse.__repr__cCs|jS)akReturns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400. This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If the status code, is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. )ok)r;r=r=r>__bool__szResponse.__bool__cCs|jS)akReturns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400. This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If the status code, is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. )r)r;r=r=r> __nonzero__szResponse.__nonzero__cCs |jdS)z,Allows you to use a response as an iterator.) iter_content)r;r=r=r>rAszResponse.__iter__c Cs&y |jWntk r dSXdS)akReturns True if :attr:`status_code` is less than 400. This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If the status code, is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This is **not** a check to see if the response code is ``200 OK``. FT)raise_for_statusr)r;r=r=r>rs  z Response.okcCsd|jko|jtkS)zTrue if this Response is a well-formed HTTP redirect that could have been processed automatically (by :meth:`Session.resolve_redirects`). location)rPrREDIRECT_STATI)r;r=r=r> is_redirectszResponse.is_redirectcCsd|jko|jtjtjfkS)z@True if this Response one of the permanent versions of redirect.r)rPrr/moved_permanentlypermanent_redirect)r;r=r=r>is_permanent_redirectszResponse.is_permanent_redirectcCs|jS)zTReturns a PreparedRequest for the next request in a redirect chain, if there is one.)r)r;r=r=r>nextsz Response.nextcCstj|jdS)z7The apparent encoding, provided by the chardet library.r)r+detectr)r;r=r=r>apparent_encodingszResponse.apparent_encodingr Fcs~fdd}jr(tjtr(tn$dk rLtt rLtdttj}|}jrh|n|}|rzt |}|S)aIterates over the response data. When stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for large responses. The chunk size is the number of bytes it should read into memory. This is not necessarily the length of each item returned as decoding can take place. chunk_size must be of type int or None. A value of None will function differently depending on the value of `stream`. stream=True will read data as it arrives in whatever size the chunks are received. If stream=False, data is returned as a single chunk. If decode_unicode is True, content will be decoded using the best available encoding based on the response. c3stjdry$xjjddD] }|Vq WWqtk rZ}zt|WYdd}~Xqtk r}zt|WYdd}~Xqtk r}zt|WYdd}~XqXnxjj }|sP|VqWd_ dS)NstreamT)decode_content) rDrrrrrrrrr@r)chunkr) chunk_sizer;r=r>generates    z'Response.iter_content..generateNz.chunk_size must be an int, it is instead a %s.) rrCrboolrintrtyper r)r;rdecode_unicoder reused_chunks stream_chunkschunksr=)rr;r>rs  zResponse.iter_contentNccsd}x|j||dD]r}|dk r(||}|r8|j|}n|j}|rn|drn|rn|dd|dkrn|j}nd}x|D] }|VqxWqW|dk r|VdS)zIterates over the response data, one line at a time. When stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for large responses. .. note:: This method is not reentrant safe. N)rrr rrr)rsplit splitlinespop)r;rr delimiterpendingrlinesliner=r=r> iter_lines s $  zResponse.iter_linescCsZ|jdkrN|jrtd|jdks,|jdkr4d|_ntj|jtpJt|_d|_|jS)z"Content of the response, in bytes.Fz2The content for this response was already consumedrNT) rr RuntimeErrorrrr)r:rCONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE)r;r=r=r>r*s zResponse.contentc Cshd}|j}|jstdS|jdkr(|j}yt|j|dd}Wn&ttfk rbt|jdd}YnX|S)aContent of the response, in unicode. If Response.encoding is None, encoding will be guessed using ``chardet``. The encoding of the response content is determined based solely on HTTP headers, following RFC 2616 to the letter. If you can take advantage of non-HTTP knowledge to make a better guess at the encoding, you should set ``r.encoding`` appropriately before accessing this property. Nr5replace)errors)rrr(r LookupErrorr)r;rrr=r=r>text>s z Response.textc Ksj|j rZ|jrZt|jdkrZt|j}|dk rZytj|jj|f|Stk rXYnXtj|jf|S)zReturns the json-encoded content of a response, if any. :param \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``json.loads`` takes. :raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain valid json. rMN) rrrVr!rloadsrSUnicodeDecodeErrorr)r;kwargsrr=r=r>r.ds z Response.jsoncCsJ|jjd}i}|rFt|}x(|D] }|jdp8|jd}|||<q"W|S)z8Returns the parsed header links of the response, if any.linkrelr6)rPrr)r;rllinksr keyr=r=r>r ~s   zResponse.linksc Csd}t|jtrDy|jjd}WqJtk r@|jjd}YqJXn|j}d|jko^dknrxd|j||jf}n,d|jkodknrd|j||jf}|rt||d d S) z2Raises stored :class:`HTTPError`, if one occurred.r5zutf-8z iso-8859-1iiz%s Client Error: %s for url: %siXz%s Server Error: %s for url: %s)responseN)rCrr)rSrrr6r)r;http_error_msgrr=r=r>rs zResponse.raise_for_statuscCs0|js|jjt|jdd}|dk r,|dS)zReleases the connection back to the pool. Once this method has been called the underlying ``raw`` object must not be accessed again. *Note: Should not normally need to be called explicitly.* release_connN)rrrr)r;rr=r=r>rs  zResponse.close)r F)rfrgrhrrr~rrrrrrrrArirrrrrrITER_CHUNK_SIZErrrr.r rrr=r=r=r>rBs2 /         7  & ri()QrrlrsysZencodings.idna encodingsZurllib3.fieldsrZurllib3.filepostrZ urllib3.utilrurllib3.exceptionsrrrrior rqr structuresr r|r r}rrr exceptionsrrrrrrr_internal_utilsrrutilsrrrrrrr r!r"r#compatr$r%r&r'r(r)r*r+r,r-r.r status_codesr/movedfoundothertemporary_redirectrrDEFAULT_REDIRECT_LIMITrrrr2rkrxrrr=r=r=r>sD       $00  nF<