#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import aws_cdk as cdk from dlq.lambda_sqs_dlq_stack import LambdaSQSDlqStack from dlq.lambda_sns_dlq_stack import LambdaSnsDlqStack from dlq.lambda_sns_dlq_destination_stack import LambdaSnsDlqDestinationStack app = cdk.App() # Stack to build Lambda function that is invoked synchronously with SQS as event source # and DLQ associated to SQS queue. LambdaSQSDlqStack(app, "SQSDLQStack") # Stack to build Lambda function that is invoked asynchronously with SNS as event source # and DLQ associated to Lambda function. # LambdaSnsDlqStack(app, "LambdaDlqStack") # Stack to build Lambda function that is invoked asynchronously with SNS as event source # and Destinations as well DLQ associated to Lambda function. LambdaSnsDlqDestinationStack(app, "LambdaDestinationDlqStack") app.synth()