import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import logging import os import zipfile from datetime import datetime, timedelta from uuid import uuid4 import time import base64 import json logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) class FarOpt(object): """FarOpt class used to initialize, configure and submit jobs to the back end :param framework: Currently only ortools, TO DO is to extend to other frameworks. Note that other frameworks like pyomo, DEAP, inspyred and pulp are supported :type framework: string, optional :param stackname: Points to the backend CDK stack that needs to be launched separately. Default name is faropt, but you many need to pass in another name while testing :type stackname: string, optional """ def __init__(self, framework = 'ortools', stackname = 'faropt'): """Constructor method: Gets buckets and tables associated with the already launched stack """ # Check if backend stack is launched cf = boto3.client('cloudformation') try: response = cf.describe_stacks(StackName=stackname) if response['Stacks'][0]['StackStatus'] in ['CREATE_COMPLETE','UPDATE_COMPLETE']:'FarOpt backend is ready!') self.ready = True self.stackname = stackname outputs = response['Stacks'][0]['Outputs'] for output in outputs: if output['OutputKey']=='s3asyncoutput': self.asyncbucket = output['OutputValue']'Async Bucket: ' + self.asyncbucket) if output['OutputKey']=='s3output': self.bucket = output['OutputValue']'Bucket: ' + self.bucket) if output['OutputKey']=='recipetable': self.recipetable = output['OutputValue']'Recipe Table: ' + self.recipetable) if output['OutputKey']=='jobtable': self.jobtable = output['OutputValue']'Job table: ' + self.jobtable) if output['OutputKey']=='lambdaopt': self.lambdaopt = output['OutputValue']'Lambda Opt function: ' + self.lambdaopt) self.configured = False self.submitted = False except Exception as e: self.ready = False logging.error(e) self.allowed_frameworks = ['ortools'] if framework not in self.allowed_frameworks: logging.warning("Only ortools is supported for now. You entered "+framework) #exit(0) else: self.framework = framework def configure (self,source_dir): """Zips up a local folder containing your code, and any other subfolders/files required to run your project. Make note of the output structure printed to see if all files that you need are printed.ArithmeticError :param source_dir: path to your source, such as './home/src/' :type source_dir: string """"Listing project files ...") file_name = "" zf = zipfile.ZipFile("", "w") for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(source_dir): #zf.write(dirname) print(dirname, subdirs, files) for filename in files: print(filename) zf.write(os.path.join(dirname,filename),os.path.relpath(dirname+'/'+filename,source_dir)) zf.close() self.path_file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) self.file_name = file_name self.configured = True"Configured job!") def add_recipe(self,recipe_name,maintainer='Faropt SDK user'): """Adds a recipe referencing the job that you submitted (see self object params). :param recipe_name: Friendly name for your recipe :type recipe_name: string :param maintainer: Recipe author/maintainer :type source_dir: string, optional. Defaults to 'Faropt SDK User' """ if self.configured: self.ddb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb') self.ddb_table = self.ddb_resource.Table(self.recipetable) UID = str(uuid4()) if self.micro: job = { 'recipeid': UID, 'description':recipe_name, 'bucket': self.asyncbucket, 'path': self.stagedkey+'/', 'maintainer':maintainer, 'code':'see path' } else: job = { 'recipeid': UID, 'description':recipe_name, 'bucket': self.bucket, 'path': self.jobname+'/'+self.file_name, 'maintainer':maintainer, 'code':'see path' } self.ddb_table.put_item(Item=job) else: logging.error('Please configure the job first!') def run_s3_job(self, bucket, key, micro=False): """Runs job based on a source file in bucket/key. For example, place a in s3://bucket/key/ and submit a job :param bucket: Bucket name :type bucket: string :param key: path/key on S3 that looks like path/to/s3/key/ inside the bucket :type key: string :param micro: Submit a micro job. :type micro: bool """"Downloading source...") s3 = boto3.client('s3') with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as f: s3.download_fileobj(bucket, key, f) self.path_file_name = os.path.abspath('/tmp/') self.file_name = ''"Configured job!") self.configured = True if micro: self.stage() self.submit(micro = micro) def get_recipe_id_from_description(self, description): """Returns UUID of a recipe based on friendly description/ recipe name :param description: friendly description/ recipe name :type description: string :return: First UUID that matches the description of the recipe :rtype: uuid4() """ self.list_recipes(verbose=False) for r in if r['description'] == description: return r['recipeid'] def run_recipe(self, recipe_id, micro=False): """Runs already registered recipe :param recipe_id: UUID of recipe :type recipe_id: string :param micro: Submit as a micro job :type recipe_id: bool """ try: self.ddb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb') self.ddb_table = self.ddb_resource.Table(self.recipetable) response = self.ddb_table.get_item(Key={'recipeid': recipe_id}) path = response['Item']['path'] bucket = response['Item']['bucket']"Downloading recipe...") s3 = boto3.client('s3') with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as f: s3.download_fileobj(bucket, path, f) self.path_file_name = os.path.abspath('/tmp/') self.file_name = ''"Configured job!") self.configured = True self.submit(micro=micro) except ClientError as e: logging.error(e) return False def wait(self): """Polls for the primary status of the container task that runs this job. You should see PROVISIONING > PENDING > RUNNING > STOPPED > JOB COMPLETED :return: primary status of the job that was submitted :rtype: list """ while self.primary_status()!='STOPPED': print(self.primary_status()) time.sleep(3)"JOB COMPLETED!") def stage(self): """Uploads the but does not submit to fargate. Useful when you want to run later """"Staging job") s3_client = boto3.client('s3') try: eventid ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')+'-'+str(uuid4()) response = s3_client.upload_file(self.path_file_name, self.asyncbucket,'staged/'+eventid+'/')"Staged job! id: " + str(eventid)) self.jobname = eventid self.stagedkey = 'staged/'+eventid"Look for s3://{self.asyncbucket}/staged/{self.jobname}/") except: logging.error("Could not stage job") def submit(self, micro=False): """Runs job defined in object params. Creates a new job ID to track and sets submitted to True. Check self.jobname to reference the job that was submitted. View self.logs() once the job has completed :param micro: Submit a micro job. By submitting a micro job, you are restricted to using ortools, pyomo and deap libraries for jobs that last up to 5 minutes :type micro: bool """ if self.configured :"Submitting job") s3_client = boto3.client('s3') self.ddb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb') self.ddb_table = self.ddb_resource.Table(self.jobtable) if not micro: try: self.micro = False eventid ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')+'-'+str(uuid4()) response = s3_client.upload_file(self.path_file_name, self.bucket,eventid+'/')"Submitted job! id: " + str(eventid)) self.jobname = eventid # Add job to dynamoDB job = { 'jobid': self.jobname, 'bucket': self.bucket, 'path': eventid+'/'} self.ddb_table.put_item(Item=job) except ClientError as e: logging.error(e) return False else: try: self.stage() self.micro = True"By submitting a micro job, you are restricted to using ortools, pyomo and deap libraries for jobs that last up to 5 minutes") lamclient = boto3.client("lambda") response = lamclient.invoke( FunctionName=self.lambdaopt, InvocationType='RequestResponse', LogType='Tail', Payload=json.dumps({'s3bucket':self.asyncbucket,'s3key':self.stagedkey}).encode()) # Add job to dynamoDB job = { 'jobid': self.stagedkey, 'bucket': self.asyncbucket, 'path': self.stagedkey+'/'} self.ddb_table.put_item(Item=job) base64_message = response['LogResult'] print(base64.b64decode(base64_message.encode()).decode()) self.micrologs = base64.b64decode(base64_message.encode()).decode() except ClientError as e: logging.error(e) return False else: logging.error('Please configure the job first!') self.submitted = True def list_recipes(self, limit=10, verbose=True): """Returns list of recipes registered :param limit: Number of recipes to return, Defaults to 10 :type limit: int, optional :param verbose: Verbose print of the recipe table, Defaults to True :type verbose: bool, optional :return: Recipe table scan (raw) results :rtype: boto3 response """ ddb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb') response = ddb_client.scan( TableName=self.recipetable, Limit=limit) allrecipes = [] for job in response['Items']: allrecipes.append({'recipeid':job['recipeid']['S'], 'bucket':job['bucket']['S'], 'path':job['path']['S'], 'description':job['description']['S'], 'maintainer':job['maintainer']['S'], 'code':job['code']['S']}) if verbose: print(f"recipeid:{job['recipeid']['S']} | bucket:{job['bucket']['S']} | path:{job['path']['S']} | description:{job['description']['S']} | maintainer:{job['maintainer']['S']}") = allrecipes return response def list_jobs(self, limit=10, verbose=True): """Returns list of jobs submitted :param limit: Number of jobs to return, Defaults to 10 :type limit: int, optional :param verbose: Verbose print of the job table, Defaults to True :type verbose: bool, optional :return: job table scan (raw) results :rtype: boto3 response """ ddb_client = boto3.client('dynamodb') response = ddb_client.scan( TableName=self.jobtable, Limit=limit) alljobs = [] for job in response['Items']: alljobs.append({'jobid':job['jobid']['S'], 'bucket':job['bucket']['S'], 'path':job['path']['S']}) if verbose: print(f"jobid:{job['jobid']['S']} | bucket:{job['bucket']['S']} | path:{job['path']['S']}") = alljobs return response def stream_logs(self,start_time=0, skip=0): """Internal, use self.logs() instead of streaming """ #def log_stream(client, log_group, stream_name, start_time=0, skip=0): from SM stream logs next_token = None event_count = 1 while event_count > 0: if next_token is not None: token_arg = {"nextToken": next_token} else: token_arg = {} taskarn = self.status()['tasks'][0]['taskArn'].split('/')[-1] client = boto3.client('logs') response = client.get_log_events( logGroupName='faroptlogGroup', logStreamName='faroptlogs/FarOptImage/' + taskarn, startTime=start_time, startFromHead=True, **token_arg ) next_token = response["nextForwardToken"] events = response["events"] event_count = len(events) if event_count > skip: events = events[skip:] skip = 0 else: skip = skip - event_count events = [] for ev in events: yield ev def stop(self): """Stops a submitted task """ # if self.primary_status() in ['STOPPED','DEPROVISIONING','RUNNING']: if self.submitted and self.micro==False: client = boto3.client('ecs') taskarn = self.status()['tasks'][0]['taskArn'].split('/')[-1] response = client.stop_task( cluster='FarOptCluster', task=taskarn, reason='User stopped task' ) else:"Please ensure you have submitted a non-micro job") # else: #'Job status: ' + self.primary_status()) def printlogs(self,response): for ev in response['events']: print(str(ev['timestamp']) + ' | ' + ev['message']) def logs(self): """Prints logs of a submitted job. """ if self.primary_status() in ['STOPPED','DEPROVISIONING','RUNNING']: if self.micro == False: taskarn = self.status()['tasks'][0]['taskArn'].split('/')[-1] client = boto3.client('logs') response = client.get_log_events( logGroupName='faroptlogGroup', logStreamName='faroptlogs/FarOptImage/' + taskarn) self.printlogs(response) else: print(self.micrologs) else: print('Please wait for the task to start running | ' + self.primary_status()) def primary_status(self): """Returns the last status of the submitted job; Can be PROVISIONING > PENDING > RUNNING > STOPPED > JOB COMPLETED :return: primary staus :rtype: string """ if self.micro == False: return self.status()['tasks'][0]['lastStatus'] else: return 'STOPPED' def status(self): """Returns the full status of the submitted job; used in primary_status, which should be enough for most use cases """ if self.submitted and self.micro==False: client = boto3.client('ecs') response1 = client.list_tasks( cluster='FarOptCluster', startedBy=self.jobname) running_tasks = response1['taskArns'] if running_tasks == []:"No running tasks. Checking completed tasks...") #check if stopped tasks exist response1 = client.list_tasks( cluster='FarOptCluster', startedBy=self.jobname, desiredStatus='STOPPED') stopped_tasks = response1['taskArns'] response = client.describe_tasks(cluster='FarOptCluster', tasks=[response1['taskArns'][0]]) return response else: logging.error("Please submit a non-micro job first!") def get_metric_data(self,metric_name): """Returns raw metric data that was submitted from the backend. To use this, do from utils import * in your, and then use log_metric like this, for e.g: log_metric('total_distance',total_distance) :return: response from cloudwatch :rtype: json string """ cloudwatch = boto3.resource('cloudwatch') metric = cloudwatch.Metric('FarOpt',metric_name) response = metric.get_statistics( Dimensions=[ { 'Name': 'jobid', 'Value': self.jobname }, ], - timedelta(minutes=24),, Period=1,Statistics=['Average','Minimum','Maximum']) return response