import boto3 import json import logging import time logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm") LIFECYCLE_KEY = "LifecycleHookName" ASG_KEY = "AutoScalingGroupName" EC2_KEY = "EC2InstanceId" DOCUMENT_NAME = "ASGLogBackup" RESPONSE_DOCUMENT_KEY = "DocumentIdentifiers" def check_response(response_json): try: if response_json['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200: return True else: return False except KeyError: return False def list_document(): document_filter_parameters = {'key': 'Name', 'value': DOCUMENT_NAME} response = ssm_client.list_documents( DocumentFilterList=[ document_filter_parameters ] ) return response def check_document(): # If the document already exists, it will not create it. try: response = list_document() if check_response(response):"Documents list: %s", response) if response[RESPONSE_DOCUMENT_KEY]:"Documents exists: %s", response) return True else: return False else: logger.error("Documents' list error: %s", response) return False except Exception, e: logger.error("Document error: %s", str(e)) return None def send_command(instance_id): # Until the document is not ready, waits in accordance to a backoff mechanism. while True: timewait = 1 response = list_document() if any(response[RESPONSE_DOCUMENT_KEY]): break time.sleep(timewait) timewait += timewait try: response = ssm_client.send_command( InstanceIds = [ instance_id ], DocumentName = DOCUMENT_NAME, TimeoutSeconds = 120 ) if check_response(response):"Command sent: %s", response) return response['Command']['CommandId'] else: logger.error("Command could not be sent: %s", response) return None except Exception, e: logger.error("Command could not be sent: %s", str(e)) return None def check_command(command_id, instance_id): timewait = 1 while True: response_iterator = ssm_client.list_command_invocations( CommandId = command_id, InstanceId = instance_id, Details=False ) if check_response(response_iterator): if response_iterator['CommandInvocations']: response_iterator_status = response_iterator['CommandInvocations'][0]['Status'] if response_iterator_status != 'Pending': if response_iterator_status == 'InProgress' or response_iterator_status == 'Success': "Status: %s", response_iterator_status) return True else: logging.error("ERROR: status: %s", response_iterator) return False time.sleep(timewait) timewait += timewait def abandon_lifecycle(life_cycle_hook, auto_scaling_group, instance_id): asg_client = boto3.client('autoscaling') try: response = asg_client.complete_lifecycle_action( LifecycleHookName=life_cycle_hook, AutoScalingGroupName=auto_scaling_group, LifecycleActionResult='ABANDON', InstanceId=instance_id ) if check_response(response):"Lifecycle hook abandoned correctly: %s", response) else: logger.error("Lifecycle hook could not be abandoned: %s", response) except Exception, e: logger.error("Lifecycle hook abandon could not be executed: %s", str(e)) return None def lambda_handler(event, context): try: message = event['detail'] if LIFECYCLE_KEY in message and ASG_KEY in message: life_cycle_hook = message[LIFECYCLE_KEY] auto_scaling_group = message[ASG_KEY] instance_id = message[EC2_KEY] if check_document(): command_id = send_command(instance_id) if command_id != None: if check_command(command_id, instance_id):"Lambda executed correctly") else: abandon_lifecycle(life_cycle_hook, auto_scaling_group, instance_id) else: abandon_lifecycle(life_cycle_hook, auto_scaling_group, instance_id) else: abandon_lifecycle(life_cycle_hook, auto_scaling_group, instance_id) else: logging.error("No valid JSON message: %s", parsed_message) except Exception, e: logging.error("Error: %s", str(e))