version: 0.2 phases: install: commands: # Install all dependencies (including dependencies for running tests) - npm install # Install CDK dependencies - cd cdk - npm install - cd .. pre_build: commands: # Discover and run unit tests in the '__tests__' directory - npm run test # Remove all dependencies not needed for the Lambda deployment package (the packages from devDependencies in package.json) - npm prune --production # Copy artifacts to a separate folder - mkdir function-code - cp -r src node_modules function-code build: commands: # Archive Lambda function code and upload it to S3 - cd function-code - zip -r . - aws s3 cp s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID/ # Use AWS CDK to synthesize the application - cd ../cdk - ./node_modules/.bin/cdk synth > ../template-export.yml artifacts: files: - template-export.yml