## AWS Lambda servlet This project makes it easier to reuse servlet code inside of AWS Lambda. It is based on the [bleshik/aws-lambda-servlet public domain project](https://github.com/bleshik/aws-lambda-servlet). ## How is this different than the public domain project? We have fixed a few minor bugs in the original project related to case sensitivity. We also added annotation processing that creates the servlet wrapper class automatically. ## How do I include it in my Gradle project? 1. Add the jitpack repo to the repositories section ``` maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } ``` 2. Add the dependency version [(replace x.y.z with the appropriate version from the JitPack site)](https://jitpack.io/#aws-samples/aws-lambda-servlet) ``` def awsLambdaServlet = 'x.y.z' ``` 3. Add the annotation processor and API to the dependencies section ``` annotationProcessor "com.github.aws-samples:aws-lambda-servlet:$awsLambdaServlet" api "com.github.aws-samples:aws-lambda-servlet:$awsLambdaServlet" ``` ## Can I see an example? Yes, an example is coming in the [IoT reference architectures repository](https://github.com/aws-samples/iot-reference-architectures/) soon! ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.