# TIP: install plotly using pip3 install plotly==5.7.0
import configparser
import datetime
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
# Constants for calcuations
DAYS_IN_MONTH = 30.41 # Avg days in Month
COMPUTE_CHARGE_GBS_X86 = 0.0000166667
FREE_TIER_GBS = 400000 # 400GiB free memory per month
FREE_REQUESTS = 1000000 # 1 Million free requests per month
def load_properties(filepath, sep='=', comment_char='#'):
Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file.
props = {}
with open(filepath, "rt") as f:
for line in f:
l = line.strip()
if l and not l.startswith(comment_char):
key_value = l.split(sep)
key = key_value[0].strip()
value = sep.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"')
props[key] = int(value)
return props
def invocations_for_range(message_vol_range, batch_size = 1):
invocations = []
for vol in message_vol_range:
invocations.append(vol *1000/batch_size)
return invocations
def calculate_cost_for_message_vol_range(message_vol_range, invocation_memory, duration_sec, is_x86, batch_size = 1):
cost = []
for vol in message_vol_range:
cost.append(calculate_monthly_cost(vol, invocation_memory, duration_sec, is_x86, batch_size))
return cost
def calculate_requests_per_month(million_vol_per_day, batch_size):
return (million_vol_per_day * 1000000 * DAYS_IN_MONTH/batch_size)
def calculate_total_gbs_per_month(requests_per_month, invocation_memory, duration_sec):
return (invocation_memory * requests_per_month * duration_sec)
def calculate_monthly_cost(message_vol_millions_per_day, invocation_memory, duration_sec, is_x86, batch_size = 1):
requests_per_month = calculate_requests_per_month(message_vol_millions_per_day, batch_size)
total_memory_gbs = calculate_total_gbs_per_month(requests_per_month, invocation_memory, duration_sec)
compute_charge_gbs = COMPUTE_CHARGE_GBS_X86
if (not is_x86):
compute_charge_gbs = COMPUTE_CHARGE_GBS_ARM
usage_charge_per_month_after_free_tier = (total_memory_gbs - FREE_TIER_GBS) * compute_charge_gbs
if (usage_charge_per_month_after_free_tier < 0):
usage_charge_per_month_after_free_tier = 0
requests_per_month_after_free_tier = (requests_per_month - FREE_REQUESTS) * REQUESTS_CHARGE_MONTHLY
if (requests_per_month_after_free_tier < 0):
requests_per_month_after_free_tier = 0
total_monthly_charge = usage_charge_per_month_after_free_tier + requests_per_month_after_free_tier
# print('Batch: ' + str(batch_size) + ', message_vol_millions_per_day' + str(message_vol_millions_per_day)
# + ', Request per month: ' + str(requests_per_month) + ' and memory: ' + str(total_memory_gbs) + ', is_x86: ' + str(is_x86)
# + ', usage charge: ' + str(usage_charge_per_month_after_free_tier) + ', request charge:' + str(requests_per_month_after_free_tier)
# + ', total charge: ' + str(total_monthly_charge) )
return total_monthly_charge
def find_allowed_memory_setting(allowed_memory_range, requested_memory):
for memory in allowed_memory_range:
#print("Requested: " + str(requested_memory) + " and current allowed: " + str(memory))
if requested_memory <= memory:
return memory
return allowed_memory_range[len(allowed_memory_range)-1]
def build_memory_range():
potential_memory_ranges = []
cur_memory = base_lambda_memory_mb
while cur_memory <= MAX_LAMBDA_MEMORY:
cur_memory += memory_increments
return potential_memory_ranges
def build_batch_range():
batch_range = []
possible_batch_ranges = [ 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 5000, 10000 ]
for batch_size in possible_batch_ranges:
if batch_size <= max_batch_size:
return batch_range
def report_input_params(fig, configMap):
keys = list(configMap.keys())
values = list(configMap.values())
print('Input args: {}'.format(keys))
print('Input values: {}'.format(values))
fig.add_trace(go.Table(header=dict(values=['Input Parameter', 'Value']), cells=dict(values=[keys, values])),
row=4, col=1 )
def plot_batch_size_vs_duration(fig, messages_per_day, recurring_batch_set, requests_per_day_using_batch, requests_per_month,
invocation_memory_range_as_mb, duration_range_as_ms, total_gbs_per_month,
monthly_cost_for_x86, monthly_cost_for_arm):
fig.add_trace(go.Table(header=dict(values=['Messages Per Day', 'SQS Batch Size', 'Request per Day using Batch', 'Request Per Month',
'Memory (MB) Per Invocation', 'Duration (ms) per batch', 'Total Memory (GBs) per Month',
'$ Cost for x86 (requests & GBs after free tier)', '$ Cost for ARM (requests & GBs after free tier)']),
cells=dict(values=[messages_per_day, recurring_batch_set, requests_per_day_using_batch, requests_per_month,
invocation_memory_range_as_mb, duration_range_as_ms, total_gbs_per_month,
monthly_cost_for_x86, monthly_cost_for_arm ])),
row=2, col=1 )
#print("Invocation memory range: " + str(invocation_memory_range_as_mb))
#print("Duration range:" + str(duration_range_as_ms))
go.Scatter(x=batch_range, y=invocation_memory_range_as_mb, name="Invocation Memory (MB) with SQS Batch "),
row=3, col=1, secondary_y=False,
go.Scatter(x=batch_range, y=duration_range_as_ms, name="Invocation Duration (ms) with SQS Batch "),
row=3, col=1, secondary_y=True,
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="SQS Batch Size", row=3)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Memory (MB) with SQS Batch", row=3, secondary_y=False)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Duration (ms) with SQS Batch", row=3, secondary_y=True)
def plot_cost_per_batch(fig, batch_size, million_invocations_per_day, cost_per_month_x86, cost_per_month_arm ):
# Add traces
go.Scatter(x=million_invocations_per_day, y=cost_per_month_x86, name="Cost for x86 with SQS Batch size: " + str(batch_size)),
row=1, col=1, secondary_y=False,
go.Scatter(x=million_invocations_per_day, y=cost_per_month_arm, name="Cost for ARM with SQS Batch size: " + str(batch_size)),
row=1, col=1, secondary_y=False,
# fig.add_trace(
# go.Scatter(x=million_invocations_per_day, y=invocations, name="Invocations (in 1000) per day with Batch: " + str(batch_size)),
# row=2, col=1, secondary_y=False,
# )
# fig.add_trace(
# go.Scatter(x=million_invocations_per_day, y=invocations, name="Invocations (in 1000) per day with Batch: " + str(batch_size)),
# row=2, col=1, secondary_y=True,
# )
# Add figure title
title_text="Monthly Cost vs Performance for SQS Message Batch Processing using Lambda (" + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ")"
# Set x-axis title
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="SQS Million Messages per Day", row=1)
# Set y-axes titles
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Cost Per Month ($)", row=1, secondary_y=False)
# fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Invokes (In Thousands) per day using Batch", row=2, secondary_y=True)
config = load_properties("input.prop")
base_lambda_memory_mb = config['base_lambda_memory_mb']
process_duration_per_message = config['process_per_message_ms']
warm_latency_ms = config['warm_latency_ms']
max_batch_size = config['max_batch_size']
batch_memory_overhead_mb = config['batch_memory_overhead_mb']
batch_increment = config['batch_increment']
memory_increments = 128
batch_range = build_batch_range()
potential_memory_ranges = build_memory_range()
def processCalculations():
duration_range_as_ms = []
invocation_memory_range_as_mb = []
requests_per_day_using_batch = []
messages_per_day = []
requests_per_month = []
total_gbs_per_month = []
recurring_batch_set = []
monthly_cost_for_x86 = []
monthly_cost_for_arm = []
million_invocations_per_day = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250]
fig = make_subplots(rows=4, cols=1,
specs=[ [{"secondary_y": True}], [{"type": "table"}], [{"secondary_y": True}], [{"type": "table"}] ])
# iterate over batch size and figure out the memory, duration, cost for x86 vs Graviton
for batch_size in batch_range:
duration_msec = warm_latency_ms + (process_duration_per_message*batch_size)
invocation_memory = base_lambda_memory_mb
# Based on batch size, calculate increased in function memory compared to base function memory
required_memory_in_mb = base_lambda_memory_mb + batch_memory_overhead_mb * ((int) (batch_size / batch_increment))
invocation_memory_in_mb = find_allowed_memory_setting(potential_memory_ranges, required_memory_in_mb)
#print("Requested: " + str(required_memory_in_mb) + " for batch: " + str(batch_size) + " and got: " + str(invocation_memory_in_mb))
cost_per_month_x86 = calculate_cost_for_message_vol_range(million_invocations_per_day, invocation_memory_in_mb/1024, duration_msec/1000, True, batch_size)
cost_per_month_arm = calculate_cost_for_message_vol_range(million_invocations_per_day, invocation_memory_in_mb/1024, duration_msec/1000, False, batch_size)
invocations = invocations_for_range(million_invocations_per_day, batch_size)
#print("Batch: " + str(batch_size) + ", Memory: " + str(invocation_memory_in_mb) + ", Cost Per Month: " + str(cost_per_month_x86) + ", cost for ARM: " + str(cost_per_month_arm) + ", invocation: " + str(invocations))
request_monthly = calculate_requests_per_month(10, batch_size)
gbs_per_month = calculate_total_gbs_per_month(request_monthly, invocation_memory_in_mb/1024, duration_msec/1000)
total_gbs_per_month.append("{:.2f}".format(calculate_total_gbs_per_month(request_monthly, invocation_memory_in_mb/1024, duration_msec/1000)))
usage_per_month_after_free_tier = (gbs_per_month - FREE_TIER_GBS)
requests_per_month_after_free_tier = (request_monthly - FREE_REQUESTS)
# Check if the usage falls under free tier for a month
if (usage_per_month_after_free_tier < 0):
usage_per_month_after_free_tier = 0
if (requests_per_month_after_free_tier < 0):
requests_per_month_after_free_tier = 0
monthly_cost_for_x86.append(str("{:.2f}".format(usage_per_month_after_free_tier*COMPUTE_CHARGE_GBS_X86 + requests_per_month_after_free_tier*REQUESTS_CHARGE_MONTHLY)))
monthly_cost_for_arm.append(str("{:.2f}".format(usage_per_month_after_free_tier*COMPUTE_CHARGE_GBS_ARM + requests_per_month_after_free_tier*REQUESTS_CHARGE_MONTHLY)))
# Plot for graph for batch vs monthly cost
plot_cost_per_batch(fig, batch_size, million_invocations_per_day, cost_per_month_x86, cost_per_month_arm )
# Plot duration for handling vs batch size
plot_batch_size_vs_duration(fig, messages_per_day, recurring_batch_set, requests_per_day_using_batch, requests_per_month,
invocation_memory_range_as_mb, duration_range_as_ms, total_gbs_per_month,
monthly_cost_for_x86, monthly_cost_for_arm)
report_input_params(fig, config)
return fig
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":