import os import json import glob import subprocess from subprocess import CalledProcessError from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text from sqlalchemy_utils.functions import drop_database, create_database, database_exists import sqlparse from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities import parameters LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT = os.environ['LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT'] secret_name = os.environ['DB_SECRET_NAME'] db_engine_family = os.environ['DB_ENGINE_FAMILY'] database_name = os.environ['DB_NAME'] command_list = ['init', 'preview', 'sync', 'seed'] logger = Logger(service='db-definer') secret = json.loads(parameters.get_secret(secret_name)) class InvalidCommandError(Exception): """ Exception raised if 'event.command' is invalid. """ pass class SqldefError(Exception): """ Exception raised if 'sqldef' throw error. """ pass class InvalidDatabaseError(Exception): """ Exception raised if Database Engine are invalid. """ pass class Database: hostname = secret['host'] port = str(secret['port']) user = secret['username'] password = secret['password'] db_name = database_name table_def = '/tmp/table_def.sql' def __init__(self, dialect, ddl_file_path): self.dialect = dialect if self.dialect == 'POSTGRESQL': self.sqldef_command = [f'{LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/psqldef', '-U', self.user, '-h', self.hostname, '-p', self.port, '-W', self.password, self.db_name, '-f'] self.url = f'{self.dialect.lower()}://{self.user}:{self.password}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.db_name}' elif self.dialect == 'MYSQL': self.sqldef_command = [f'{LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/mysqldef', '-u', self.user, '-h', self.hostname, '-P', self.port, '-p', self.password, self.db_name, '--file'] self.url = f'{self.dialect.lower()}+pymysql://{self.user}:{self.password}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.db_name}' else: raise InvalidDatabaseError('Only MySQL or PostgreSQL are available.') ddl_file_list = glob.glob(f'{ddl_file_path}/*') with open(self.table_def, 'w') as new_file: for sql_file in ddl_file_list: new_file.write(open(sql_file, 'r').read()) def run_sqldef(self): """ Reflect changes in the table definition by using 'sqldef'. WARNING: The table will be dropped if that table of DDL is deleted. It's highly recomended that you run 'preview_sqldef' before this command. """ result =[*self.sqldef_command, self.table_def], capture_output=True) try: result.check_returncode() except CalledProcessError: raise SqldefError(result.stderr.decode()) return result.stdout.decode() def preview_sqldef(self): """ Show SQL script that will be ran by 'sqldef'. """ result =[*self.sqldef_command, self.table_def, '--dry-run'], capture_output=True) try: result.check_returncode() except CalledProcessError: raise SqldefError(result.stderr.decode()) return result.stdout.decode() def run_query_from_file(self, path): """ Run SQL file by using 'sqlalchemy'. """ engine = create_engine(self.url) file_list = glob.glob(f'{path}/*') with engine.begin() as connection: for file in file_list: for query in sqlparse.split(open(file, 'r').read()): connection.execute(text(query)) def drop_and_create_database(self): if database_exists(self.url): drop_database(self.url) create_database(self.url) @logger.inject_lambda_context(log_event=True) def handler(event, context): ddl_file_path = './schema' command = event.get('command') if command not in command_list: raise InvalidCommandError('Please send events such as {"command": "init"|"preview"|"sync"|"seed"}') database = Database(db_engine_family, ddl_file_path) if command == 'init': database.drop_and_create_database() if command == 'init' or command == 'sync': result = database.run_sqldef() if command == 'preview': result = database.preview_sqldef() if command == 'seed': if db_engine_family == 'MYSQL': database.run_query_from_file('./seed/mysql') elif db_engine_family == 'POSTGRESQL': database.run_query_from_file('./seed/postgresql') result = 'seed was succeeded.' return result