Description: Amazon CloudWatch Events for AWS Glue Crawler, AWS Lambda for automating Athena Queries AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" # Provides MAP Spend Visibility for Linked Accounts #### STEP 1: ## 1. Provisions Output S3 Bucket that contains Parquet files for MAP Linked Accounts # 2. Provisions AWS Lambda for cross account permission on Output S3 Bucket objects # 3. Provisions S3 Event Notification on Output S3 Bucket that triggers the ## AWS Lambda above for Cross Account permissions #### STEP 2: # 4. Provisions AWS Lambda to execute Athena MAP Extraction Query for Linked Accounts # 5. Provisions CWE for Glue Crawler event notification that triggers the ## AWS Lambda above for Athena MAP Extraction Query # # # @kmmahaj # ## License: ## This code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file. Parameters: sourcebucket: Description: S3 Bucket that contains AWS Lambda source. REPLACE ACCOUNT ID AND REGION Type: String Default: 's3-maplinkedaccountlambdas--' MinLength: '1' MaxLength: '255' s3outputbucketname: Description: >- S3 Output Bucket Name that contains the extracted parquet files for the linked account. Type: String Default: "s3-map-linkedaccount" outputfolder: Description: >- Sub folder in S3 Output Bucket Type: String Default: "map-migrate-linkedaccount" mapmigrateddb: Description: >- Athena DB Name for the MAP Reports delivered in the payer account Type: String Default: "athenacurcfn_map_migrated_report_1" mapmigratedtable: Description: >- Athena Table Name for the MAP Reports delivered in the payer account Type: String Default: "map_migrated_report_1" extractionqueryname: Description: >- Name of the saved Athena extraction query Type: String Default: "maplinkedquery" athenaoutputlocation: Description: >- Athena results location from Athena settings Type: String Default: "s3://aws-athena-queryresults-us-east-1/results/" payergluecrawlername: Description: >- Name of the Glue Crawler that creates MAP reports in payer account Type: String Default: "AWSCURCrawler-map-migrated-report-1" linkedaccountid: Description: >- AWS Account ID of the linked account Type: String Default: "875914227481" canonicalidpayer: Description: >- Canonical ID of the payer account Type: String Default: "ec3615d883890ff9f356436fdfff1d01ed7a7ecac09dbf300e7069263a7e6304" canonicalidlinked: Description: >- Canonical ID of the linked account Type: String Default: "f250446b450b9c8aab8677d65b4b9c655b2c50ef5ff1c98552df4d90eba2a1c8" Resources: #MAP Athena Extraction Query Lambda MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' DependsOn: - CreateS3OutputBucketNotification Properties: FunctionName: !Join - '' - - MAP_ - athenaextractionquerylambda Role: !GetAtt MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambdaRole.Arn Code: S3Bucket: !Ref sourcebucket S3Key: !Join - '' - - MAP_athenaextractionquerylambda - / - MAP_athenaextractionquerylambda - .zip Description: MAP Athena Extraction Query Lambda Handler: MAP_athenaextractionquerylambda.lambda_handler Environment: Variables: s3outputbucketname: !Sub "${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" outputfolder: !Ref outputfolder map_migrated_db: !Ref mapmigrateddb map_migrated_table: !Ref mapmigratedtable extraction_query_name: !Ref extractionqueryname athena_output_location: !Ref athenaoutputlocation MemorySize: '256' Runtime: python3.7 Timeout: 300 #MAP Athena Extraction Query Lambda Role MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambdaRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: !Sub map-athenaextractionquerylambdarole-${AWS::Region} AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: AllowLambdaAssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Policies: - PolicyName: AthenaS3Policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: '1' Action: - 's3:*' Effect: Allow Resource: - !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region} - !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/* - Sid: '2' Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' - 'logs:DescribeLogStreams' Effect: Allow Resource: '*' - Sid: '3' Action: - 'secretsmanager:*' Effect: Allow Resource: '*' ManagedPolicyArns: - !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Payer Glue Crawler CWE Rule that triggers the MAPAthenaExtractionQuery Lambda # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PayerGlueCrawlerRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Name: PayerGlueCrawlerRule Description: "Payer Glue Crawler CWE Rule that triggers the MAPAthenaExtractionQuery Lambda" EventPattern: source: - aws.glue detail-type: - Glue Crawler State Change detail: crawlerName: - !Ref payergluecrawlername state: - Succeeded State: DISABLED Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt "MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambda.Arn" Id: IDMAPAthenaExtractionQuery PayerGlueCrawlerRuleLambdaPermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: FunctionName: Ref: "MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambda" Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction" Principal: "" SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - "PayerGlueCrawlerRule" - "Arn" PayerScheduledRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Name: PayerScheduledRule Description: "Payer Scheduled CWE Rule that triggers the MAPAthenaExtractionQuery Lambda" State: DISABLED ScheduleExpression: "rate(4 minutes)" Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt "MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambda.Arn" Id: IDMAPAthenaExtractionQuery PayerScheduledRuleLambdaPermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: FunctionName: Ref: "MAPAthenaExtractionQueryLambda" Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction" Principal: "" SourceArn: Fn::GetAtt: - "PayerScheduledRule" - "Arn" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S3 Output Bucket for Linked Accounts. # S3 Bucket Event Trigger for Cross Account Permissions Lambda # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S3 Output Bucket for LinkedAccount S3OutputBucketForLinkedAccount: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: !Sub "${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 AccessControl: BucketOwnerFullControl LifecycleConfiguration: Rules: - AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload: DaysAfterInitiation: 3 NoncurrentVersionExpirationInDays: 3 Status: Enabled PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true IgnorePublicAcls: true RestrictPublicBuckets: true Tags: - Key: Description Value: S3 Output Bucket for LinkedAccount VersioningConfiguration: Status: Enabled # Bucket Policy for S3 Bucket for Linked Account S3OutputBucketPolicy: Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy Properties: Bucket: !Ref S3OutputBucketForLinkedAccount PolicyDocument: Statement: - Action: - "s3:*" Effect: "Allow" Resource: - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}' - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/*' - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/${outputfolder}/*' Principal: AWS: - !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${linkedaccountid}:root' S3OutputBucketNotificationLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' DependsOn: - S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambda Properties: Code: ZipFile: > const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const response = require('./cfn-response'); exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const putConfigRequest = function(notificationConfiguration) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { s3.putBucketNotificationConfiguration({ Bucket: event.ResourceProperties.BucketName, NotificationConfiguration: notificationConfiguration }, function(err, data) { if (err) reject({ msg: this.httpResponse.body.toString(), error: err, data: data }); else resolve(data); }); }); }; const newNotificationConfig = {}; if (event.RequestType !== 'Delete') { newNotificationConfig.LambdaFunctionConfigurations = [{ Events: [ 's3:ObjectCreated:*' ], LambdaFunctionArn: event.ResourceProperties.TargetLambdaArn }]; } putConfigRequest(newNotificationConfig).then(function(result) { response.send(event, context, response.SUCCESS, result); callback(null, result); }).catch(function(error) { response.send(event, context, response.FAILED, error); console.log(error); callback(error); }); }; Handler: 'index.handler' Timeout: 30 Runtime: nodejs12.x ReservedConcurrentExecutions: 1 Role: !GetAtt S3OutputBucketNotificationLambdaRole.Arn CreateS3OutputBucketNotification: Type: 'Custom::CreateS3OutputBucketNotification' DependsOn: - S3OutputBucketPolicy Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt S3OutputBucketNotificationLambda.Arn TargetLambdaArn: !GetAtt S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambda.Arn BucketName: !Sub "${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}" FolderName: !Sub "${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/${outputfolder}" S3EventNotificationLambdaPermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction' FunctionName: !GetAtt S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambda.Arn Principal: '' SourceAccount: !Ref AWS::AccountId SourceArn: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}' S3OutputBucketNotificationLambdaRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: S3OutputBucketNotificationLambdaPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:logs:*:*:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:*' Resource: !Sub 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}' #MAP S3 Output Bucket Permissions Lambda S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: FunctionName: !Join - '' - - MAP_ - s3outputbucketpermissionslambda Role: !GetAtt S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambdaRole.Arn Code: ZipFile: > const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const util = require('util'); exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { // If its an object delete, do nothing if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') { } else // Its an object put { // Get the source bucket from the S3 event var srcBucket = event.Records[0]; // Object key may have spaces or unicode non-ASCII characters, decode it var srcKey = decodeURIComponent(event.Records[0].s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, " ")); // Define the object permissions, using the permissions array var params = { Bucket: srcBucket, Key: srcKey, AccessControlPolicy: { 'Owner': { 'DisplayName': process.env.payeraccountid.toString(), 'ID': process.env.canonicalidpayer.toString() }, 'Grants': [ { 'Grantee': { 'Type': 'CanonicalUser', 'DisplayName': process.env.payeraccountid.toString(), 'ID': process.env.canonicalidpayer.toString() }, 'Permission': 'FULL_CONTROL' }, { 'Grantee': { 'Type': 'CanonicalUser', 'DisplayName': process.env.linkedaccountid.toString(), 'ID': process.env.canonicalidlinked.toString() }, 'Permission': 'READ' }, ] } }; // get reference to S3 client var s3 = new AWS.S3(); // Put the ACL on the object s3.putObjectAcl(params, function(err, data) { if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred else console.log(data); // successful response }); } }; Handler: 'index.handler' Environment: Variables: payeraccountid: !Ref AWS::AccountId linkedaccountid: !Ref linkedaccountid canonicalidpayer: !Ref canonicalidpayer canonicalidlinked: !Ref canonicalidlinked outputfolder: !Ref outputfolder MemorySize: '256' Runtime: nodejs12.x ReservedConcurrentExecutions: 1 Timeout: 300 #MAP S3 Output Bucket Permissions Lambda Role S3OutputBucketPermissionsLambdaRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: !Sub map-s3outputbucketpermissionslambdarole-${AWS::Region} AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: AllowLambdaAssumeRole Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Policies: - PolicyName: S3Policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: '1' Action: - 's3:*' Effect: Allow Resource: - !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region} - !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:s3:::${s3outputbucketname}-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}/* - Sid: '2' Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' - 'logs:DescribeLogStreams' Effect: Allow Resource: '*' - Sid: '3' Action: - 'secretsmanager:*' Effect: Allow Resource: '*' ManagedPolicyArns: - !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"