import os import re import math import json import boto3 import subprocess import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from time import gmtime, strftime pricing_client = boto3.client('pricing') def run_load_tests(api_url, endpoints_list): """ Runs a locust load test for a given list of endpoints. Given a set of SageMaker endpoints and an API Gateway URL, this function runs the file for each endpoint. For easy reference, the result files are organized into a folder with the endpoint name and time prefix. Inputs: api_url: API Gateway URL for load testing. endpoints_list: List of SageMaker endpoints to run the load tests on. Output: Folder name where the load test results are saved. """ time_stamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) # Iterate over the different endpoints for endpoint in endpoints_list: print(f"\nLoad testing {endpoint}...")["bash", "", f"{endpoint}", f"{api_url}"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(f"Organizing {endpoint} result files...") prefix = f"test_{endpoint}" os.makedirs(f"results-{time_stamp}/{prefix}") files = [f for f in os.listdir() if prefix in f] for file in files: os.rename(file, f"results-{time_stamp}/{prefix}/{file}") print("Load testing complete!") return f"results-{time_stamp}" def get_pricing(instance_type, duration='hour'): """ Return current SageMaker pricing for a given instance. Using the AWS PriceList API, this function returns the current pricing for a given instance type. This function is called to plot the performance vs. price plots. Inputs: instance_type: SageMaker instance type, e.g., ml.m5.xlarge duration: time for pricing - default at hour. Valid options are hour, day or month. Output: Price of the instance in USD. """ flag = False # Validate 'duration' if duration not in ['hour', 'day', 'month']: print("Duration should be one of hour, day or month. Exiting..") return 0 # Get pricing resp = pricing_client.get_products( ServiceCode='AmazonSageMaker', Filters=[ { 'Type': 'TERM_MATCH', 'Field': 'instanceType', 'Value': f"{instance_type}-Hosting" } ] ) for price_list in resp['PriceList']: # Get pricing for us-east-1 if json.loads(price_list)['product']['attributes']['location'] == "US East (N. Virginia)": x1 = json.loads(price_list)['terms']['OnDemand'] x1_key1 = list(x1.keys())[0] x2 = x1[x1_key1]['priceDimensions'] x2_key2 = list(x2.keys())[0] x3 = x2[x2_key2]['pricePerUnit']['USD'] flag = True if flag == False: print("Could not find instance in us-east-1. Exiting..") return 0 if duration=='hour': return round(float(x3), 3) elif duration=='day': return round(float(x3), 3) * 24 elif duration=='month': return round(float(x3), 3) * 24 * 30 def generate_plots(endpoints, endpoints_dict, results_folder, sep_cpu_gpu=False): """ Generate plots comparing the performance vs price This function calls the get_pricing function to get instance prices, and plots them against the performance of each endpoint. Inputs: endpoints: list of endpoint names endpoints_dict: list of endpoint names with instance counts results_folder: path where load test results are saved sep_cpu_gpu: bool whether to plot CPU and GPU results in separate plots. defaults to False Output: Matplotlib plot showing performance against price. """ prices = {} for item in endpoints_dict: instance = item['instance_type'] count = item['instance_count'] cost = get_pricing(instance) prices.update({ f"{instance}.x{count}" : cost * count }) # Get max requests for all instance types max_requests = {} for ep in endpoints: prefix = f"test_{ep}" df = pd.read_csv(f"{results_folder}/{prefix}/{prefix}_stats_history.csv") fail_at_1 = df.tail(1)['Requests/s'].values[0] max_requests.update({ ep.split("-", 1)[1].replace("-", "."): fail_at_1 }) results = pd.DataFrame([prices, max_requests]).T results.columns = ['Price per Hour', 'Max Requests per Second'] # Round down requests per second to integer results['Max Requests per Second'] = results['Max Requests per Second'].apply( lambda x: math.floor(x) ) # get cpu-gpu flag results['type'] = results.index.str.split('.') results['type'] = results['type'].apply(lambda x: x[1]) results['gpu_flag'] = results['type'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x.startswith(('p', 'g', 'e', 'i')) else 0) results.drop(['type'], axis=1, inplace=True) if sep_cpu_gpu: cpu_df = results[results['gpu_flag'] == 0] gpu_df = results[results['gpu_flag'] == 1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,6)) # plot cpu instances ax[0].scatter(cpu_df['Price per Hour'], cpu_df['Max Requests per Second']) ax[0].title.set_text('CPU Instances') ax[0].set_xlabel('Instance Price per Hour') ax[0].set_ylabel('Max. Requests per Second') for i, row in cpu_df.iterrows(): ax[0].annotate(i, (row['Price per Hour'], row['Max Requests per Second'])) ax[0].grid('True') # plot gpu instances ax[1].scatter(gpu_df['Price per Hour'], gpu_df['Max Requests per Second']) ax[1].title.set_text('GPU Instances') ax[1].set_xlabel('Instance Price per Hour') ax[1].set_ylabel('Max. Requests per Second') for i, row in gpu_df.iterrows(): ax[1].annotate(i, (row['Price per Hour'], row['Max Requests per Second'])) ax[1].grid('True') fig.suptitle("Pricing vs Performance Plot") else: plt.figure(figsize=(12,7)) for i in results.values: plt.scatter(i[0], i[1]) plt.title('Pricing vs Performance Plot', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Instance Price per Hour', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Max. Requests per Second', fontsize=12) plt.legend(results.index) plt.grid('True') return results.drop(['gpu_flag'], axis=1) def generate_latency_plot(endpoints, results_folder): """ Generate latency plots for a given list of endpoints Given a list of endpoints, this function plots the minimum, maximum and average latency in a box plot. Inputs: endpoints: list of endpoint names results_folder: path where load test results are saved Output: Boxplot of latencies per instance type """ latency_dict= {} # for each endpoint get latency from the load test results for ep in endpoints: prefix = f"test_{ep}" df = pd.read_csv(f"{results_folder}/{prefix}/{prefix}_stats.csv") min_latency = round(df.tail(1)['Min Response Time'].values[0] / 1000, 1) avg_latency = round(df.tail(1)['Average Response Time'].values[0] / 1000, 1) max_latency = round(df.tail(1)['Max Response Time'].values[0] / 1000, 1) latency_dict.update({ ep.split("-", 1)[1].replace("-", "."): [min_latency, avg_latency, max_latency] }) # generate a data frame of the results and plot a box plot results = pd.DataFrame(latency_dict) res_plot = results.plot(legend=True, figsize=(12, 7), kind='box', title="Request Latency Across Instance Types", xlabel="Instance Type", ylabel="Latency in Seconds") def get_min_max_instances(results_df, min_requests, max_requests): """ Calculates recommendations for autoscaling Based on the maximum requests handled by each endpoint, this function calculates and returns the optimal instance count and type for an autoscaling configuration. Inputs: results_df: pandas data frame with instance types and their maximum rps min_requests: minimum number of requests per second required for the application max_requests: maximum number of requests per second required for the application Output: Recommended instance type and count for optimal costs """ if max_requests < min_requests: print("Minimum requests should be less than or equal to the maximum number of requests per second. Exiting..") return # calculate min and max number of instance required for each instance type # to serve the min and max rps, and calculate the corresponding prices results_df = results_df.copy(deep=True) results_df['Min Instances'] = results_df['Max Requests per Second'].apply(lambda x: round(min_requests / x)) results_df['Pricing'] = results_df.apply(lambda x: x['Price per Hour'] * x['Min Instances'], axis=1) results_df = results_df.sort_values(['Pricing']) results_df = results_df[results_df['Min Instances'] > 0] results_df['Max Instances'] = results_df['Max Requests per Second'].apply(lambda x: round(max_requests / x)) # recommended type is the top row of the sorted data frame recommended_type = results_df.head(1).index.values[0] recommended_type = re.sub(r'.x[0-9]', '', recommended_type) recommended_min = results_df.head(1)['Min Instances'].values[0] recommended_max = results_df.head(1)['Max Instances'].values[0] recommended_dict = [ {"instance_type": recommended_type, "instance_count": int(recommended_min)}, {"instance_type": recommended_type, "instance_count": int(recommended_max)} ] return recommended_dict