import sys import os import getopt import boto3 import json def lambda_handler(event, context): global dashboard_template global medialive_channel_arn version = '0.5' """ Notes: Version 0.1: Initial Release Version 0.2: Added support of both 'Status Code Range (sum), 2xx4xx' and 'Status Code Range (sum), 3xx5xx' metrics Added '-l/--list' command line option with which a user can provide a list of MediaLive Channel ARNs for which the Dashboard will be created. NOTE: All MediaLive Channels in this list must be in the same region." Version 0.3: Added a text widget to contain all the links to the MediaLive/MediaPackage channel consoles of the channels of this dashboard. Version 0.4: Switched MediaLive centric widgets to use the MediaLive Channel Name instead of the ARN Version 0.5: Added support for the new dual channel MediaPackage implementation. """ dashboard_template = """{ "widgets": [ { "type": "text", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 24, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "# MediaPackage Section Title" } }, { "type": "text", "x": 0, "y": 1, "width": 12, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "## Ingress" } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 2, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Ingress Bytes (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 11, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Ingress Response Times (avg)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Average", "period": 60 } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 20, "width": 12, "height": 12, "properties": { "title": "Status Code Range (sum), 3xx,5xx", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "text", "x": 12, "y": 1, "width": 12, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "## Egress" } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 2, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Egress Request Bytes (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 11, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Egress Request Count (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 20, "width": 12, "height": 12, "properties": { "title": "Status Code Range (sum), 2xx,4xx", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "text", "x": 0, "y": 32, "width": 24, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "# MediaLive Section Title" } }, { "type": "text", "x": 0, "y": 33, "width": 12, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "## Input" } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 34, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Input Video Frame Rate (avg)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Average", "period": 60, "annotations": { "horizontal": [ { "label": "30 frames per second", "value": 30 }, { "label": "30 frames per second", "value": 30, "yAxis": "right" }, { "label": "60 frames per second", "value": 60 }, { "label": "60 frames per second", "value": 60, "yAxis": "right" } ] }, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 43, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Network In (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 52, "width": 12, "height": 6, "properties": { "title": "Dropped Frames (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } }, "legend": {"position": "bottom"} } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 58, "width": 12, "height": 6, "properties": { "title": "Fill Milliseconds (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "legend": {"position": "bottom"} } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 64, "width": 12, "height": 6, "properties": { "title": "SVQ Time (percentage)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "period": 300, "stat": "Average", "legend": {"position": "bottom"} } }, { "type": "text", "x": 12, "y": 33, "width": 12, "height": 1, "properties": { "markdown": "## Output" } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 34, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Output Video Frame Rate (avg)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Average", "period": 60, "annotations": { "horizontal": [ { "label": "30 frames per second", "value": 30 }, { "label": "30 frames per second", "value": 30, "yAxis": "right" }, { "label": "60 frames per second", "value": 60 }, { "label": "60 frames per second", "value": 60, "yAxis": "right" } ] }, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 43, "width": 12, "height": 9, "properties": { "title": "Network Out (sum)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": false, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Sum", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 }, "right": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "metric", "x": 12, "y": 52, "width": 12, "height": 12, "properties": { "title": "Active Output Renditions (avg)", "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": true, "metrics": [], "region": "", "stat": "Average", "period": 60, "yAxis": { "left": { "min": 0 } } } }, { "type": "text", "x": 12, "y": 64, "width": 12, "height": 6, "properties": { "markdown": "# Console Links for all channels\nHold down the Control (Ctrl) key when selecting a link to open the console in a new tab within the browser. \n\n" } } ] }""" # General functions def usage(app_name): """Function that prints out a detailed help page for the script""" global version print '\npython {0} -a MediaLive_ARN -n Dashboard_Name [Optional parameters]\n'.format(app_name) print 'Version:', version print '\nThis script creates a CloudWatch Dashboard for a MediaLive/MediaPackage workflow.' print "It uses the MediaLive Channel Arn as input and determines the MediaPackage instances from the " print "MediaLive channel configuration. It then creates the CloudWatch Dashboard that contains info on the" print "MediaLive channel, the two MediaPackage channels, and all of the MediaPackage endpoints." print "\nRequired parameters:" print "-a, --arn: MediaLive Channel ARN" print "-n, --name: Name for the CloudWatch Dashboard. " print "" print "Optional parameters" print "-l, --list: Filename of a file that contains a list of MediaLive Channel ARNs, 1 ARN per line. " print " All MediaLive channels and their corresponding MediaPackage channels will be included in " print " the CloudWatch Dashboard." print " Note: This parameter is ignored if a channel ARN is provided via the '-a/--arn' option" print " Note: All ARNs in the list must be for channels in the same region. All ARNs not in the same" print " region as the first ARN in the list will be ignored." print '-h, --help: Print this help and exit.' print "" print 'Examples:' print "" print 'Using MediaLive ARN arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:0123456789:channel:123456 and create a CloudWatch ' \ 'Dashboard called "My TV Dashboard"' print 'python {0} -a arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:0123456789:channel:123456 ' \ '-n "My TV Dashboard" '.format(app_name) print "" print 'Using the MediaLive Channel ARN list defined in the text file "My EML arns.txt" create a CloudWatch' \ 'Dashboard called "Primary Bouquet".' print 'python {0} -l "My EML arns.txt" -n "Primary Bouquet"\n'.format(app_name) def print_mini_help(app_name): """Print statement showing how to use the '-h/--help' option to get help on proper usage of the script""" print "\nExecute the script with either '-h' or '--help' to obtain detailed help on how to run the script:" print 'python {0} -h'.format(app_name) print "or" print 'python {0} --help\n'.format(app_name) def is_valid_medialive_channel_arn(mlive_channel_arn): """Determine if the ARN provided is a valid / complete MediaLive Channel ARN""" if mlive_channel_arn.startswith("arn:aws:medialive:") and "channel" in mlive_channel_arn: return True else: return False def extract_medialive_region(ml_channel_arn): """"Given a MediaLive Channel Arn determine the region the channel is in.""" region = None # arn:aws:medialive:us-west-2:0123456789:channel:123456 if is_valid_medialive_channel_arn(ml_channel_arn): arn_parts = ml_channel_arn.split(":") if len(arn_parts) == 7: region = arn_parts[3] return region def extract_medialive_channel_id(ml_channel_arn): """Given a MediaLive Channel ARN, return the MediaLive Channel ID""" ml_channel_id = None if is_valid_medialive_channel_arn(ml_channel_arn): ml_channel_id = ml_channel_arn.strip().split(":")[-1] return ml_channel_id def load_eml_arn_list(ml_list_file): """Load the MediaLive Channel ARNs defined in "ml_list_file" and return as a list. All MediaLive Channels must be in the same region to be eligble for inclusion into a CloudWatch Dashboard metric widget. Therefore only Channel ARNs in the same region as the first Channel ARN in the list will be returned. Additionally, any duplicate ARNs will be discarded as well.""" first_region = None is_first_arn = True result = [] try: with open(ml_list_file, "rt") as in_file: for line in in_file: line = line.strip() if is_valid_medialive_channel_arn(line): current_region = extract_medialive_region(line) if is_first_arn: first_region = current_region is_first_arn = False if current_region == first_region: if line not in result: result.append(line) else: print "Skipping duplicate MediaLive ARN '{0}', since it already exists in the " \ "list".format(line) else: print "Ignoring MediaLive ARN '{0}', since it's not in the same region as the first " \ "ARN in the list.".format(line) else: if line is not "": print "'{0}' is not a valid MediaLive Channel ARN".format(line) return result except Exception, e: print "Error: Processing EML Channel ARN List file '{0}'\n{1}".format(ml_list_file, e.message) # MediaLive related functions def create_medialive_client_instance(ml_region): """Create a MediaLive Client Instance for the region specified in "ml_region". """ try: medialive = boto3.client('medialive', region_name=ml_region) return medialive except Exception, e: print "Error: Creating a MediaLive Client instance:\n '{0}'".format(e.message) responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error: Creating a MediaLive Client instance'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 def extract_medialive_channel_info(ml_client, ml_channel_id): """Perform a list-channels query against all MediaLive channel in the region specified by the MediaLive Channel ID and retrieve the MediaLive Channel Name, and MediaPackage Channel ARNs Returns: MediaLive_Channel_Name & a list of MediaPackage channels""" mediapackage_channel_list = [] channel_name = None try: response = ml_client.describe_channel( ChannelId=ml_channel_id ) channel_name = str(response["Name"]) destinations = response["Destinations"] for destination in destinations: for output in destination["Settings"]: url = str(output["Url"]) if "mediapackage" in url: mediapackage_channel_list.append(url) except Exception, e: print "Error:", e.message return channel_name, mediapackage_channel_list def extract_medialive_outputgroup_names(ml_client, ml_channel_id): """given the MediaLive Channel ID "ml_channel_id" retrieve a list of all Output Group Names defined in the channel configuration.""" mp_outputgroup_names = [] try: channel_response = ml_client.describe_channel(ChannelId=ml_channel_id) outputgroups = channel_response["EncoderSettings"]["OutputGroups"] for outputgroup in outputgroups: groupname = str(outputgroup["Name"]) mp_outputgroup_names.append(groupname) return mp_outputgroup_names except Exception, e: print "Error: Unable to perform the describe-channel() query for the MediaLive Channel", ml_channel_id print "Error message:", e # MediaPackage related functions def create_mediapackage_client_instance(mp_region): """Create a MediaPackage Client Instance for the region specified in "mp_region". """ try: mediapackage = boto3.client('mediapackage', region_name=mp_region) return mediapackage except Exception, e: print "Error: Creating a MediaPackage Client instance '{0}'".format(e.message) def extract_mediapackage_channel_names(ml_client, mediapackage_url_list, ml_region): """Using the list-channels query, in the region "ml_region", find the MediaPackage Channel Id for the MediaPackage Channels defined in "mediapackage_url_list".""" mp_uids = [] mp_channel_names = [] for mediapackage_url in mediapackage_url_list: if "mediapackage." + ml_region in mediapackage_url: if "/v1/" in mediapackage_url: url_parts = mediapackage_url.split("/") if len(url_parts) == 7: emp_ch_id = url_parts[5] mp_uids.append(emp_ch_id) elif "/v2/" in mediapackage_url: url_parts = mediapackage_url.split("/") if len(url_parts) == 8: emp_ch_id = url_parts[5] if emp_ch_id not in mp_uids: mp_uids.append(emp_ch_id) if len(mp_uids) > 0: response = ml_client.list_channels() for channel in response["Channels"]: channel_arn = channel["Arn"] channel_uid = channel_arn.split("/")[-1] if channel_uid in mp_uids: mp_channel_names.append(channel["Id"]) return mp_channel_names def extract_mediapackage_endpoints(mp_client, mp_channel_id_list): """Using the list_origin_endpoints query, find all the MediaPackage endpoints for the MediaPackage channels defined in "mediapackage_channel_id_list" """ emp_endpoint_list = {} for channel in mp_channel_id_list: emp_endpoint_list[str(channel)] = [] response = mp_client.list_origin_endpoints() for endpoint in response['OriginEndpoints']: if str(endpoint["ChannelId"]) in mp_channel_id_list: emp_endpoint_list[str(endpoint["ChannelId"])].append(str(endpoint['Id'])) return emp_endpoint_list # CloudWatch related functions def create_cloudwatch_client_instance(): """Create a CloudWatch Client Instance. """ try: cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch') return cloudwatch except Exception, e: responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error creating CloudWatch Client instance'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 def extract_cw_metrics_output_names(cw_client, ml_channel_id): """Retrieve a list of MediaLive OutputNames for all Outputs defined in the OutputVideoFrameRate CloudWatch Metric of the MediaLive defined by the MediaLive Channel ID "ml_channel_id" """ output_name_list = [] try: paginator = cw_client.get_paginator('list_metrics') for response in paginator.paginate(Dimensions=[{'Name': 'ChannelId', 'Value': ml_channel_id}, {'Name': 'OutputName'}, {'Name': 'Pipeline'}], MetricName='OutputVideoFrameRate', Namespace='MediaLive'): if len(response["Metrics"]) > 0: for metric in response["Metrics"]: entry = {} dimensions = metric["Dimensions"] for dimension in dimensions: if dimension["Name"] == "OutputName": entry["OutputName"] = dimension["Value"] elif dimension["Name"] == "ChannelId": entry["ChannelId"] = dimension["Value"] elif dimension["Name"] == "Pipeline": entry["Pipeline"] = dimension["Value"] output_name_list.append(entry) return output_name_list except Exception, e: print "Error while retrieving CloudWatch OutputName information", e.message def create_cloudwatch_dashboard(cw_client, cw_dashboard_name, cw_dashboard_body): """Use put_dashboard to create a new CloudWatch Dashboard named "cw_dashboard_name" that consists of the definition as defined in "cw_dashboard_body" """ try: cw_dashboard_name = cw_dashboard_name.replace(" ", "-") response = cw_client.put_dashboard( DashboardName=cw_dashboard_name, DashboardBody=cw_dashboard_body ) result_code = response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] if result_code == 200: print "Successfully created Dashboard '{0}'".format(cw_dashboard_name) else: print "HTTP Status Code:", result_code except Exception, e: responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error while trying to create new CloudWatch Dashboard'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 # CloudWatch Dashboard metrics related def update_ingress_bytes_metric(mp_channel_names): """Update the metrics of the "Ingress Bytes (sum)" dashboard widget """ results = [] for mp_name in mp_channel_names: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "IngressBytes", "Channel", mp_name] results.append(entry) return results def update_ingress_resp_times_metric(mp_channel_names): """Update the metrics of the "Ingress Response Times (avg)" dashboard widget""" results = [] for mp_name in mp_channel_names: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "IngressResponseTime", "Channel", mp_name] results.append(entry) return results def update_egress_req_bytes_metric(mp_endpoint_names): """Update the metrics of the "Egress Request Bytes (sum)" dashboard widget""" results = [] for mp_name in mp_endpoint_names: endpoints = mp_endpoint_names[mp_name] for endpoint in endpoints: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressBytes", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint] results.append(entry) return results def update_egress_req_count_metric(mp_endpoint_names): """Update the metrics of the "Egress Request Count (sum)" dashboard widget""" results = [] for mp_name in mp_endpoint_names: endpoints = mp_endpoint_names[mp_name] for endpoint in endpoints: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressRequestCount", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint] results.append(entry) return results def update_status_code_range_2xx4xx_metric(mp_endpoint_names): """Update the metrics of the "Status Code Range (sum)" dashboard widget""" results = [] for mp_name in mp_endpoint_names: endpoints = mp_endpoint_names[mp_name] for endpoint in endpoints: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressRequestCount", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint, "StatusCodeRange", "2xx"] results.append(entry) entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressRequestCount", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint, "StatusCodeRange", "4xx", {"yAxis": "right"}] results.append(entry) return results def update_status_code_range_3xx5xx_metric(mp_endpoint_names): """Update the metrics of the "Status Code Range (sum)" dashboard widget""" results = [] for mp_name in mp_endpoint_names: endpoints = mp_endpoint_names[mp_name] for endpoint in endpoints: entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressRequestCount", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint, "StatusCodeRange", "3xx"] results.append(entry) entry = ["AWS/MediaPackage", "EgressRequestCount", "Channel", mp_name, "OriginEndpoint", endpoint, "StatusCodeRange", "5xx", {"yAxis": "right"}] results.append(entry) return results def update_input_video_frame_rate_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "Input Video Frame Rate (avg)" dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "InputVideoFrameRate", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "InputVideoFrameRate", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_network_in_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "Network In (sum)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "NetworkIn", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "NetworkIn", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_dropped_frames_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "Dropped Frames (sum)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "DroppedFrames", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "DroppedFrames", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_fill_msec_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "Fill Milliseconds (sum)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "FillMsec", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "FillMsec", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_svq_time_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "SVQ Time (percentage)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "SvqTime", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "SvqTime", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_output_frame_video_rate_metric(ml_output_names): """Update the metrics of the "Output Video Frame Rate (avg)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] for output in ml_output_names: if output["Pipeline"] == "0": entry = ["MediaLive", "OutputVideoFrameRate", "ChannelId", output["ChannelId"], "OutputName", output["OutputName"], "Pipeline", "0"] result.append(entry) elif output["Pipeline"] == "1": entry = ["MediaLive", "OutputVideoFrameRate", "ChannelId", output["ChannelId"], "OutputName", output["OutputName"], "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_network_output_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name): """Update the metrics of the "Network Out (sum)" dashboard dashboard widget""" result = [] entry = ["MediaLive", "NetworkOut", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] result.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "NetworkOut", "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] result.append(entry) return result def update_active_output_renditions_metric(ml_channel_id, ml_channel_name, ml_channelgroup_names): """Update the metrics of the "Active Output Renditions (avg)" dashboard dashboard widget""" results = [] for groupname in ml_channelgroup_names: entry = ["MediaLive", "ActiveOutputs", "OutputGroupName", groupname, "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "0", {"label": ml_channel_name + "-0"}] results.append(entry) entry = ["MediaLive", "ActiveOutputs", "OutputGroupName", groupname, "ChannelId", ml_channel_id, "Pipeline", "1", {"yAxis": "right", "label": ml_channel_name + "-1"}] results.append(entry) return results def update_console_links_markdown(region, ml_channel_name, ml_channel_id, mp_channel_names): """Update the markdown of the text widget to show the list of console links for the specific MediaLive and MediaPackage channels""" result = "MediaLive: [{0} - {1}](https://{2}{2}#/" \ "channels/{1}) MediaPackage: ".format(ml_channel_name, ml_channel_id, region) mp_name_count = len(mp_channel_names) index = 1 for mp_name in mp_channel_names: tmp = " [{0}](https://{1}{1}#/channels" \ "/{0})".format(mp_name, region) if index < mp_name_count: tmp += " , " index += 1 result += tmp result += " \n" return result def process_all_medialive_channels(ml_channel_list, cw_dashboard_name): """Given a list of all MediaLive Channel ARNs process them one at time and update the CloudWatch Dashboard template""" global dashboard_template eml_region = extract_medialive_region(ml_channel_list[0]) if eml_region is None: print "Error: Unable to extract the Region from the MediaLive Channel ARN '{0}'.".format(ml_channel_list[0]) responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error: Unable to extract the Region from the MediaLive Channel ARN'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 eml_client = create_medialive_client_instance(eml_region) cw_client = create_cloudwatch_client_instance() emp_client = create_mediapackage_client_instance(eml_region) dashboard_json = json.loads(dashboard_template, strict=False) # Update the titles of the 2 sections within the dashboard for widget in dashboard_json["widgets"]: if widget["type"] == "text": text_title = widget["properties"]["markdown"] if "MediaPackage Section Title" in text_title: widget["properties"]["markdown"] = "# {0}: Packaging and Origination".format(cw_dashboard_name) if "MediaLive Section Title" in text_title: widget["properties"]["markdown"] = "# {0}: Encoding".format(cw_dashboard_name) for ml_channel_arn in ml_channel_list: print "Retrieving information from MediaLive channel", ml_channel_arn eml_channel_id = extract_medialive_channel_id(ml_channel_arn) if eml_channel_id is None: print "Error: Verify the MediaLive Channel ARN" responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error: Verify the MediaLive Channel ARN'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 eml_channel_name, emp_channel_arn_list = extract_medialive_channel_info(eml_client, eml_channel_id) if eml_channel_name is None or emp_channel_arn_list == []: responseData = { 'Reason': 'Error: Retrieving MediaLive Name and\or MediaPackage Destinations from the MediaLive Channel'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 print "MediaLive Channel Name: ", eml_channel_name eml_outputgroup_names = extract_medialive_outputgroup_names(eml_client, eml_channel_id) eml_output_names = extract_cw_metrics_output_names(cw_client, eml_channel_id) print "Retrieving information from the MediaPackage channels" emp_channel_names = extract_mediapackage_channel_names(emp_client, emp_channel_arn_list, eml_region) emp_endpoint_names = extract_mediapackage_endpoints(emp_client, emp_channel_names) for widget in dashboard_json["widgets"]: if widget["type"] == "metric": metrics = [] metric_title = widget["properties"]["title"] if "Ingress Bytes (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_ingress_bytes_metric(emp_channel_names) elif "Ingress Response Times" in metric_title: metrics += update_ingress_resp_times_metric(emp_channel_names) elif "Egress Request Bytes (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_egress_req_bytes_metric(emp_endpoint_names) elif "Egress Request Count (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_egress_req_count_metric(emp_endpoint_names) elif "Status Code Range (sum), 2xx,4xx" in metric_title: metrics += update_status_code_range_2xx4xx_metric(emp_endpoint_names) elif "Status Code Range (sum), 3xx,5xx" in metric_title: metrics += update_status_code_range_3xx5xx_metric(emp_endpoint_names) elif "Active Output Renditions (avg)" in metric_title: metrics += update_active_output_renditions_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name, eml_outputgroup_names) elif "Output Video Frame Rate (avg)" in metric_title: metrics += update_output_frame_video_rate_metric(eml_output_names) elif "Input Video Frame Rate (avg)" in metric_title: metrics += update_input_video_frame_rate_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) elif "Network In (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_network_in_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) elif "Dropped Frames (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_dropped_frames_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) elif "Network Out (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_network_output_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) elif "SVQ Time (percentage)" in metric_title: metrics += update_svq_time_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) elif "Fill Milliseconds (sum)" in metric_title: metrics += update_fill_msec_metric(eml_channel_id, eml_channel_name) else: print "Unsupported metric '{0}' found in the dashboard template".format(metric_title) if len(metrics) > 0: widget["properties"]["metrics"] += metrics widget["properties"]["region"] = eml_region if widget["type"] == "text": markdown = widget["properties"]["markdown"] if "Console Links for all channels" in markdown: tmp = update_console_links_markdown(eml_region, eml_channel_name, eml_channel_id, emp_channel_names) widget["properties"]["markdown"] = markdown + tmp dashboard_template = json.dumps(dashboard_json, indent=4, sort_keys=True) create_cloudwatch_dashboard(cw_client, cw_dashboard_name, dashboard_template) def main(argv=None): medialive_channel_arn = os.environ['MyArn'] dashboard_name = os.environ['MyDashB'] if dashboard_name is '': responseData = { 'Reason': 'Please provide a name for the Dashboard'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 eml_list_filename = None eml_channel_arn_list = [] if medialive_channel_arn is not None: medialive_channel_arn = medialive_channel_arn.replace(' ','') eml_channel_arn_list = medialive_channel_arn.split(';') elif medialive_channel_arn is None and eml_list_filename is not None: eml_channel_arn_list = load_eml_arn_list(eml_list_filename) arn_count = len(eml_channel_arn_list) print "\nFound {0} valid MediaLive Channel ARNs in the file {1}".format(arn_count, eml_list_filename) if arn_count == 0: responseData = { 'Reason': 'Please provide a MediaLive Channel ARN'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 # Must have a MediaLive Channel ARN to continue elif medialive_channel_arn is None and len(eml_channel_arn_list) == 0: responseData = { 'Must provide a MediaLive Channel ARN or a file containing a list of MediaLive Channel ARNs'} send(event, context, FAILED, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 1 # Must have a MediaLive Channel ARN to continue process_all_medialive_channels(eml_channel_arn_list, dashboard_name) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) main() medialive_channel_arn = os.environ['MyArn'] responseData = {} send(event, context, SUCCESS, responseData, "CustomResourcePhysicalID") return 0 from botocore.vendored import requests SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" FAILED = "FAILED" def send(event, context, responseStatus, responseData, physicalResourceId=None, noEcho=False): responseUrl = event['ResponseURL'] print responseUrl responseBody = {} responseBody['Status'] = responseStatus responseBody['Reason'] = 'See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: ' + context.log_stream_name responseBody['PhysicalResourceId'] = physicalResourceId or context.log_stream_name responseBody['StackId'] = event['StackId'] responseBody['RequestId'] = event['RequestId'] responseBody['LogicalResourceId'] = event['LogicalResourceId'] responseBody['NoEcho'] = noEcho responseBody['Data'] = responseData json_responseBody = json.dumps(responseBody) print "Response body:\n" + json_responseBody headers = { 'content-type' : '', 'content-length' : str(len(json_responseBody)) } try: response = requests.put(responseUrl, data=json_responseBody, headers=headers) print "Status code: " + response.reason except Exception as e: print "send(..) failed executing requests.put(..): " + str(e)