version: '3.4' services: unicornstore: environment: - ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development # The below environment variables are an example. # Never store passwords or other sensitive data in configuration provider code or in plain text configuration files. # Don't use production secrets in development or test environments. # Specify secrets outside of the project so that they can't be accidentally committed to a source code repository. # You need to UNCOMMENT the below and insert your db specific information. #- UNICORNSTORE_DBSECRET={"username":"unicorndbuser","password":"unicorndbpassword","engine":"sqlserver","host":"","port":1433,"dbInstanceIdentifier":"unicorn-db"} #- #- DefaultAdminPassword=Secret1* healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "wget", "--quiet", "--tries=1", "--spider", ""] interval: 30s timeout: 5s retries: 5 start_period: 30s