# AWS S3 BUCKET MALWARE SCANNING WITH TREND MICRO Welcome to the AWS S3 Bucket Malware Scanning with Trend Micro hands-on workshop. In this workshop, you will learn how to scan your objects that are being uploaded to Amazon S3 buckets for malware and integrate into your custom workflows, by automating with your current resources, directly in your AWS environment. Using Trend Micro - Cloud One, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS SQS, AWS SNS and AWS Cloud Formation, you’ll get hands-on experience implementing an automated Cloud Formation security stack to provide Data Security capabilities to your Amazon S3 buckets. ## Learning Objectives The learning objectives of this workshop is to familiarize users with the deployment, configuration, and usage of the Trend Micro - Cloud One - File Storage Security. ## Expected Duration: - 1 Hour ## Who should attend - Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) - Developers - DevOps Engineers - Cloud Architects - Solution Architects - Information Security - GRC teams - Tech leads and Program Managers (PM) ## AWSWorkshop.io base workshop This is a base workshop. Clone and start from this repo to create your workshop.