# Overview This repo contains the content for a workshop that shows how Weaveworks helps DevOps and AppDev gain end-to-end visibility and immediate insight to identify root cases to problems when managing EKS. This workshop is available at https://weaveworks-gitops.awsworkshop.io/ # To view this content locally * install [hugo](https://gohugo.io/) * macOS: `brew install hugo` * Windows: `choco install hugo -confirm` * clone this repo * execute in the root folder: * `git submodule init` * `git submodule update --recursive --remote` * run ```hugo server``` * open website # Reference * [AWS workshop content documentation guide](https://aws-samples.github.io/aws-modernization-workshop-sample/) * [AWS sample workshop](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-modernization-workshop-sample)