+++ title = "At an AWS Event" chapter = true weight = 10 +++ {{% notice warning %}} Only complete this section if you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, Kubecon, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee). If you are running the workshop on your own, goto: [Start the workshop on your own](/10_aws_prerequisites/20_self_paced.html). {{% /notice %}} ### Login to AWS Workshop Portal This workshop creates an AWS account, EKS Cluster, ELB and Route 53 environments that will be managed by eksctl. You will need the **Participant Hash** provided upon entry, and your email address to track your unique session. Connect to the portal by clicking the button or browsing to [https://dashboard.eventengine.run/](https://dashboard.eventengine.run/). The following screen shows up. ![Event Engine](/images/event-engine-initial-screen.png) Enter the provided hash in the text box. The button on the bottom right corner changes to **Accept Terms & Login**. Click on that button to continue. ![Event Engine Dashboard](/images/event-engine-dashboard.png) Click on **AWS Console** on dashboard. ![Event Engine AWS Console](/images/event-engine-aws-console.png) Take the defaults and click on **Open AWS Console**. This will open AWS Console in a new browser tab. In the **AWS Console**, click on **Cloud9** If a **Cloud9** environment has not been set up: - Click on the **Create Environment** button - Enter a name, such as "GitOps Workshop", for this **Cloud9** environment - Click **Next Step** - Leave the default values unchanged, and click **Next Step** - Again, leave the default values, and click **Create Environment** If a **Cloud9** environment has been set up: - Click on "Open IDE" ### Next step Once you have completed the step above, you can leave the AWS console open. You can now move to the [**ekstctl Setup**](/20_weaveworks_prerequisites.html) section.