+++ title = "Using your own account" chapter = false weight = 20 +++ {{% notice warning %}} PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE INCOMPLETE AS OF **MAY 14, 2020**. PLEASE DO NOT PERFORM THESE WORKSHOPS UNLESS AT AN AWS HOSTED EVENT UNTIL THIS WARNING IS REMOVED. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice warning %}} Only complete this section if you are running the workshop on your own. If you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, Kubecon, Immersion Day, etc), goto [Start the workshop at an AWS event](/10_aws_prerequisites/10_aws_event.html). {{% /notice %}} ### Create an AWS account {{% notice warning %}} You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this workshop in your AWS account. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice note %}} Your account must have the ability to create new IAM roles and scope other IAM permissions. {{% /notice %}} 1. If you don't already have an AWS account with Administrator access: [create one now by clicking here](https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/) 1. Once you have an AWS account, ensure you are following the remaining workshop steps as an IAM user with administrator access to the AWS account: [Create a new IAM user to use for the workshop](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#/users$new) 1. Enter the user details:  1. Attach the AdministratorAccess IAM Policy:  1. Click to create the new user:  1. Take note of the login URL and save:  ### Login Now logout and login as as the new **workshop** user. ### Create keypair This workshop will provision several EC2 VMs, so we will need to make a [key pair](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-key-pairs.html) that the CloudFormation script expects. 1. Within the AWS web console, navigate to **EC2** services and click on the **key pair** left side menu.  1. Click on the **create key pair** button and fill in these values * name = eksworkshop * fileformat = pem  {{% notice warning %}} The name must be **eksworkshop** or the CloudFormation stack creation will fail. {{% /notice %}} 1. Click on the **create key pair**, and a **PEM** file will be downloaded and you will return to the keypair page.  {{% notice info %}} We will not need the PEM file for the workshop, but we recommend you save this file to a safe place especially if this is your AWS account. {{% /notice %}} ### Provision the workshop environment This workshop creates an AWS account and a Cloud9 environment using a CloudFormation script. 1. First need to add keypair named “eksworkshop†in us west-2 (Oregon). 1. Follow [this deep link to load the CloudFormation script.](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-west-2#/stacks/create/template?stackName=ModernizationWorkshop-EKS&templateURL=https://modernization-workshop-bucket.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cfn/master-stacks/vpc-cloud9-eks-QS-based.yaml) 1. The new web page should look like this:  1. Choose all the defaults and click the **Next** button on each page. On the last page, accept all terms at the last page the CloudFormation flow and then click the **Create Stack** button as shown below.  1. The deployment process takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. You can monitor in the AWS console **CloudFormation** service page. When it is done you should see **CREATE_COMPLETE** for all stack and nested stacks as shown below.  ### While you are waiting ... You will be asked to come back to the AWS console to review that CloudFormation status, but for now head to [**GitOps for EKS Prerequisites**](/20_weaveworks_prerequisites/) section.